search for: distillation

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 215 matches for "distillation".

2009 Jan 19
R bug or ghostscript bug or my bug?
Dear R developers: The following R program produces a pdf file that does not survive ghostscript distillation correctly. The undistilled version is at while the distilled version is at . When previewed, the points are wrong in the distilled .pdf version, but only in one of the two points invokations (huh?) . The program th...
2003 Oct 08
Unpredictable EPS->PDF rotation (PR#4460)
...m(x), type="l") By LaTeX PDF, I am referring to the dvips->ghostscript pathway, but x2.eps also rotates when distilled into PDF outside LaTeX. I have tried ghostscript and acrobat, placed on a page or cropped, so the problem does not seem to be confounded with particular PDF distillation software. I'm aware of the pdf() device in R, but EPS files are a widely used format to share scientific graphics, often winding up embedded in a PDF document at a later point in the hands of an editor. If at all possible, a more predictable postscript generator would be appreciated, where EP...
2009 Jan 22
OT? File order on CentOS/Samba server
I hope someone familiar with the way Linux processes files can enlighten me on the following: I recently replaced an old Windows 2000 server with a new machine running CentOS 5.2. It uses Samba 3.2.7 to serve a network of Windows XP clients. We are a newspaper. We use Acrobat Distiller to batch-convert a folder of single-page PostScript files (for print) to a multipage PDF file (for
2009 Jan 22
OT? File order on CentOS/Samba server
I hope someone familiar with the way Linux processes files can enlighten me on the following: I recently replaced an old Windows 2000 server with a new machine running CentOS 5.2. It uses Samba 3.2.7 to serve a network of Windows XP clients. We are a newspaper. We use Acrobat Distiller to batch-convert a folder of single-page PostScript files (for print) to a multipage PDF file (for
2003 Mar 28
Printing with CUPS and PDF
Trying to get one Samba server to serve several printers through CUPS and host a virtual PDF "printer" at the same time. I've gotten them working separately, but not together, and I think I know why. In the smb.conf man page under "print command": "With printing = cups, and if SAMBA is compiled against libcups, any manually set print command will be ignored."
2007 Jan 10
RC15 problems with dovecot-shared and umask distilled
I recently posted about problems I've been having with dovecot-shared and umask in RC15 (using Solaris 9). I've now been able to distill what I'm experiencing into these two separate points: 1. dovecot-uidlist and message files never inherit the dovecot-shared group 2. With umask=0007 these files are created with mode 600 instead of 660: dovecot-uidlist, dovecot.index,
2004 Nov 22
Files not appearing on Samba mount.
We have a share on a Windows 2000 Server that is mounted onto a RedHat box using the following entry in fstab: //server/filesystem /opt/bumvfs smbfs username=username,password=password,debug=4,dmask=777,fmask=777,sockopt= SO_KEEPALIVE 0 0 On this we create a directory structure such as: \dodgy_test\wxy2\VFStp\VFSnetwork_entities\VFSCommonReports\VFSGM_H\VFSR
2011 Apr 26
Distilling down a small set of useful system data
I would like people's opinion on getting a useful small set of system data. I really don't want it to exceed 12 strings of 80 characters. -hpa
2005 Aug 22
pdf font embedding --- again
dear R wizards--- I would like to do some book-on-demand printing at a popular printer named lulu, but lulu requires inclusion even of the basic postscript fonts. Interestingly, my book itself does not need the 14 base acrobat fonts, only the embedded R figures do. Of course, I really would like to get pdftex to embed the fonts, but how to do this is not obvious either. [This method seems
2004 Apr 03
a fix for rotated PDF graphs
Hi, I have found references for the following problem in the list archives, but no nice solution. So I decided to post one I came up with. The problem is that graphs output as eps files, for example using ps.options(onefile=FALSE, paper="special", width=8, height=8, horizontal=FALSE, pointsize=12) get rotated when I convert them to pdf using epstopdf. Both ghostview and
2000 Nov 30
Landscape problems with ps2pdf
R Users, I have created a multipage PostScript file using the postscript() function with horizontal = TRUE to produce my plots in landscape. I intended to convert that entire file to PDF using ps2pdf to have the plots available for a presentation. Unfortunately, the resulting PDF document is rotated -90 degrees. I have found dozens of references to this kind of problem with ps2pdf online, but
2003 May 30
pdf printer
Hi, I created a PDFPrinter as per I have another question, do I need to add a Color Laser Printer Driver in W2K to the PDF share to generate color PDF in Windows? Regards, Norman
2016 Mar 23
Open Project : Inter-procedural Register Allocation [GSoC 2016]
No need to apologize this thread surely deserved some answers :) From my perspective this project sounds doable. I would expect the register allocation parts to be not too hard: I imagine this being just distilling a new clobber regmask after allocating a function. I would expect the challenging (or annoying) part to get a machine module pass (or a similar mechanism to influence the order in
2001 Nov 14
pdf driver (PR#1169)
--0__=88256B040001210F8f9e8a93df938690918c88256B040001210F Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii {Please ignore earlier message; I forgot R.version} Not sure whether the R pdf driver is the problem, or some HP problem, or local, but the zip file below has a simple R script [pdfbug.r] using pdf () to create R2pdf.pdf that causes a "79.00FE PRINTER ERROR" on a HP 5000 N LaserJet
2010 Jun 02
Programmatically counting RSpec tests?
If I have an object `obj` that is a SpecTask, and subsequently invoke it, is there a way to programmatically determine the number of tests that were successful, failed, and pending as a result of running that SpecTask? -- John Feminella Principal Consultant, Distilled Brilliance
2016 Mar 23
Open Project : Inter-procedural Register Allocation [GSoC 2016]
> On Mar 22, 2016, at 6:04 PM, Matthias Braun via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at> wrote: > > No need to apologize this thread surely deserved some answers :) > > From my perspective this project sounds doable. I would expect the register allocation parts to be not too hard: I imagine this being just distilling a new clobber regmask after allocating a function. I would
2009 May 21
CentOS5 Desktops authenticating to 389 Directory Server
Hi Everyone. I am doing some LDAP testing. I have setup a 389 Directory Server on CentOS 5 and using the default schema I have populated it with a couple of users. I then did the configuration on the client that I thought was needed to make it authenticate. To test this I expected to be able to use id <uidNumber> of a user I had defined. But I get id: 1001: No such user id: 5001: No
2007 Jun 12
advice on new failures with 0.5.0
Hi all, We just updated to the latest version of Mocha and now we''re seeing a lot of odd test failures. If this isn''t the appropriate place for a question like this, please let me know. Say I have code like this in a controller: DataMonitor.toggle_notification! And I mock it like this: DataMonitor.any_instance.stubs(:toggle_notification!) This would work fine with Mocha
2005 Dec 04
font inclusions in pdf files
I am stumbling into external font issues here and there. I presume using external lucida fonts is fairly rare, so I am more likely to stumble onto issues here. (of course, I often think I have stumbled onto bugs/features that are not.) So, I hope I am not imposing by reporting the following. [1] can R please not include fonts that it is not using? luafmfiles <-
2013 Jun 08
splitting a string column into multiple columns faster
Hello! I have a column in my data frame that I have to split: I have to distill the numbers from the text. Below is my example and my solution. x<-data.frame(x=c("aaa1_bbb1_ccc3","aaa2_bbb3_ccc2","aaa3_bbb2_ccc1")) x library(stringr) out<$x,"aaa",2)) out2<$V2,"_bbb",2))