search for: fieldinfos

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 34 matches for "fieldinfos".

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2006 Aug 23
Ferret 0.10 and Fields
Hey ... I just tried to convert my code to 0.10 .. But i''m currently not sure how to use fields.. i really like some of the new api.. its leaner and i like the fact that these strange consts are gone (like Ferret::Search::BooleanClause::Occur::MUST) .. I see that you''re now having Ferret::Index::FieldInfo to describe the fields of the index.. thats good.. and i now see that
2006 Nov 06
NameError uninitialized constant Ferret::Index::FieldInfos
...39;m getting the following error. I''ve no clue and I didn''t find any previous posts discussing this issue . I''ll really appreciate if any of you can point out what I might be doing wrong. NameError in MaintenanceController#search uninitialized constant Ferret::Index::FieldInfos RAILS_ROOT: script/../config/.. Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:260:in `load_missing_constant'' vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:431:in `const_missing'' vendor/plugins/act...
2007 Jan 22
[Ferret] Test failures for ferret tagged REL-0.10.14
Hi Dave, I''ve been getting some segment faults while running my tests using 0.10.14 gem so I decided to package the gem locally to add -dH and generate core dumps for you. So I followed instructions here and first off ran the tests. I''m getting the following failures. (see this pastie I
2007 Apr 10
ferret-0.11.4-mswin32 not compatible with Ruby1.8.4
Just a quick note for future reference - at least for me, ferret won''t work on Ruby 1.8.4. gem install ferret Successfully installed ferret-0.11.4-mswin32 ruby -v ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i386-mswin32] irb irb(main):001:0> require ''ferret'' A windows error message box appears - ruby.exe - Entry Point Not Found The procedure entry point rb_w32_write could not be
2008 Apr 04
Bug Report: Segmentation Fault when indexing with a specific set of FieldInfos.
...s the Trac error message: 500 Internal Server Error (Submission rejected as potential spam (IP blacklisted by,, Maximum number of posts per hour for this IP exceeded)) And this is the bug description: I''m indexing e-mail messages, and using a specific FieldInfos configuration for this. Unfortunately, when given certain (spammy) messages using this configuration, Ferret segfaults. I''ve tested this in several places. In my local development environment, it works just fine. The segfaults happen in the remote EC2 servers used by the project. I manag...
2006 Nov 17
undefined method `exists?''
Anyone ever run into this error message when creating a new FieldInfos?>:no) NoMethodError: undefined method `exists?'' for {:store=>:no}:Hash -- Posted via
2006 Nov 02
highlighting with find_by_contents
I''m trying to highlight keyword snippets using the highlight method of the results returned from find_by_contents (the actual models), but always come up with an empty array. Any ideas what could be going wrong? -- Posted via
2006 Aug 29
uninitialized constant UNTOKENIZED
I''m getting "uninitialized constant UNTOKENIZED" when I try to do something like the following: class Url < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret :fields => {''name'' => {}, ''description'' => {}, ''url'' => {:index => Ferret::Document::Field::Index::UNTOKENIZED},
2007 Feb 26
Ferret 0.11.0 tests segfault
I have an important segfault when I create the index (via Ferret::Index::FieldInfos#create_index). I decided to run the tests, this is what I have : $> ruby test_all.rb Loading once Loaded suite test_all Started ....................EEEEEEEE./unit/../unit/index/../../unit/store/../../unit/analysis/../../unit/utils/../../unit/query_parser/../../unit/search/tc_filter.rb:11: [BUG]...
2006 Oct 07
How to proceed with incorporating Ferret?
Hi, I''ve listened in to this mail list for quite a while now but not doing anything with Ferret until I was ready to incorporate it. I''ve used Lucene for years, but not Ferret. I downloaded and installed the ''bleeding edge'' version (lets call it There appears to be a significant re-working of the API happening. It all looks good. But there
2007 Jan 01
Possible Bug when Creating Indexes
I''m running: ferret (0.10.9) ruby 1.8.5 (2006-08-25) [i386-mswin32] on Windows XP(SP2) When I create an index as follows: field_infos = => :yes, :term_vector => :no, :index => :yes) field_infos.add_field(:id, :index => :untokenized) field_infos.add_field(:subject) field_infos.add_field(:author) field_infos.add_field(:tags, :store => :no) index = field_infos.create_index(THREAD_INDEX_DIR) then try to add t...
2006 Sep 18
Dynamic fields and AAF
...them in ferret. I was using 0.9.5 with 0.2 of aaf, which seemed fine, I just copied and pasted (yes, I know, ick) the to_doc method and added code to iterate though the properties that that model had, and add relavent fields to the document. It seems that this will be a bit harder now with the FieldInfos. Has anyone else done this, and is there a recognised way of doing it? David -- Posted via
2007 Jul 11
Query scoring - WTF?
Hi! I thought I understood Ferret''s query scoring and how to tweak results using boost values. What I currently experience however, leaves me completely baffled. Perhaps someone can shed some light on the scoring algorithm, because asking Ferret to "explain" the score for a particular document isn''t as informative as I thought. Actually, it confuses me even
2007 Jun 12
index browser inconsistent with IndexReader
Hi, We have an index of around 1M web pages as part of our web app. The app uses ferret by way of RDig to perform searches. We have noticed anecdotally that some searches don''t work the way we thought they should, as if documents were missing from the index. Yesterday we came upon a concrete instance of this. Our documents have several fields, one of which is called :keywords and
2020 Jul 26
Trying to use solr
__ Francis Augusto Medeiros-Logeay francis at Mobile: +47 45 17 14 91 Oslo, Norway Sent from a mobile device / Enviado a partir de dispositivo m?vel > On 24 Jul 2020, at 19:34, Shawn Heisey <elyograg at> wrote: > > ?On 7/22/2020 11:13 AM, Francis Augusto Medeiros-Logeay wrote: >> On Solr I get this error: >>
2007 Apr 09
IndexReader#terms for all fields?
Is it possible to query the index for a TermEnum for all fields in the index instead of just ? Thanks, John
2006 Nov 23
Two repeatable crash bugs in Ferret proper
...nvironment. I figure someone here is better equipped to handle this. Schnitz --- First bug: quotes in search terms #!/usr/bin/ruby require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' # Strangely, the omit_norms is required to exercise the bug. field_infos = => :omit_norms) field_infos.add_field( :phile_id ) field_infos.add_field( :file_name ) index = :field_infos => field_infos, :path =>''./exercisequotebugindex'', :create => true ) index << { :file_nam...
2006 Dec 28
Sorting/Ordering Search Results
Hello All, I am having an issue with AAF and sorting results of a search. Right now, I have results being split onto pages of 10. The results are being sorted alphabetically, but not across multiple pages - it''s just sorting the 10 it pulls down on each page. I noticed another post from April regarding this same issue ( where the issue was
2007 Mar 02
Sorted empty search bug
Hello Dave, Hello all, I''ve got this error because I try to search something and sort it by name : Argument Error occured at <except.c>:93 in xraise Error occured in sort.c:551 - field_cache_get_index Cannot sort by field "name". It doesn''t exist in the index. The problem, occur when my index is empty, so the field "name" does not exists. --
2006 Sep 26
Scoring/similarity, biased towards small fields?
Lucene, and perhaps most search engines, are biased towards small fields with little content (where thus the term frequency is higher). Lucene has the option to define a custom (Similarity) class to calculate the similarity between two fields (custom calculation of lengthNorm and tf) in different documents. But how do I do this in ferret? (I know to boost a field, but this is not what I