search for: eql

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 112 matches for "eql".

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2008 Nov 07
any tricks re using " eql(5.5)", but where 5.5 is a decimal not float?
-- Sent from my mobile device
2007 Dec 03
spec for model_id should eql
...accordingly when I test it through the console, I''m just having difficulty getting this spec to work. Any pointers would be appreciated. Failure message: ''Address fetch and geocode should extract department and write to address object'' FAILED expected 3, got nil (using .eql?) This spec that is failing: @address.department_id.should eql(3) before: before do @address = @address.attributes = valid_address_attributes @department = mock_model(Department) @department.stub!(:find_by_code).with("75").and_return(&quot...
2007 May 15
NOOB question RSPEC
Hi all !! I have this code: require ''account'' describe Account, "when first created" do before do @account = end it "should have a balance of $0" do @account.balance.should eql(, :dollars)) end after do @account = nil end end How can I pass the @account.balance.should eql(, :dollars)) spec. From my understanding you .eql? in ruby is true if the object are the same (reference points to same object) or if one inherits the other. I thought...
2007 Jan 24
Are There better EQL devices
I have set up one of our routers to use a TEQL Device to direct the outbound traffic but I would like to have a bit more control with how it sends out traffic. Is there a "better" EQL device that would allow me to say set the rate of the connections and have it fill up the first pipe then dump to the second then the third and so on s...
2008 Feb 22
Testing misc methods in ApplicationController if i have this empty method in application_controller def andreplace(str) end and my spec looks like this: describe ApplicationController do describe "andreplace(str)" do it "should format ands for ferret search" do andreplace("foo and bar").should eql("+foo +bar") end end end Currently, the test breaks, saying: NoMethodError in ''ApplicationController andreplace(str) should format ands for ferret search'' undefined method `andreplace'' for #<Spec::Rails::Example::ControllerExampleGroup::Subclass_1::Su...
2001 Oct 31
removing duplicated rows from a data.frame
Dear all, Sorry for the simplicity of the question, but how does one go about removing duplicated rows in a data.frame? I'm looking for a quick and simple solution, as my data.frames are relatively large (50000 by 50). I've racked my brain and searched the help files and found nothing useful or quick, only duplicated() and unique() which work only work on lists. Thanks Gary.
2010 Apr 14
Model Magic
>> [].eql? @product.files => false >> @product.files.eql? [] => true version: 2.3.5 Product :has_many files -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3M...
2007 Sep 05
False Positives and Autotest on New Folders
False Positives I just discovered how easy it was to create a false positive when I, trying my first RSpec test, did this: ob.should eql?(''foo'') instead of: ob.should eql(''foo'') or: ob.should == ''foo'' As far as I can see, this is roughly equivalent to: ob.should false Neither eql?(''foo'') nor false causes the spec to fail; this is worrisome, as I can im...
2008 Mar 19
Stub / Mock - A little guidance?
...;should update billing information when User''s billing info is nil" do @user.should_receive(:update_billing_info).with(@order_payment_info) @user.update_billing_info(@order_payment_info) @user.stub!(:has_billing_address?).and_return(false) @user.bill_to_address1.should eql("555 Rd.") @user.bill_to_address2.should eql("Ste 2") end end When I run this spec I get an "error" of: 1) ''User when checking billing information should update billing information when User''s billing info is nil'' FAILED expected &qu...
2007 May 17
Model: self is not child's parent
Assume a model Parent and another model Child. Child belongs_to Parent and Parent has_many Children. The following fails: @ p = Parent.find(:first) assert p.equal?(p.children[0].parent) @ It seems odd to me that I and my child''s parent are not the same object. In fact, this is royally screwing me up. Can anyone tell me why this is or point me at a relevant discussion, blog posting,
2009 Jul 06
Speed up code, profiling, optimization, lapply vs. loops
High everybody, currently I'm writinig a package that, for a given family of variance functions depending on a parameter theta, say, computes the extended quasi likelihood (eql) function for different values of theta. The computation involves a couple of calls of the 'glm' routine. What I'm doing now is to call 'lapply' for a list of theta values and a function, that constructs a family object for the particular choice of theta, computes the glm an...
2011 Apr 06
XCP - license expiry problem - not fixed?
...e diagnostic-license-status Hostname UUID Features Code Free Expiry Days left - - - - - - - 402f07f4 VLAN QoS SStorage NTAP EQL Pool XHA MTC email perf WLB RBAC DMC chpt DVSC Mask Cnx Plat nonag VMPR FREE true 20110406T12:00:00Z -0.1 ede2ac8b VLAN QoS SStorage NTAP EQL Pool XHA MTC email perf WLB RBAC DMC chpt DVSC Mask Cnx Plat nonag VMPR FREE true 20110406T16:00:00Z 0.1 f4b8ed15 VLAN Qo...
2007 Dec 01
mock feed
............ describe Address, "fetch and geocode" do include AddressSpecHelper before do @address = mock_feed @address.attributes = valid_address_attributes end it "should populate town and address 1" do eql("Paris") @address.address_1.should eql("71, Avenue Parmentier") end it "should populate lat and lng as BigDecimals" do eql(BigDecimal("2.375258")) @address.lng.should eql(BigDecimal("48.864315")) end end My tw...
2006 Jun 27
Can''t call public application.rb method from ERb template
...n the current controller action. In my ERb template, I have <DIV class="<%= get_menu_display_style(''login_form'') %>"> In application.rb, I have the method get_menu_display_style defined as: public def get_menu_display_style(action_requested) action_name.eql(action_requested) ? ''left_nav_button_selected'' : ''left_nav_button'' end But when I go to my initial page, I get undefined method `get_menu_display_style'' for #<#<Class:0x37272b0>:0x3727220> I''m confused. I figured that I would h...
2008 Mar 19
..., 0, colors.collect{|color| color[1]}) ... %> So to test the distribute method in ApplicationHelper, I have to extend my spec models: describe ApplicationHelper do extend(ApplicationHelper) it "doesn''t find what it''s looking for do distribute(1,2,3,[4,5,6]).should eql([1,2,3]) end end This could use some documentation. -- View this message in context: Sent from the rspec-users mailing list archive at
2008 Aug 20
Re: Stubbing out ThinkingSphinx for Rspec, they were doing this; # Controller action: term = "*#{params[:search]}*" ThinkingSphinx::Search(term, :with => { :searchable => 1 } }) # RSpec example: it "should build query" do ThinkingSphinx::Search.should_receive(:search) do |term,conditions| term.should eql(''*keyword*'') conditions[:with][:searchable].should eql(1) end get :show, :search => ''keyword'' end But I''m on the latest version of the plugin, and it looks like this; # Controller action: def index @site_pages = params...
2007 Oct 05
Easy AR association stubbing
I''ve added a method to the mock class that makes it pretty easy to stub associations in rails. I''ve been using it for awhile and it seems to cut down on a lot of setup code for the controller and model specs that use associations. #before @person = mock_model(Person) posts = mock(''post_proxy'') posts.stub!(:build).and_return(mock_model(Post, :save => true))
2006 Nov 21
acts_as_ferret with STI models
Can acts_as_ferret search only one of the inherit models in the hierarchy of STI models? Say you have Contents, with types articles and comments. I know that you do Contents.find_by_contents, but can you also create indexed for Comment and Articles? Thanks for you help Miguel -- Posted via
2009 Aug 10
testing exception notification plugin with rspec
...''test'' ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = false ActionMailer::Base.deliveries = [] @size_before = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count lambda { get ''dummy_method_raises_exception'' }.should raise_error (RuntimeError) ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count.should eql(@size_before + 1) <==== here I got 0 and not 1 Does someone have an idea about this problem? Thank you by advance -Yoann
2007 Oct 01
how to spec views
...t partials depending on authentication of the user: annon, admin, player So I I''ll write if conditionals in the view with the partials it "should render signup propaganda for annon users trying to view games" do render "/games/index.rhtml" @logged_in?.should eql(false) response.should render_template(''_signup_propaganda'') end Now for my partial I know it''ll be wrapped all in a div with a class="signup_propaganda" Should I be testing for that instead? Can I write expectations for partials similar to above? When y...