search for: deadorange

Displaying 10 results from an estimated 10 matches for "deadorange".

2008 Aug 25
How much test data to use in specs
I''m not sure how much test data I should be using in my specs. I''m writing specs for the Property model in my Rails app. Its "address" attribute is going to be validated with this regex: /\A\d+[a-z]? [-'', a-z]{2,128}\Z/i At the moment, my plan is to spec out the following possibilities. A property is invalid if its address: 1) doesn''t begin with
2011 Sep 04
rspec assert inclusion in..
hello, I would like to assert that an attribute of a model has value among those in an array. How would I do it in rspec? Something like this... describe OptionType do context "shoulda validations" do it { assert_contains :type, [''Type1'', ''Type1'']} end end
2009 May 24
Class method not being stubbed
Hi guys. I''m setting an expectation on a class method. For some reason, the method isn''t being stubbed, and the expectation isn''t seeing the call. In KeywordListsController#create, I call the private method #create_keywords_and_associate, which calls AdSenseHeavenParser#parse . Thus, some of my specs set an expectation on AdSenseHeavenParser#parse . However, that
2008 Oct 20
RSpec-Rails bug with to_xml?
Hello, everyone. I''ve been lurking here for a while, but this is my first post. I think I''ve run into a RSpec bug in a Rails project I''m working on. I was working on a few REST controllers, and started getting failures on a specific spec that verified whether a certain action returned XML output. I spent quite a lot of time checking my code to see if it was something I
2008 Oct 31
Stubbing #javascript_include_tag in a helper spec
When writing specs for a helper method, how do you set an expectation for #javascript_include_tag ? describe NeighbourhoodsHelper do describe ''#initialise_map'' do it ''should include the "foo" JS file'' do # expectation here helper.foobar end end end I''ve tried replacing "# expectation here" with the
2011 Jan 04
Looking for a gem which uses rspec for testing and tests need to deal with database
Let''s say that I develop a gem which adds a new method to ActiveRecord . Now I want to test this method using rspec. I am able to get started but not sure where to put the database.yml for testing purpose. I was wondering if there is a gem out there which uses rspec for testing and has to interact to database for testing. Thanks
2011 Mar 06
render_views and render_to_string
Hey guys. One of my controller actions uses #render_to_string to send back a JSON response. When I try to spec this, Ruby raises a NoMethodError, saying that #render_to_string doesn''t exist in my controller action. Here''s the controller action, spec, and output: Any idea what I''m doing wrong? Thanks, Nick -------------- next part
2008 Aug 24
Running specs within a spec server
Hi guys. I''m unable to run my specs through a spec server. I''ve spent several hours searching and playing around with this problem, and I simply can''t find a solution. So if anyone has any suggestions, I''m all ears. Does script/server need to be running in conjunction with the spec server? I have "--drb" specified in spec/spec.opts . I start
2009 Feb 12
[RSpec] mock_model not returning a mock
I''m experiencing some strange behaviour with an ActiveRecord model object. I''m trying to spec that a mocked AR object, @form, has an error on the "file" attribute. I''ve confirmed that there *is* an error on the "file" attribute, because I print out the error. However, the spec fails, saying that one error was expected, but zero were found.
2009 Jan 27
[RSpec] Error when returning multiple values from a stub
Hey guys. I''ve just found some odd behaviour within RSpec 1.1.12 , and would like to know whether this is a bug, or I''m doing something wrong. When I give multiple return values to a stub, like this: SubtitleFile.stub!(:new).and_return @sf1, @sf2 RSpec complains: Mock ''SubtitleFile_1001'' received unexpected message :size with (no args) However, if I