search for: farms

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 777 matches for "farms".

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2012 Jan 27
Generating repeated network measures in R
I am working on directed network data of the following form: Origin farm Destination farm Year Farm 1 -> Farm 2 1999 Farm 1 -> Farm 3 1999 Farm 3 -> Farm 2 2000 Farm 1 -> Farm 2 2000 I am using the package 'igraph' and I would like to generate and plot (as
2009 Oct 09
Rendering farm?
I received at least one email suggesting a Windows-based rendering farm - likely to consist of a few rack systems all running 64-bit Windows. I read an article on Tomshardware which gave some decent insight. What can list participants offer on this concept? I don't care _how_ the resource is implemented - virtual machine, cluster, etc. I just want to get the most resources for the money,
2005 Apr 15
abbreviate or wrap dimname labels
For a variety of displays (mosaicplots, barplots, ...) one often wants to either abbreviate or wrap long labels, particularly when these are made up of several words. In general, it would be nice to have a function, abbreviate.or.wrap <- function(x, maxlength=10, maxlines=2, split=" ") { } that would take a character vector or a list of vectors, x, and try to abbreviate or wrap
2012 Sep 18
cannot create a new volume with a brick that used to be part of a deleted volume?
Greetings, I'm running v3.3.0 on Fedora16-x86_64. I used to have a replicated volume on two bricks. This morning I deleted it successfully: ######## [root at farm-ljf0 ~]# gluster volume stop gv0 Stopping volume will make its data inaccessible. Do you want to continue? (y/n) y Stopping volume gv0 has been successful [root at farm-ljf0 ~]# gluster volume delete gv0 Deleting volume will erase
2007 Jan 31
mca-graphics: all elements overlapping in the help-example for multiple correspondence analysis
Dear all, I tried out the example in the help document for mca (the multiple correspondence analysis of the MASS package): farms.mca <- mca(farms, abbrev=TRUE) farms.mca plot(farms.mca) But the graphic that I get seems unfeasible to me: I cannot recognize the numbers (printed in black) because they are all overlapping and concealing each other. I don ?t dare using my own data, which consist of several hundred cases - I...
2012 Apr 19
Fwd: User defined panel functions in lattice
Hi ilai Thank you for your suggestions. I do not know what happened yesterday I must have omitted a few changes out in going from R to email and apologies for the double posting - I had troubles sending it as my ISP gave a message of not being connected for email but was for the web I was trying to get panel.Locfit to work in a number of situations. 1. Conditioned by Farm (3 panels) with 2
2003 Jan 07
[off-topic] The better analysis
Hi all, Firstly excuse-me by this off-topic question. I'm very confused to decide what is the better analysis to use. Whem the experiments is a tradicional design of manipulative experiments, it is easy to decide. But in natural observations is too complicated. I have 6 farms, each farm cultives some sugarcane's varieties (maybe or not the same varieties by farm). For each farm I make 3 transects (lines) (replicates) crossing all varieties, and I make one collect point in each variety. Example: In farm "A" I have 3 varieties and I make 3 transect, so...
2011 Apr 11
model specification: help needed
Hi R experts: I am new to mixed model commodity. I am tryping to specify a model using lmer in lme4 package. I am not sure if I am doing right, so I need your help....please...... Treatment / factor structure Year: level 1:3, the whole the experiment was repeated in three years, random factor village: level 1:2 # the level is much higher just three are shown as example, random factor Farm
2006 Dec 10
FW: Samba problem with APS .NET web farm (IIS) - change notify
Forgot to send to list also Regards, ?sgeir Halld?rsson -----Original Message----- From: ?sgeir Halld?rsson Sent: 9. desember 2006 04:01 To: 'Damien 'zaide' Desmarets' Subject: RE: [Samba] Samba problem with APS .NET web farm (IIS) - change notify Hi, This might help in samba config [global] max open files = 65536 max mux = 2147483547 smb ports = 445 Regards,
2005 Feb 11
Questions on build farm
Hi all, I've been looking at the samba build farm code and hope you can help with a couple questions... First, is the build_farm code usable under an open source license? Second, does the build_farm currently run any network tests between a client and server on separate machines? Thanks, Bryce
2005 Mar 28
glmmPQL questions
...(My outcome is positive or negative at the level of the farm). I am using R version 2.0.1 on a Mac and have identified glmmPQL as hopefully the correct function to use. I have run a couple of models using this but was hoping that you might be able to answer a few questions. e.g. model<-glmmPQL(farmstatus~cattlenumber,random~1|farm,binomial) I am pretty new to both R and stats so if these questions are very simple and I am just missing something, suggestions about good texts on GLMM in R would be great. First up, what is the best way to constrain the model to only look at certain levels of a...
2012 Apr 19
User defined panel functions in lattice
Hi I have a problem with passing line and symbol parameters to user defined panel functions I had a look at the archives and created a panel function on what was shown and on panel.loess. I could not to get panel.locfit to work for what I intend it for. There is another layer to work with before success as lp() is called from locfit. xx <- structure(list(Farm = c("A",
2006 Oct 20
Enio Jelihovschi" Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2006 11:28:12 -0200 Subject: CORRESPONCE ANALYSIS Dear All I am new R user, trying to do correspondence analysis using the function mca of the package MASS. My question is: In the following example farms.mca <- mca(farms, abbrev = T) # Use levels as names plot(farms.mca, cex = rep(0.7, 2), axes = F) How can I change the "plot" so that each factor would get a different colour, in order to enhance the visualization of the patterns. Thank you, for any tip in that direction. Enio Jelihovs...
2009 Mar 16
Splitting variables
Dear R Users,I have a data set with several variables. One of these variables is the number of farms per county and I'd like to split this variable into two domains: (a) counties with fewer than 600 farms and (b) counties with 600 or more farms I've tried solving this problem for hours, but I'm new at R so I'm not getting there. if (x < 600) y <- x else z <- x didn't d...
2009 Apr 03
VoIP Farm
Dear All, Thank you for your comments and suggestions about my term 'VoIP Farm'. It was done in jest, and I'm glad to see how the community reacted, with off list emails with some with advice, some with warnings, some with funny comments, and some sending me a promise of $30 for usage of the word for three years! To lay it to rest, I know I can't trademark VoIP Farm, but thanks
2011 Jun 27
import text-records and set the fields in a table
hi! I apologize in advance if this is a newbie dumm question, but I really can't figure it ou. I have lists of sumeric and character data on some URLs, which look like this: <photo id="5876248819" owner="13716719 at N04" secret="faf9bb7f52" server="5264" farm="6" title="our rose garden" ispublic="1"
2006 Dec 06
Samba problem with APS .NET web farm (IIS) - change notify
Hi, i have problems with change notify in my ASP server... problem details in this KB but i dont know how fix it in samba? this man have same problem... PS:;en-us;281253
2009 Apr 02
Mountain ahead of me!
Dear All, Thanks for taking the time to read this. I have been presented with a massive task. I'm not an asterisk expert, but I do know my way around a linux server and infrastructure, and I know when things are not done correctly. A large number of minutes are routed every month, (1m+) and I wish to do this in the most efficient way possible. I've been presented with three linux
2017 Nov 21
mystery "158"
This is a simple problem, but a mystery to me. I'm trying to grab $Family "Scelionidae" from one dataframe and put it into another dataframe occupied with NA in $Family. The result is a "158" ends up there instead of Scelionidae. Simply put fam$Family[1] <- least$Family[1] If I have made a mistake here, can somebody point it out. I've included the simple
2012 Jan 20
[LLVMdev] Publication - Generalized Just-In-Time Trace Compilation using a Parallel Task Farm in a Dynamic Binary Translator (PLDI'11)
Paper for LLVM publication list @ "Generalized Just-In-Time Trace Compilation using a Parallel Task Farm in a Dynamic Binary Translator" Igor Böhm, Tobias J.K. Edler von Koch, Stephen Kyle, Björn Franke, and Nigel Topham ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), June 2011. DOI-URL: