search for: created_by_id

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "created_by_id".

2008 Sep 25
question about exception
Hi In the controller I have the function def convert_sd_ticket_to_incident ServiceDeskTicket.close_ticket(sd_id,created_by_id,modified_by_id) Incident.convert_sd_ticket_to_incident(sd_id,created_by_id,modified_by_id) end Now in the ServiceDeskTicket model def self.close_ticket(sd_id,created_by,modified_by) begin ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do sd_ticket=self.find(sd_id) sd_ticket.service_de...
2006 Apr 04
What is the best way to handle this? It''s not a good use of the new Polymorphic-Association thingy is it?
...rails, if not for this customer then perhaps for another. Anyway, I have decided to go with MySQL this time and have the following (showing just the fields I''m really interested in here): CREATE TABLE requests ( id int not null auto_increment, created_by_id int not null, last_updated_by_id int, primary_customer_id int, primary_support_id int, : : constraint fk_requests_creator foreign key (created_by_id) references users(id), constraint fk_requests_updater foreign key (last_updated_by_id) r...
2008 Jul 15
Beginner Question.
I''m just getting into RoR, coming from a long PHP background. So far I LOVE IT! I''m hitting a roadblock with updating my mysql database. For simplicities sake, I have 2 tables and here are the relevant columns. Table Users id name email Table Issues id createdby assignedto reportedby In my models I have everything mapped properly I believe. When I try to update the
2006 May 02
YAML failing to de-serialize
I''m seeing this same problem that Josh was seeing back on March 23rd (see below) I''ve got the following YAML snippet stored in a text field: "--- !ruby/object:FieldValue \nattributes: \n item_id: 60\n title: Test\n field_id: 15\n created_by_id: 5\n locale: en\n link:\n comment: this is a test\n created_at: 2006-05-02 15:43:14.256792 Z\nnew_record: true\n" When deserialize this using YAML.load and the FieldValue class is not loaded I successfully get a YAML::Object. However is FieldValue is loaded I get an error...
2006 Jan 30
:condition not being applied
I am using acts_as_taggable and everything seems to be working except that :condition => "tags_resources.portal_id=#{portal_id}" is not being applied. @resource_pages = self, Resource.find_tagged_with(:any => tag, :condition => "tags_resources.portal_id=#{portal_id}").length, 25, @params[''page'']; @resources
2010 Sep 27
problem with set_sequence_name please help
...dCourt < ActiveRecord::Base set_sequence_name ''COURT_SEQ'' end with rails console : AdCourt.sequence_name I have got "COURT_SEQ" which look ok. When AdCourt.create!(:caption => ''AAAA'', :code => ''1111'', :version => 0, :created_by_id => 0) it''s still using "ad_courts_seq" which not exist. ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError: ORA-02289: sequence does not exist : select ad_courts_seq.nextval id from dual from /Users/cyberjom/.rvm/gems/jruby-1.5.2/gems/activerecord-3.0.0/lib/a...