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2011 Apr 19
doSMP package works better than perfect, at least sometimes.
...require(doSMP) require(reshape2) getDoParWorkers() w<- startWorkers(workerCount=3) registerDoSMP(w) timeSMP <- function(g, n) # g = number of groups to process # n = size of each group. { for(rep in 1:3) { times <- NULL dd <- data.frame(k=rep(1:g, n), x=runif(g*n)) ddSplit <- split(dd, dd$k) tt<-system.time({ dd2 <- foreach(e=names(ddSplit), .combine=rbind) %dopar% { # SMP elem <- ddSplit[[e]] for (i in 1:nrow(elem)) { elem$y[i] <- sqrt(elem$x[i]) }...
2002 Apr 25
understanding and resolving seg faults, Sint *isplit, Sint *csplit, double *dnode, double *deltaI, Sint *inode) double **ddeltaI; /* declaration of ddeltaI */ ddeltaI = (double **) ALLOC(rp.num_y * rp.num_resp, sizeof(double )); rpmatrix(tree, nnode, nsplit, ncat, numcat, ddsplit, iisplit, ccsplit, ddnode, iinode,ddeltaI ,1); s_to_rp2 is called rpart.s rp <- .C("s_to_rp2", as.integer(nobs), as.integer(nsplit), as.integer(nodes), as.integer(ncat),...