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2005 Oct 03
"symbol print-name too long"
...anually apart from the whole function, no error message results. I've checked the manuals and don't see anything RE print-name too long. I also tried google and saw an old message on this error message, but it doesn't seem to apply here. Thanks, Dave ps - please respond directly to please. David Afshartous, PhD University of Miami Department of Management Science School of Business Coral Gables, FL 33124 phone: 305-284-8005 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Nov 20
Adding points on top of lines in xyplot
All, I'm trying to make a basic plot: data points superimposed upon the a line connecting the points w/ a different color. Example below doesn't work as the first xyplot call doesn't remain. Suggestions? David Hour = c(NA,1,2,3,4) y = c(2,2,3,2,1.5) xyplot(y ~ Hour, xlab = list("Hour", font=2, cex=2), ylab= list("U_x * V", font=2, cex=2), type = 'l',
2007 Nov 29
Wireframe graph: black and white shading instead of color
All, The code below produces a color 3D graph. I'd like to make it black and white shading. I tried setting col.regions to FALSE but this just made it completely white. I want the graph to look exactly as is, except black (or grey) and white shading. Is this possible? Cheers, David p.list = c(.01, .1, .25, .5, .75, .9) cov.list = c(.2, .1, .05) ### leave out .01 X = rep(p.list, 3)
2009 May 16
Lattice scales question: using "at" when log = TRUE
All, I have a simple lattice plot where I have set log = TRUE for the y scale. When I attempt to change the tick locations via the "at" argument within scales, the supplied numeric vector is not followed. Any suggestions much appreciated for the example below: y = c(10^1.5, 10^2, 10^3, 10^2) t = c(1,2,3,4) xyplot(y ~ t, type = "b", scales = list(y = list(log = TRUE))) ##
2009 Sep 09
Xyplot, multi line title via main, all lines left justified
All, Below is an xyplot plot with multiple panels and a title produced via main: library("lattic") data.ex = data.frame(y = rnorm(10), t = rep(1:5, 2), group = rep(c(0,1), each = 5)) xyplot(y ~ t | as.factor(group), data = data.ex, main = list("Put figure caption here xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx want this line left justified" )) I must be mis-interpreting the
2008 Aug 27
Significant digits for checking values of variable?
All, I'm witnessing some strange behavior when checking the values of one of my variables. My guess is that it has something to do with the number of significant digits being represented, but perhaps not as my variable was created from other variables that only had one decimal place. See below. I'm sure this is something basic, any suggestions much appreciated. Cheers, David >
2009 Sep 26
Lattice, stripplot (xyplot), plotting data with median line, numeric x-axis
All, On p.52 of Deepayan Sarkar's Lattice book there is a nice plot of showing residuals with median lines superimposed or various groups: library("lattice") stripplot(sqrt(abs(residuals(lm(yield~variety+year+site)))) ~ site, data = barley, groups = year, = TRUE, type = c("p", "a"), fun = median) Suppose we wanted to make a similar plot for a
2008 Feb 28
Replacing plot symbols w/ subject IDs in xyplot()
All, How does one replace plot symbols with say subject IDs when using xyplot? Or superimpose them next to plot symbols? I searched the archives under various key words but haven't had much. Any suggestions or links much appreciated. Sample code below. David junk.frm = data.frame(ID = rep(1:16, each = 2), x, y, z = rep(c("D", "P"), 16)) y = c( 0.4, 0.6, -0.1,
2007 Oct 12
Basic plot question: Figure 1.1 Pinheiro & Bates
All, Sorry for overly simplistic question, but I can't seem to remember how to create the basic plot shown in Figure 1.1 of Pinheiro & Bates (2004; p.4). The y-axis delineates a factor (Rail) while the x-axis displays the distribution of a continuous variable (time) according to each level of the factor. Didn't see it in archives but perhaps I'm not searching on correct key words,
2008 Sep 11
plot of all.effects object
All, I'm trying to plot an all.effects() object, as shown in the help for all.effects and also Crawley's R book (p.178, 2007). The data has a repeated measures structure, but I'm using all.effects for the simple lm() fit here. Below is a reproducible example that yields the error message. fm.ex = lm(dv ~ time.num*drug*X, data = fm.effects = all.effects(fm.ex, xlevels =
2008 Jul 02
auto.key in xyplot in conjunction with panel.text
All, I can't seem to get auto.key to work properly in an xyplot that is employing panel.text. Specifically, I often change the default grouping colors then use auto.key accordingly, but for some reason the same functionality isn't working for this different type of plot. Any help much appreciated. Cheers, David library("lattice") dat = data.frame( Y = c(rnorm(18,1),
2008 Feb 26
Subsetting within xyplot()
All, I'm having problems w/ a simple attempt to subset an xyplot. The first plot below is a plot of y versus x for certain values of a third categorical variable z. Now I'd like to further restrict this to certain values of variable y. Neither of the two attempts below work. Any suggestions much appreciated. (note: I don't want to merely use ylim since I have a loess plot and I
2008 Jun 26
Connecting lines across missing data points, xyplot
All, I have data across 5 time points that I am graphing via xyplot, along with error bars. For one of the variables I have missing data for two of the time points. The code below is okay but I can't seem to get the lines to connect across the missing time points. Does anyone now how to rectify this? Cheers, David Afshartous library(lattice) ## the data junk = data.frame( Visit =
2009 Sep 11
For sending my R package as part of R-project
...ed to build it.) Duncan Murdoch ------------------------------ Message: 14 Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 06:08:50 -0700 From: Deepayan Sarkar <deepayan.sarkar at> Subject: Re: [R] Xyplot, multi line title via main, all lines left justified To: "Afshartous, David" <DAfshartous at> Cc: "r-help at" <r-help at> Message-ID: <eb555e660909100608wd9d52e5yb1be05546a6d332b at> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 2:53 PM, Afshartous, David <DAfshartous at med.mi...
2008 Mar 04
(x,y) coordinates for grid.text()
All, When using grid.text it seems my supplied (x,y) coordinates are being plotted only in npc (normalized parent coordinates) where (.5,.5) is the center of the graph. How do I allow (x,y) to be coordinates corresponding to the (x,y) values in the graph? The examples in ?grid.text seem to do this. (I think the problem lies in how x and y are defined with respect to unit ). Any help much
2008 Jun 16
Error bars within xyplot, panel = function(x,y, ....)
All, I'm trying to adapt some code provided by Deepayan Sarkar from a previous thread ( on this topic. ## This code produces a graph w/o error bars: xyplot(Y ~ Hr, data, groups=DRUG, panel=function(x,y,...){ panel.xyplot(x,y,..., type=c("g", "l") ) panel.points(x,y,..., pch=16,
2008 Oct 13
ldBands (Hmisc)
All, I'm getting the same error message as that discussed in a previous post (Feb 3, 2006). The reply to that post was to insure that the ld98 program was in the system path (as also suggested in the help on ldBands). I have done this but this does not change the result. Any advice much appreciated. David > sessionInfo() R version 2.7.2 (2008-08-25) i386-pc-mingw32 locale:
2008 Oct 16
Loop avoidance in simulating a vector
All, I'd like to simulate a vector that is formed from many distinct distributions and avoid a loop if possible. E.g, consider: mu = c(1, 2, 3) sigma = c(1, 2, 3) n = c(10, 10, 10) And we simulate a vector of length 30 that consists of N(mu[i], sigma[i]) distributed data, each of length n[i]. Of course for just three groups we can simply write it out as: DV = c(rnorm(n[1], mu[1],
2008 May 23
exrpression(), double subscript
All, The first use of expression produces a double subscript while the second does not. I searched in ?plotmath and the archives and didn't find anything. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious but can't seem to find. any suggestions much appreciated. Cheers, David plot(1:10, 1:10) text(par("usr")[1] - .5, 5, adj = 1, labels = expression(hat(b)[11]), xpd = TRUE)
2008 Jul 03
Installation of packages via GUI, Mac OS X
All, I'm running R v2.7.1 on Mac OS X. When I go to the R package installer GUI, I am not prompted to select a repository. The usual screen is there but the columns for package, installed version, and repository version are all populated via blank entries. If I select "Get List" the error below occurs. The same thing occurs if I go form the command line via install.packages.