search for: darkviolet

Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "darkviolet".

2007 Sep 20
help with making a function of scatter plot with multiple variables
...b="navyblue",cex.lab=0.7) points(s1,t1, pch="A", col="green4", cex=1) points(s2,t2, pch="B",col="navyblue", cex=1) points(s3,t3, pch="C",col="red", cex=1) points(s4,t4, pch="D",col="darkviolet", cex=1) points(s5,t5, pch="E",col="blue", cex=1) legend("topright",lbels,col=c("orange","green4","navyblue","red","darkviolet","blue"), text.col=c("orange","green4",&qu...
2009 Aug 06
adding color bar to a graph
...want actual numbers, although i suppose i can deal with that as well if need be). I've tried image.plot function but i cannot set correctly the colors in the bar since i am not using an "orthodox" rainbow set. Originally my colors in the graph are set with colorRampPalette(c("darkviolet", "deepskyblue4", "green", "yellow", "red")). Thanks in advance for all the help, Monica _________________________________________________________________ _sync:082009 -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Na...
2007 Oct 18
Secondary Y axis title
...on the right hand side of the figure to contain the axis title. I have tried adjusting the margins, but this just shrinks the graph within the quartz window and the title never appears. Is there some way to adjust the space for text to the right of the secondary y axis? plot(x1,col="darkviolet", xlim=c(min(Duration),max (Duration)),ylab="Price", type="l", xaxs="i", xaxt="n") axis(2,col.axis="black") par(new=TRUE) plot(x2,col="green", xlim=c(min(Duration),max(Duration)), type="l", ylab="", axes=FALSE...
2011 Apr 13
Clustering help in Heat Maps
...=Cyto========= #x=read.table("Cyto_shoot.txt", header=TRUE) mat=data.matrix(x) heatmap.2(mat, # c('red','green','orange','blue','yellow', 'gray','black','brown','aquamarine3','cyan', 'darkmagenta','darkviolet','green4')) col=colorRampPalette(c("green","white","red"))(256), #col=greenred(75), #col = cm.colors(256), #bgStyle="3D Rectangle", #bgGradientMode=" Diagonal Edge", Rowv=TRUE, Colv=FALSE, distfun = dist, hclustfun = hclust, dendrogram...
2011 Jul 13
Colors in R
...ot;,"blue","green","darkmagenta","darkgreen","darkorange","darkred","gold","midnightblue","seagreen1","tomato","slateblue","violet","purple4","palegreen","darkviolet","forestgreen","firebrick"...up to 60 colors) labels <- c(''a'',''b'', ''c'', ''d'', ''e'', up to 60 labels) #add lines for (i in 1:length(npts)) { color=colors[i] pt = data[data$...
2000 Feb 29
mapping of colornames into hsv: half way done
...uot;, "#97FFFF", "darkslategray2", "#8DEEEE", "darkslategray3", "#79CDCD", "darkslategray4", "#528B8B", "darkslategrey", "#2F4F4F", "darkturquoise", "#00CED1", "darkviolet", "#9400D3", "deeppink", "#FF1493", "deeppink1", "#FF1493", "deeppink2", "#EE1289", "deeppink3", "#CD1076", "deeppink4", "#8B0A50", "deepskyblue", &qu...
2011 Jan 11
modified FAST Script from package SensoMineR for the R community - Reg
...ot;, "lightcyan", "darkorange", "darkorchid", "darkred", "darksalmon", "darkseagreen", "darkslateblue", "darkslategray", "darkslategrey", "darkturquoise", "darkviolet", "lightgray", "lightsalmon", "lightyellow", "maroon")) lab.x <- paste("Dim ", axes[1], " (", signif(res.mfa$eig[axes[1], 2], 4), " %)", sep = "") lab.y <- paste("Dim "...