search for: ctd

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30 matches for "ctd".

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2010 Jul 16
Randomly Dropping Audio / CTD
...y be addressed? Personally, I'm ignoring the stable series until this problem is identified and fixed. I understand that someone is working of revamping OpenAL support in WINE so when will users likely see the fruit of this revamp? This issue of randomly dropping audio with the application then CTD is extremely important. WINE is nearly useless for many applications until this problem is fixed.
2012 Aug 24
Vpopmail Dynamic Authentication Module
...include -I/home/vpopmail/lib userdb-vpopmail.c passdb-vpopmail.c -o -L/home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a I am unable to get the module to load properly. Dovecot built with --with-vpopmail works perfectly. When I start dovecot and it tries to load the module it reports: Aug 23 16:48:18 ctd-nix1 dovecot: Dovecot v1.0.7 starting up Aug 23 16:48:18 ctd-nix1 dovecot: auth(default): dlopen(/usr/lib64/dovecot/auth/ failed: /usr/lib64/dovecot/auth/ undefined symbol: vclose Aug 23 16:48:18 ctd-nix1 dovecot: auth(default): dlsym(passdb_vpopmail) failed: dovecot-auth: u...
2003 Oct 18
Oceanographic lattice plots?
R 1.8.0 on Windows XP Professional. A huge THANK YOU to the R Team for this marvelous software. I am making lattice plots of oceanographic data. The usual layout does not conform to plotting conventions that marine scientists use when depth is the independent variable. Under those conventions, plots are made with the origin at the upper left, depth on the vertical axis (increasing as it
2007 Dec 23
How to remove some rows from a data.frame
...01510 0 -1 RP11-155C15 1 230957584 0 -1 RP11-210F8 1 237932418 0 -1 RP11-263L17 2 65724492 0 1 RP11-340F16 2 65879898 0 1 RP11-68A1 2 67718674 0 0 RP11-474G23 2 68318411 0 0 RP11-218N6 2 68454651 0 0 CTD-2003M22 2 68567494 0 0 ..... how to remove those rows which have 0 for both of columns s1,s2? sth like M[!M$21=0&!M$s2=0]? Moreover, I want to get a list which could find a subset of rows which have the same pattern of data. For example, the first 8 rows in M can be clustered into...
2007 May 14
x axis problems
I have been searching for the R manual, unable to solve my problem. Questions 1) How can I put the x axis at the top of the plot? 2) I am plotting data from a CTD. I want to add series sal, obs and fluo at the same plot by using points(sal,deepth) ets. The data have different values so I want to use multiple x axis (4) with different scaling. How can I do that? plot(sal,depth,ylim=c(100,0),xlim=c(-0.0120,62),type="l",col.axis="",xaxt=&q...
2006 Nov 03
read file problem
R-help, I have the following file I want to import to R (some lines removed) Calibrated CTD data for station:00280001 Calibrated:23/8 2001, Salinity Unsmoothed, Fluorescence Uncalibrated Maximum observed depth: 36 m QUAL has one digit for each of pressure, temp., sal. and fluor. QUAL=1:Uncal., QUAL=2:OK, QUAL=6:Interp., QUAL=9:No data...
2006 Mar 07
How to change time zones?
...POSIX object that is in UTC. How do you change the values to another timezone? If I do this: times <- strptime(times, "%H:%M:%S") times1 <- as.POSIXct(times, tz="UTC") times2 <- as.POSIXct(times, tz="CDT6CST") times1 id UTC, but times2 is still UTC, not CTD. Why? Is the only was to change time zones to add seconds to POSIX objects? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Oct 12
Differencing data by groups
...Mid 14.887 17.695 22.902 7.742 15009 CF0103 2001 Fall 929 Mid 14.946 17.694 22.902 7.742 15010 CF0103 2001 Fall 929 Mid 14.985 17.693 22.902 7.743 ...... In total there are ~350k rows of data I can calculate simple EventNum averages using meanobs<-aggregate(ctd[,7:9],by=list(EventNum=EventNum),mean) But, I want to calculate a depth-weighted mean for salinity, temp and oxygen for each EventNum. The depth-weighted mean is calculated as Xbar = Sum{depth_interval*temp}/Sum(depth_intervals) Where the depth interval is the differenced depths (i.e., 0.103-...
2008 Sep 27
FW: logistic regression
...drop1. Model: MIN_Mstocked ~ ORG_CODE + BECLBL08 + PEM_SScat + SOIL_MST_1 + SOIL_NUTR + cE + cN + cELEV + cDIAM_125 + cCRCLS + cCULM_125 + cSPH + cAGE + cVRI_NONPINE + cVRI_nonpineCFR + cVRI_BLEAF + cvol_125 + cstrDST_SW + cwaterDST_SW + cSEEDSRCE_SW + cMAT + cMWMT + cMCMT + cTD + cMAP + cMSP + cAHM + cSHM + cMATMAP + cddless0 + cddless18 + cddgrtr0 + cddgrtr18 + cNFFD + cbFFP + ceFFP + cPAS + cDD5_100 + cEXT_Cold + cS_INDX Df Deviance AIC LRT Pr(Chi) <none> 814.21 938.21 ORG_CODE 4 82...
2009 Aug 03
CTDB+GFS2+CMAN. clean_start="0" or clean_start="1"?
Hi everybody, I have tested CTDB+GFS2+CMAN under Debian. It works good but I do not understand some points. It is possible to run the CTDB defining it under services section in cluster.conf but running it on the second node shuts down the process at the first one. My CTDB configuration implies 2 active-active nodes. Does CTDB...
2008 Nov 25
Can a zpool cachefile be copied between systems?
Suppose that you have a SAN environment with a lot of LUNs. In the normal course of events this means that ''zpool import'' is very slow, because it has to probe all of the LUNs all of the time. In S10U6, the theoretical ''obvious'' way to get around this for your SAN filesystems seems to be to use a non-default cachefile (likely one cachefile per virtual
2012 Sep 11
Maintaining specific order when using aggregate or change order on axis
Hi All, I'm using the following code to produce some stacked bar graphs. *setwd("C:\\Users\\Tinus\\Documents\\NMMU\\R\\Seamounts")* *SChla <- read.csv("SM_Chla_data.csv")* * * *#Extract mean values from data file* * * *Coral <- SChla[185:223,] #Reduce SChla to Coral only* *coral <- with(Coral , aggregate(cbind(Pico, Nano, Micro), list(Depth),FUN=mean))*
2006 Nov 04
Check_box woes, nil %></dd> <% end %> <dt><label for="address1">Street address:</label></dt> <dd><%= f.text_field :address1, :size => "30" %></dd> <dt><label for="address2">Street address (ctd):</label></dt> <dd><%= f.text_field :address2, :size => "30" %></dd> </dl> <%= submit_tag("Update your details", :class => "submit") %> <% end %> So I want the checkboxes to be checked if @address.user.billing_...
2010 Nov 23
drive replaced from spare
I have a x4540 with a single pool made from a bunch of raidz1''s with 2 spares (solaris 10 u7). Been running great for over a year, but I''ve had my first event. A day ago the system activated one of the spares c4t7d0, but given the status below, I''m not sure what to do next. # zpool status pool: pool1 state: ONLINE scrub: resilver completed after 2h25m
2010 Dec 06
How to fix Baldur's Gate 2 in CIDER so it doesn't crash?
...o run fine in Single Player. Unfortunately, I'm unable to run it in multiplayer mode which is a favorite of mine. Normally one can run a multiplayer TCP/IP game in BG2 so they can import/export self-made characters. In the CIDER version, trying to load or start a TCP/IP game causes the game to CTD with the message "Unhandled page fault on read access 0x00000000 at address 0x009adf04. Do you wish to debug it?" Something that sounds like untranslated Basque to my ears. In some forum comments on the issue I found no solutions, but one man who did find this information: "To g...
2003 Jul 09
System Requirements
Dear sir, could you provide me the link for getting System Requirements for SAMBA file server thanks, Bhushan
2006 Apr 30
Package-check failure (i386) (PR#8822)
....2.1. Both machines are macintoshes running the latest version of OSX. I am reporting this here not to get help - I realize the package is too big to provide a test case - but rather as an alert. Running "R CMD check oce" produces an error, and when I checked the relevant failure file (, I see the following contents. This suggests that maybe the system is trying to run an i386 binary, even though the machine has a powerpc CPU. (Now you can see why I'm reporting this -- it seems to be a problem with the OSX universal binary.) /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resour...
2012 Oct 16
Fish Ecology Post-Doctoral Research Associate needed in Woods Hole, MA
...stitution examining the ecology of forage species, especially meso-pelagic fishes and euphausiids, at the New England continental shelf break and slope. The successful applicant will quantify patterns in the abundance and distribution of these taxa in relation to environmental conditions (e.g., CTD data, satellite observations, climate indices) via statistical analysis and will quantify their interaction with higher predators, especially commercial fishes, via stomach content data and evacuation rate models. These analyses will draw upon multiple existing datasets, including: stomach con...
2005 Jul 18
unsolicited NOTIFY messages from Asterisk
hi, i am getting unsolicited NOTIFY messages from Asterisk after the subscription. Is this type of NOTIFY messages is supported in any of the RFCs..? Because, the SIP stack with 3265 compliance, does not support any such NOTIFY messages and discarding those. I need the justification for this kind of NOTIFY messages sent by Asterisk. I need your valuable inputs... Thanks in Advance, Subashini
2006 Jan 03
need to know some basic functionality features of R-Proj
Hi, I am new-comer to statistics and R-Project. I would like to know if these features can be attained in R-Project.Please help. 1) beta 1 and Beta 2, or gamma one and gamma two for skewness and kurtosis, respectively, including standard errors and tests for significance (relative to values for a Gaussian distribution). 2) linear correlation 3) quadratic regression 4) polynomial regression