search for: dichromat

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 21 matches for "dichromat".

2009 Sep 28
dichromat, regexp, and grid objects
Dear list, The dichromat package defines a dichromat function which "Collapses red-green color distinctions to approximate the effect of the two common forms of red-green colour blindness, protanopia and deuteranopia." library(dichromat) library(grid) colorStrip <- function (colors = 1:3, draw = TRUE) {...
2013 Jan 25
MacOSX-Leopard/ Dichromat not found?
Dear All, During the last few days I've been trying to get ggplot2 installed in my Mac but when installing dependencies I cannot access dichromat. Error in download.file(url, destfile, method, mode = "wb", ...) : cannot open URL '' Any suggestions? Accept my apologies if this is not the right list/forum for this questions. Thanks /Jose [[alt...
2004 Nov 05
dichromat package
This is an update (version 1.2), not a new package, but given recent postings on the R lists an announcement may be helpful. The 'dichromat' package has color schemes designed for people with red-green deficient or anomalous vision, tools for simulating the effect of color blindness, and tools for creating color ramps and palettes (these last will be in R 2.1.0). I would welcome feedback on the accuracy of the simulations of co...
2004 Nov 05
dichromat package
This is an update (version 1.2), not a new package, but given recent postings on the R lists an announcement may be helpful. The 'dichromat' package has color schemes designed for people with red-green deficient or anomalous vision, tools for simulating the effect of color blindness, and tools for creating color ramps and palettes (these last will be in R 2.1.0). I would welcome feedback on the accuracy of the simulations of co...
2011 Nov 02
palettes for the color-blind
Everyone, I'm working with scatter plots with different colored symbols (via lattice). I'm currently using these colors for points and lines: col1 <- c(rgb(1, 0, 0), rgb(0, 0, 1), rgb(0, 1, 0), rgb(0.55482458, 0.40350876, 0.04166666), rgb(0, 0, 0)) plot(seq(along = col1), pch = 16, col = col1, cex = 1.5) I'm also using these with transparency (alpha
2013 Jan 25
could not find function "qplot" after install.packages("ggplot2")
...2, and picked mirror of Singapore. it could not find qplot function. Could anyone pls help me ? Thank you. Pls see: > install.packages("ggplot2")--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---also installing the dependencies ¡®colorspace¡¯, ¡®stringr¡¯, ¡®RColorBrewer¡¯, ¡®dichromat¡¯, ¡®munsell¡¯, ¡®labeling¡¯, ¡®plyr¡¯, ¡®gtable¡¯, ¡®reshape2¡¯, ¡®scales¡¯, ¡®proto¡¯ trying URL ''Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 404742 bytes (395 Kb)opened URL==============================...
2005 Mar 30
2d plotting and colours
Hi! I am new to R just 3 days in it and i apologize if my questions seem very trivial and consumed your valuable time. I am coding in perl and i stumbled upon R regarding plotting good statistical graphs. I tried the kmean clustering for a large matrix ,say > 150 * 150 . I tried the example code given in the tutorial to perform 2d plot # i ranges from 2 to 10 cl <- kmeans(x, i, 20)
2020 May 13
Sometimes commands do not terminate after upgrading to R 4.0 and Ubuntu 20.04
...9;), it worked fine. Then I re-installed the package AER. It threw 10 warnings of type In readLines(file, skipNul = TRUE) : cannot open compressed file '/usr/lib/R/site-library/[package]/DESCRIPTION', probable reason 'No such file or directory' where [package] is abind, colorspace, dichromat... (but not AER). Since then example('AER') throws a warning: no help found for ?AER?. I've removed and reinstalled R 4.0: it didn't help. I've downgraded to R 3.6: it didn't help. I've tried both answering yes or No when asked to install the packages in a personal lib...
2012 Oct 26
colorspace: interactive HCL palette chooser
...e(). The Tcl/Tk-based GUI features a broad range of different palettes from and lets the user interactively modify the underlying parameters (hue, chroma, luminance, ...) to produce new palettes. It allows for easy exploration of the effects of color blindness (through Thomas Lumley's "dichromat" package) and of desaturation (emulating a grayscale printout for example). The GUI contains various types of graphics (maps, heatmaps, barplots, line and scatterplots, ...) that can be checked to see how a chosen palette looks in practice. Most of the coding for the new GUI was done by n...
2012 Oct 26
colorspace: interactive HCL palette chooser
...e(). The Tcl/Tk-based GUI features a broad range of different palettes from and lets the user interactively modify the underlying parameters (hue, chroma, luminance, ...) to produce new palettes. It allows for easy exploration of the effects of color blindness (through Thomas Lumley's "dichromat" package) and of desaturation (emulating a grayscale printout for example). The GUI contains various types of graphics (maps, heatmaps, barplots, line and scatterplots, ...) that can be checked to see how a chosen palette looks in practice. Most of the coding for the new GUI was done by n...
2005 Aug 03
red-black-green color palette?
I'm working on some heatmaps, and the person I'm working with would prefer a red-black-green color palette (red denoting gene induction and green denoting gene repression). Does such a palette exist already? If not, is there an easy way to create one? Thanks, Jake
2017 Nov 14
Possible bug(s) causing ggplot2 and XLConnect to crash recent builds of r-devel
...[2] "C:/Program Files/StatSoft/R/R-devel.724/library" I installed package ggplot2 and its dependencies from CRAN using RStudio. As a result the following 20 packages were the only packages installed in the previously empty library tree: "colorspace","dichromat","digest","ggplot2","gtable","labeling","lazyeval", "magrittr","munsell","plyr","R6","RColorBrewer","Rcpp","reshape2","rlang","scales", "stringi&...
2013 Mar 05
Color spalettes for black/white printing
Ein eingebundener Text mit undefiniertem Zeichensatz wurde abgetrennt. Name: nicht verf?gbar URL: <>
2020 May 13
Sometimes commands do not terminate after upgrading to R 4.0 and Ubuntu 20.04
...worked fine. Then I re-installed the | package AER. It threw 10 warnings of type In readLines(file, skipNul = | TRUE) : cannot open compressed file | '/usr/lib/R/site-library/[package]/DESCRIPTION', probable reason 'No such | file or directory' where [package] is abind, colorspace, dichromat... (but | not AER). | | Since then example('AER') throws a warning: no help found for ?AER?. | | I've removed and reinstalled R 4.0: it didn't help. I've downgraded to R | 3.6: it didn't help. I've tried both answering yes or No when asked to | install the packages in...
2004 Nov 02
Color schemes that work for people with color-deficient vision
A recent article in the earth science literature cited below and available at points out that rainbow color schemes and mixtures of green and yellow can be troublesome for people with color-deficient vision. The authors propose alternative schemes that can be viewed and downloaded in RGB, HSV, CMYK, and RGB256 formats from
2020 Jun 26
R 4.0.0 rebuild status
On Friday, 26 June 2020 10.47.13 WEST I?aki Ucar wrote: > I used bcond locally and wrongly assumed that fedpkg build would > support --with BCOND and --without BCOND. Instead, the way to activate > it is to change to "%bcond_with check" and then revert to > "%bcond_without check". The only difference with bootstrap is that > "bootstrap" is recognized
2007 May 21
Selecting complementary colours
Dear r-helpers, I wonder whether, given the "#rrggbb" representation of a colour, there is a simple way to select the complementary colour, also expressed as a "#rrggbb" string. Any suggestions would be appreciated. John -------------------------------- John Fox, Professor Department of Sociology McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario Canada L8S 4M4 905-525-9140x23604
2017 Jul 31
reproducible segmentation fault installing packages on FreeBSD 11.1
...use in this session --- [New LWP 100239 of process 56011] [LWP 100239 of process 56011 exited] --- snip --- Selection: 1 [New LWP 100265 of process 56011] [LWP 100265 of process 56011 exited] also installing the dependencies ?stringi?, ?magrittr?, ?colorspace?, ?Rcpp?, ?stringr?, ?RColorBrewer?, ?dichromat?, ?munsell?, ?labeling?, ?rlang?, ?digest?, ?gtable?, ?plyr?, ?reshape2?, ?scales?, ?tibble?, ?lazyeval? trying URL '' [New LWP 100267 of process 56011] [LWP 100267 of process 56011 exited] Content type 'application/x-gzip'...
2019 Jul 04
Fwd: Fedora 31 System-Wide change proposal: Automatic R runtime dependencies
...trixMethods * R-Cairo * R-callr * R-car * R-caTools * R-cellranger * R-chron * R-cli * R-cliapp * R-clipr * R-clisymbols * R-coda * R-colorspace * R-combinat * R-commonmark * R-corpus * R-crayon * R-curl * R-data.table * R-date * R-DBI * R-dbplyr * R-debugme * R-DelayedArray * R-deldir * R-desc * R-dichromat * R-diffobj * R-digest * R-disposables * R-doParallel * R-dplyr * R-dtplyr * R-DynDoc * R-ellipsis * R-errors * R-evaluate * R-expm * R-fansi * R-farver * R-fastmatch * R-fibroEset * R-filehash * R-FMStable * R-foghorn * R-fontBitstreamVera * R-fontLiberation * R-forcats * R-foreach * R-formatR * R...
2007 Mar 26
Problem in loading all packages all at once