search for: ferret_update

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 28 matches for "ferret_update".

2007 Feb 01
Automatically Indexing Associated Models
PROBLEM I have two models, Blog and BlogComment. When a blog is initially created, it has no comments. Upon creation, the title and body are automatically added to the ferret index and directly searchable. However, when a comment is added to a blog, that comment does not get added to the index and is therefore not ferretable. The desired behavior is that when a comment is added to a blog, that the
2009 Mar 18
Acts_as_ferret: Slow ferret_update with associated models
Hi, I am using some custom fields for ferret indexing to include fields from associated models. When those child models are updated, I do ferret_update on the parent model. Unfortunately, that takes very long, depending on the number of associated child models. That is because every child model is called to re-index the parent, instead of just the changed one. What can I do to speed up re-indexing? I am using Rails 2.1.2, Ferret 0.11.6 and ActsAs...
2006 Nov 28
Index not being updated
My index is not being updated when I add new records or amend existing ones. Can anyone point me in the direction of where I should be looking for what is going wrong? I''m running this in the production environment. -- Posted via
2006 Sep 18
Automatic reindexing of associated columns acts_as_taggable
Hi, So i''m trying to use acts_as_taggable with the acts_as_ferret plugin, where I have Post.rb model, which has a method tag_list made available through acts_as_taggable, as returns a string of associated tag words from the tags table (tag.rb). I''ve set up my Post.rb model in the following way. class Post < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_taggable acts_as_ferret
2007 Apr 05
best way to maintain dynamic fields? << " " result << each.subject result << " " result << each.body end end result end end class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :commentable, :polymorphic => true def after_create commentable.ferret_update end def after_update commentable.ferret_update end def after_destroy commentable.ferret_update end end -- Posted via
2006 Aug 25
disabling automatic indexing in acts_as_ferret
I''d like to be able to enable/disable the automatic indexing of documents acts_as_ferret does. Something like MyModel.disable_indexing MyModel.enable_indexing would be perfect. I need this because I do some indexing that requires visiting the parents of the model objects and my import method imports the children first, so the information isn''t there yet. I''d like to
2007 Aug 06
acts_as_ferret cross model index not updating
Does anyone know how do you get acts_as_ferret to automagically update non-standard fields? I''ve followed Rails Envy''s tutorial ( to get aaf working across different models. And once the index is built it searches fine. In my (main) model, I''ve put: acts_as_ferret :fields => [ :name,
2006 Jun 29
Possibly same issue as ''duplicate search results'' topic?
...l to add the mixin to the model class looks like this: acts_as_ferret :store_class_name => true, :fields => [''id'', ''code'', ''description''] As a test (and a workaround), in acts_as_ferret.rb module InstanceMethods, I replaced: alias :ferret_update :ferret_create with: def ferret_update self.ferret_destroy self.ferret_create end This ensures unique indexes for me. But I''m guessing it''s redundant and something else is not used or working as intended. Thanks for reading, Neil -- Posted via http://www.ruby-for...
2006 Dec 11
Index help on Polymorphic Associations
Hello, I''m a newbie to aaf and rails and I hope anyone can help me with this. I have the following Models: class Project < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_authorizable acts_as_audited :except => [:created_by, :updated_by ], :user_class_name => ''AuthenticatedSystem'', :user_method => ''current_user'' acts_as_ferret :fields => {:name =>
2006 May 10
acts_as_ferret choking
...9; > /opt/local/lib/ruby/1.8/monitor.rb:229:in `synchronize'' > /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ferret-0.9.1/lib/ferret/index/ > index.rb:258:in `<<'' > /Users/sk/Documents/svn/cms/branches/nodes/vendor/plugins/ > acts_as_ferret/lib/acts_as_ferret.rb:407:in `ferret_update'' > (...) The problem seems to be caused by the following code in acts_as_ferret: @sub_readers.each { |r| return false unless r.latest? } which, in turn, causes a NoMethodError because @segment_infos is nil. The problem (or, at least, the symptom) goes away when I add a rescue cla...
2005 Dec 02
ANN: acts_as_ferret
...def acts_as_ferret extend FerretMixin::Acts::ARFerret::ClassMethods class_eval do include FerretMixin::Acts::ARFerret::ClassMethods after_create :ferret_create after_update :ferret_update after_destroy :ferret_destroy end end end module ClassMethods include Ferret INDEX_DIR = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/db/index.db" def self.reloadable?; f...
2005 Dec 02
ANN: acts_as_ferret
...def acts_as_ferret extend FerretMixin::Acts::ARFerret::ClassMethods class_eval do include FerretMixin::Acts::ARFerret::ClassMethods after_create :ferret_create after_update :ferret_update after_destroy :ferret_destroy end end end module ClassMethods include Ferret INDEX_DIR = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/db/index.db" def self.reloadable?; f...
2007 May 25
how to update index with acts_as_ferret?
Hey all, I have movie has_many :medias and media belongs_to :media this is how my movie class looks like: class Movie < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :medias acts_as_ferret :fields => [:title,:medias_name] def medias_name return self.medias.inject("") {|name,m| name + " " +} end end when I do Movie.find_by_contents("title:bob") it does return a movie
2007 Apr 10
disable indexing for an object
Hi, I have a project where the user adds content to the database, but before it''s indexed they have to confirm it via email. How can I disable indexing for just one particular object, and then after confirmation let ferret know about it? - Radu -- Posted via
2007 Jan 18
Updating index when non-rails app creates entries?
I have a database shared between a Rails app (gui) and a Java app (daemon). When the java app periodically updates the database, this isn''t reflected in Ferret indexes visible via acts_as_ferret in Rails. How do I trigger re-indexing? Do I just make my Java daemon delete the index files, or is there something cleverer than that..? Thanks! -- Posted via
2006 Jul 07
acts_as_ferret transactions
...d}" + self.class.ferret_index << self.to_doc if @ferret_reindex + @ferret_reindex = true + else + logger.debug "deferred ferret_create/update: #{} : #{}" + end true end alias :ferret_update :ferret_create @@ -522,6 +527,21 @@ end true end + + def at_start_transaction(name = nil) + @defer_for_transaction = true + end + + def at_abort_transaction(name = nil) + @defer_for_transaction = false + @ferret_reindex...
2007 Jan 23
making acts_as_ferret thread safe?
...or/plugins/acts_as_ferret/lib/class_methods.rb:240:in `create_index_instance'' from ./script/../config/../vendor/plugins/acts_as_ferret/lib/class_methods.rb:232:in `ferret_index'' from ./script/../config/../vendor/plugins/acts_as_ferret/lib/instance_methods.rb:88:in `ferret_update'' from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.14.4/lib/active_record/callbacks.rb:344:in `callback'' from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.14.4/lib/active_record/callbacks.rb:341:in `callback'' ... 16 levels... from /usr/lib/rub...
2006 Nov 20
End-of-File Error occured at <except.c>:79 in xraise
...39; /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/ferret/index.rb:280:in `<<'' /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/monitor.rb:229:in `synchronize'' /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/ferret/index.rb:252:in `<<'' #{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/plugins/acts_as_ferret/lib/instance_methods.rb:85:in `ferret_update'' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.14.4/lib/active_record/callbacks.rb:344:in `callback'' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.14.4/lib/active_record/callbacks.rb:341:in `callback'' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord- 1.14.4/lib/act...
2007 Jul 24
Why can''t find index file sometimes? `synchrolock'' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ferret-0.11.4/lib/ferret/index.rb:267:in `<<'' #{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/plugins/acts_as_ferret/lib/local_index.rb:157:in `<<'' #{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/plugins/acts_as_ferret/lib/instance_methods.rb:73:in `ferret_update'' #{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/callbacks.rb:333:in `send'' #{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/callbacks.rb:333:in `callback'' #{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/callbacks.rb:330:in `each'' #{R...
2006 Feb 28
Multiple Models w/ acts_as_ferret
I have multiple models all with: acts_as_ferret :fields => [...] (models = profiles, blogs, comments ) When I restart the server and perform any crud operation on one of the above models, the index is created/updated. If I then go and perform any crud operation on ANOTHER model, ...the index from that first model is being updated. Any ideas? Can acts_as_ferret handle this? Thanks