search for: court3nay

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 29 matches for "court3nay".

2007 Aug 17
should_receive, used in the wrong place?
What do you guys think of this: if someone calls should_receive outside of an "it" block, it warns you. before(:each) do @foo = @foo.should_receive(:monkeys) end would warn you that you''re setting an expectation in the wrong place, and that "stub" is correct when setting up objects. Opinions? courtenay
2007 Jun 12
rspec 1.0.x and liquid?
Is anyone else using liquid with the > 1 rspec? This seems to fail: it ''should render show'' do response.should render_template(''buyers/show'') get :show, :id => 1 end with an error like 1) NoMethodError in ''/buyer GET should render show'' You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! The error occurred
2007 Jun 18
Testing for cross site scripting, etc.
Being new to testing and ruby, are there "standard" tests that can be done that test for things like cross site scripting and friends? If not, anyone have ideas on what I might do about testing those sorts of things? I''ll be using rails, also. Mike B. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging
2007 Aug 15
nuby: how spec redirect_to at ApplicationController
Good morning rspec people! Still rspec nuby: I must do something wrong obviously. How can I spec about redirect_to at ApplicationController describe ApplicationController do it "method login_required should redirect to home path without login" do pending "I tried to use controller.login_required.should be_redirected and got NoMethodError with nil object
2007 Mar 29
a better "should have valid associations"
...============================ Put this in your model spec. context "A new Page" do include ActiveRecordMatchers specify "should have valid associations" do object = object.should have_valid_associations end end ======================================== court3nay
2007 Feb 16
some fun functionality for all your specs
I''ve found these two snippets of code useful and would love some feedback. first, .should_have_valid_associations usage: context "A new Product" do specify "should have valid associations" do @product.should_have_valid_associations end end code: (thanks to Wilson/Defiler for converting to rspec) module Spec module Expectations module Should
2005 Dec 16
acts_as_taggable sql injection vulnerability
...le quote in it. See if raises an error. Now, go delete your entire database. How to fix ======== add/change the last line of split_tag_names tag_names = { |name| ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote_string( } }.uniq.compact -- Remember to restart your app. court3nay :: we like big fonts and yellow highlighting :: personal codelog :: just like all the cool kids
2007 Aug 15
ActsAsList specs
Hi, How are people specifying models which act_as_list? I''m thinking that it would be possible to check that acts_as_list instance methods have been added to a class using something like this: describe Page, "acts_as_list" do it "should act as a list" do Page.ancestors.should be_include(ActiveRecord::Acts::List::InstanceMethods) end it "should use
2006 Dec 31
what''s with the response.should_be_xxxx stacktrace?
If I do get :index response.should_be_success I get about 20k of marshalled dumpage that starts like #<ActionController::TestResponse:0x390443c @body=\"<html><body>You are being <a href=\"\">redirected</a>.</body></html>\", @assigns=[], @redirected_to={:action=>\"show\", :id=>1},
2007 Aug 23
controller spec with model that validates_uniqueness
I want to use mocks and stubs to test the controller, but am having trouble getting my validation not to trigger. Here''s the code: # spec: Image.stub!(:find).and_return(@image) @image.should_receive(:save!).once.with(:any_args) put :update, :id =>, :category_id =>, :image => {:name => ''test'', :image_number =>
2007 Feb 13
Specs of code that use
Hi Just trying to spec a Rails model that defaults a valid_until date to this time tomorrow. I''ve done something similar involving Dates, and you can stub the :today method to return something fixed. But when I tried this with Time, I found that RSpec calls four times per spec. So there''s no way to spec code like 1.days.from_now . The best I can come up
2007 Jul 18
Mocking Rails association collections
Rails model association collections allow you to do nifty things like: article.comments.find(:all, :conditions => {:created_at >}) Has anyone found a good way to mock this up? I''m currently doing this: @comment1 = mock_model(Comment) comments = mock(Array) comments.stub!(:find).and_return([@comment1]) @article = mock_model(Article)
2005 Mar 22
am i the only one with this problem?
(clean install) >gem install rails Attempting local installation of ''rails'' Local gem file not found: rails*.gem Attempting remote installation of ''rails'' Install required dependency activesupport? [Yn] y Install required dependency activerecord? [Yn] y Install required dependency actionpack? [Yn] y Install required dependency actionmailer? [Yn] y
2007 Oct 04
Cookies in RSpec
So how do you work with cookies properly in rspec now? I noticed in the docs that it mentions session, assigns, and flash, but nothing of cookie. I''m using edge rails so I''m concerned about changes to the cookie mechanisms. I need to assign values into the cookie (a remember token for restful authentication) so that I can have it log in by cookie. here is my spec
2007 Aug 27
Testing arbitrary SQL
Hi, I would like to know how would you test a method in a model that uses complex a SQL query that joins several tables in order to make a calculation. I suppose that I need fixtures, although my approach with rspec is to avoid fixtures and isolate model specs, but none of both seems possible in this case. Is there another way than fixtures? Thanks.
2006 Dec 30
redirect_to(:action => ''foo'') and return
I''m not sure why this is happening, but if I do this in a controller unless @variation && @variation.quantity > 0 flash[:error] = "Sorry, that product is currently not available." redirect_to(:action => ''error'') and return end rspec tells me 2) ActionController::DoubleRenderError in ''The Carts controller with an
2007 Oct 18
Mocking models provided in Rails plugins
Hey folks, How do I mock a model that is given to me by a Rails plugin? I''m trying to mock Session from the restful_authentication plugin but I get a number of errors telling me RSpec doesn''t recognize Session. NameError in ''SessionsController handling GET /sessions/new should be successful'' uninitialized constant Session An example of my usage:
2006 Apr 04
Mongrel Web Server -- Iron Mongrel
...ADDR to that. * Fixes for little bugs like double log messages, but not a lot of changes to the overall core. Go ahead and install the usual way: gem install mongrel *or* gem upgrade Zed A. Shaw P.S. The snazzy Iron Mongrel logo is courtesy court3nay from
2007 Nov 15
Trouble using should_receive
I have this code trying to ensure my reset method works. I want to make sure all the participants have their destroy method called. # in my spec for Room r = => ''bob'') p = => ''a'', :password => ''b'', :password_confirmation => ''b'') = r
2007 Jun 26
Can I stub a method on a belongs_to association:
describe Asset, " when destroyed" do fixtures :assets, :videos, :sites, :publish_settings before(:each) do @asset = assets(:test_asset) @mock_hook = mock("hook")!(:hook).and_return @mock_hook # error occurs here end it "should call the delete hook" do @mock_hook.should_receive(:update).with("test_video",