search for: customer_controller

Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "customer_controller".

Did you mean: customers_controller
2011 Jun 09
Basic database question
Hi there Yes, I know very little of ruby. I must take a crash course? Probabily. Anyway, I try to ask this here. I have a control: customer_controller. From here, I can do something like: @id = 1 @customer = Customer.find(id) Now @customer will contain all the fetched record for customer with id = 1. Great. From this controller I will render an html page. Somewhere the view will print test. SOmething like: "This is your account" Bu...
2009 Feb 18
wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)
...f arguments (1 for 0)'', in my controller. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ArgumentError in CustomerController#add_to_cart wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) RAILS_ROOT: /project/bob_shopping Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace app/controllers/customer_controller.rb:36:in `session'' app/controllers/customer_controller.rb:36:in `add_to_cart'' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My controller is ... def add_to_cart if product_id = params[:product_id] quantity = params[:quantity]...
2006 May 25
Grouping controllers
...ouping controllers to avoid cluttering the top-level namespace. First, I used script/generate Admin::Customers new edit show list and then I used script/generate Admin::Providers new edit show list. The generator created the subfolders correctly: I have an admin folder and inside there''s customer_controller.rb and provider_controller.rb. I have the same structure in views. BUT when I go to http://localhost:3004/admin/customer/list I get an Unknown Action error. I''m positive that the action is declared in the respective controller. Am I missing something? I read about this on the Agile Web D...
2012 Feb 08
Session values
Hello Everyone, I am new to Ruby. My application revolves around the user having a "Customer" object and having that customer id in the session. Right now I have a customer service which creates the customer or finds one that has been created and adds the id to the session. However, I can''t guarantee that the customer service will be the first one hit when my application
2005 Nov 16
What happened to mysql connection?
...active_record/base.rb:930:in `construct_finder_sql'' /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.13.0/lib/ active_record/base.rb:411:in `find'' /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.13.0/lib/ active_record/base.rb:409:in `find'' #{RAILS_ROOT}app/controllers/customer_controller.rb:13:in `pre_check'' /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.11.0/lib/ action_controller/filters.rb:354:in `send'' /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.11.0/lib/ action_controller/filters.rb:354:in `call_filters'' /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionp...
2006 Jan 04
recongizing the current controller in views
alright i am doing a simple self blog in ruby. Now iw ant to be able to determine which controller action i am in inside _form.rhtml. So if i am in new or the creation control than i want to insert the text box for topics else i want to display the topic base on id. (i could do those already, i just need help finding the right if statement.. something like (if currentpage ==
2006 Sep 30
generating unique tracking numbers I just increment the max value of the id column. Here''s how I generate a customer number: application.rb: CUSTOMER_BASE = "10000" def next_id(table_name, column) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value("select max(#{column})+1 from #{table_name}") end customer_controller.rb: def create @customer.number = CUSTOMER_BASE.to_i + next_id(''customers'', ''id'').to_i end Have I simply postponed the problem to the day when ids have been re-organized beyond the customer_base and I start generating collisions? So what do you do?? I'...
2007 Dec 13
Realise a web service with ruby on rails.
...two elements. I did a model customer, a web_service customer. In the file /app/apis/customer_api.rb class CustomerApi < ActionWebService::API::Base api_method :listid, :expects => [:int], :returns => [Customer] api_method :listall, :returns => [[:int]] In the file /app/controller/customer_controller.rb class CustomerController < ApplicationController wsdl_service_name ''Customer'' web_service_scaffold :invoke def listid(id) Customer.find(id) end def listall Customer.find(:all).map{ |customer| } end end I finished my server web_service. I...
2006 Jan 13
Problems with scaffold''s parameter on Oracle
Hi I run Ruby on Rails on Oracle XE. I have a simple table: create table customer(id number primary key, name varchar2(100)); And ruby script\generate model Customer ruby script\generate controller Customer http://localhost:3000/customer/ - show a fine list, but when I click show/edit/destroy, I get an ORA-01722: OCIError: ORA-01722: invalid number: select * from (select raw_sql_.*,