search for: directorymatch

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "directorymatch".

2011 Oct 27
Apache conf.d file for omega? / would not be sane. Is there any way to tell omega to look for the files somewhere else? Here's the attempt at a conf.d file: Redirect "/search" "/cgi-bin/omega/omega?DB=docoll&FMT=docoll" ScriptAlias "/cgi-bin/omega" "/etc/opt/docoll/live" <DirectoryMatch /etc/opt/docoll/live> Alias "/" "/srv/docoll" <Directory "/srv/docoll"> AllowOverride None Options All Order Allow,Deny Allow from all </Directory> ServerAdmin <email address> ServerName "Doc...
2018 Feb 04
How to grant user access to his .dovecot.sieve.log?
Hi Gabriel, I'm trying to implement what you suggested using apache mod_userdir with === UserDir /srv/dovecot <DirectoryMatch "^/srv/dovecot/(?<WHICHUSER>[^/]+)"> Require user %{env:MATCH_WHICHUSER} DirectoryIndex .dovecot.sieve.log ... </DirectoryMatch> === I still need to find how to set up right permissions for these logs without too much brute force. It looks like this way I can get what I...
2018 Feb 08
How to grant user access to his .dovecot.sieve.log?
On Feb 6, 2018, at 19:53, Sergey Ivanov <seriv at> wrote: > Answering myself (not yet implemented, but I hope it will work): > Using sieve extprograms extension and global "after" script, I can read .dovecot.sieve.log into a sieve variable 'log_content' if this log is not empty. I hope this log will be written before "after" script is called, but
2007 Jun 29
mongrel tuning with httperf - suspicious results
...BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html # this not only blocks access to .svn directories, but makes it appear # as though they aren''t even there, not just that they are forbidden <DirectoryMatch "^/.*/\.svn/"> ErrorDocument 403 /404.html Order allow,deny Deny from all Satisfy All </DirectoryMatch> ErrorLog logs/the-cluster-error_log CustomLog logs/the_cluster_access_log combined </VirtualHost> -------------- next part -------------- An HTML...
2006 Oct 03
Apache Re-Write and Directories
Howdy, I am using the ''default'' Apache 2.2 mod_rewrite rules suggested from the Web site and they are working. One thing related to static (non cluster directed) resources: If I have a directory in public called ''static'', if I request it as follows: - then it works If I request it as: - then it