search for: delayed_jobs

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 49 matches for "delayed_jobs".

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2011 Jul 13
puppet-dashboard delayed workers
Hello I have just installed puppet dashboard from git. everything seems to load ok except it seems as though background tasks are not being run. According to the code README: running: # env CPUS=4 RAILS_ENV=production /.../script/delayed_job -p dashboard -n $CPUS -m start will start the worker. however it seems as though it is not running (or if it is how can I check?) and the back ground
2009 Aug 29
Delayed_Jobs Failed: Where to Check Logs/Errors?
I am using delayed_job. It generally works but on one method I am calling the job always fails. I checked my rails logs and that does not show anything. The action is simply completed. Are there logs or someway to check details on what is happening with delayed_jobs? I know when I send it normally/synchronously, it completes successful. However, when I use delayed_jobs, it fails. Code Sample: Class Mailer ... def report(email,time,name) ... end Controller Mailer.send_later(:deliver_report,"
2011 May 20
delayed_job - Undefined method error even with Mongrel
Any delayed_job gurus out there? This is a known issue on the wiki as described at the bottom here: However, even when running Mongrel (on Rails 3.0.3, ruby 1.9.2, Win7) after replacing Webrick) I am still getting this issue. My delayed_job handlers read: --- !ruby/struct:Delayed::PerformableMailer object: !ruby/object:Class
2011 Apr 10
Delayed_job: how to raise and log exceptions
I have this in a delayed job. def perform begin validation_warnings = Account.global_import_legacy_accounts(billing_run.legacy_master_iif_csv.path) rescue Exception => e BackgroundProcessStatus.update(:status => "Process failed. Error: #{e}.") end end I am finding that if an exception ocurrs somewhere in the code which is being called (i.e. somewhere in
2011 May 25
indentify delayed_job with display_name
Hi, I just found this solution for identifying a job in the job table: They are using this code: class MyJob <; def perform # ... end def display_name return "MyJob-User-#{user_id}" end end # store reference to a User my_job =
2010 Dec 11
Rails 3 - Delayed_Job (collectiveidea), trying to Delay Mailers - Error: NoMethodError (undefined method `delay' for UserMailer:Class):
Hello, I have the following in an observer: UserMailer.delay.msg_notification(record) In user_mailer.rb class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base ... def msg_notification(record) mail( :to => "#{}", :subject => "Notification" ) end .. end But this errors with: NoMethodError (undefined method `delay'' for
2010 Aug 02
delayed)_job gem installation issue
here is my environment.rb config.gem ''collectiveidea-delayed_job'', :source => ''http://'' >>gem list | grep coll collectiveidea-delayed_job (1.8.2) The gem infact got installed via rake gems:install. but now when I start my app, it doesn''t recognize the gem being installed. Please help. script/generate delayed_job
2012 Jul 06
ActionMailer::Base.deliveries returns array with duplicated elements in production env
Hello, I am testing for email sending from my app and I have a scenario that passes in test env but not in production. When I make dump of ActionMailer::Base.deliveries I saw that it returns array with duplicated elements in production env but not in test env. I am using sqlite3 for test env and mysql for production. Also I use delayed_job. Does anyone had the same issue? Thanks in advance :)
2012 Mar 06
Issue with pe-dashboard-workers
I''ve almost gotten PE running -- Based on tips from a recent Webinar, I''ve started on a minimal RHEL 6 system, and have installed the PE 2.03 packages. Once I set up /etc/ hosts (DNS will come later), I started the PE services. Given past problems (possibly just me), I was pleasantly surprised that the puppet-enterprise-updater script was so accommodating as I remembered which
2011 Aug 15
Delayed_Job: code working fine without .delay / with .delay it fails. Why?
Hi all, I wrote a simple code to set up the "pit_id" from a village table from 1 to 2, from 2 to 3 and so on. It works fine without .delay . But i need it so whats wrong with that code? #village_controller def post_info @village = Village.find(params[:id]) @village.delay.upgrade flash[:notice] = "Upgrading" redirect_to village_url(@village) end
2011 May 17
uninitialized constant Delayed::Job (NameError)
hi I am implementing delayed_job in my rails app. *my code is:* file name is: my_worker.rb require "delayed_job" require "rubygems" class MyClass def perform while true do puts "I am in My class!!!" sleep 2 end end end Delayed::Job.enqueue( ) #m.perform when i am executing this(ruby my_worker.rb ) file it gives me error
2013 Nov 22
Hi all I am using delayed jobs to send sms I am using "". In my other website my delayed job is working fine. Recently I have took one new domain in the same server which I have my other app''s which are working fine. Now the issue is after taking new domain and running the old app with new domain delayed job is not working
2012 Nov 05
Announce: Puppet Dashboard 1.2.13 Available
Puppet Dashboard 1.2.13 is a maintenance and bugfix release of Puppet Dashboard. This release is available for download at: Debian packages are available at RPM packages are available at See the Verifying Puppet Download section at:
2011 May 22
How to capture correctly a specific exception
I a using delayed_job, and I am raising an exception this way : config/initializers/custom_exceptions.rb class RemoteLockerException < StandardError; end class RemoteLockerDenied < StandardError; end lib/instruction_request_job.rb class InstructionRequestJob <, :request_id) def perform .... > connector =
2012 Jun 08
MySQL settings for puppet dashboard
Hello Group, I have a problem with pending tasks in puppet-dashboard after I set the MySQL parameter autocommit = 0 and sql_mode = TRADITIONAL. Does the dashboard need autocommit to be enabled? Workers are running: env RAILS_ENV=production script/delayed_job status delayed_job: running [pid 4995] delayed_job: running [pid 5019] Regards Kai -- You received this message because you
2010 Aug 09
Logging form delayed job class
I have asked this before without any luck, trying again. this is what I have in my dj.rb initializer Delayed::Worker.backend = :active_record Delayed::Worker.logger = Rails.logger #Delayed::Worker.logger ="log/ ##{Rails.env}_delayed_jobs.log", Rails.logger.level) class Delayed::Job def logger Delayed::Worker.logger end end if JobsCommon::check_job_exists("PeriodicJob").blank? Delayed::Job.enqueue, 0, Constants::PROCESS_FREQ.from_now end #end This is my job class class PeriodicJ...
2010 Sep 30
upgrade to Rails3 question
Hi! After upgrading to Rails3 and the latest plugins, two of the plugins: delayed_job and oauth_plugin don''t work. They display a similar problem, I am not able to use methods they provide. In delayed_job''s case I can''t use Model.delay.method (undefined method) and with oauth_plugin adding oauthenticate in the controller returns undefined method too. Could I have
2012 Nov 19
puppet-dashboard - rake API not working
Hello all, I am quite new to the puppet arena, but I am really impressed with puppet as a tool and the possibilities it gives you with regards to managing many systems. I am running dashboard 1.2.14 and am trying to query via the rake API: when I do, I get the following error: <snip> # sudo -u puppet-dashboard rake -f
2013 Jan 02
puppet-dashboard load balanced report processing issues.
I just upgraded the second half of a two node puppetmaster cluster and now I am having issues with puppet-dashboard report processing. If I have workers running on both servers, they try to process each others reports, but since the report data file is not there, it fails. I would have assumed this data was local, not in the database. Does anyone else have this issue, or have a suggestion
2009 Dec 05
ActionMailer dont function with JRuby?
I have application that i send email normal with native ruby. But when i execute the sample application with jruby, it dont send email and dont get error. What can be wrong? -- Atenciosamente, Paulo Coutinho. Blog: Site: Msn: paulo-QE/ -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups