search for: convertunit

Displaying 10 results from an estimated 10 matches for "convertunit".

2009 Sep 24
unexpected behavior of `[<-` method for class unit.arithmetic
Dear list, Consider the following, library(grid) w = unit.c(unit(1, "in"), unit(2, "in")) w2 = w + unit(1, "mm") w[2] <- 0 w2[2] <- 0 convertUnit(w, "mm") #[1] 25.4mm 0mm convertUnit(w2, "mm") #Error in grid.Call("L_convert", x, as.integer(whatfrom), as.integer(whatto), : # INTEGER() can only be applied to a 'integer', not a 'NULL' The last line fails, as the naive replacement has destroyed th...
2011 Apr 26
grid stringHeight
...vior of stringHeight in the grid package. Consider the following test, library(grid) test <- function(lab="dog", ...){ g1 <- textGrob(lab) g2 <- rectGrob(height=grobHeight(g1), width=grobWidth(g1)) gg <- gTree(children=gList(g1,g2), ...) print(c("height:", convertUnit(stringHeight(lab), "mm", "y"))) grid.draw(gg) } grid.newpage() test() test(expression(dog), vp=viewport(x=0.6)) ## notice how the dog's tail is being cut off, where ## expression yields a snug cage grid.newpage() test("aoc") test(expression(aoc), vp=viewport(x=...
2011 Mar 04
Creating a .png with just an expression() in it
Hey, I'm trying to create an image file with the results of a regression analysis. In TeX, the line would be something like: $ size = 0.34 + 4.3 var_1 $ Can I create a plot window with just this line in it? I tried playing around with or, but didn't really find something that worked. Thanks in advance, Alex -- alexx at alexx-fett:~$ vi .emacs
2011 Oct 25
R fails when converting units using Hershey-Fonts
...(label), unitTo="mm") *** caught segfault *** address 0xadc838f8, cause 'memory not mapped' Traceback: 1: .Call(fnname, ..., PACKAGE = "grid") 2: grid.Call("L_convert", x, as.integer(whatfrom), as.integer(whatto), valid.units(unitTo)) 3: convertUnit(x, unitTo, "y", "dimension", "y", "dimension", valueOnly = valueOnly) 4: convertHeight(stringHeight(label), unitTo = "mm") Possible actions: 1: abort (with core dump, if enabled) 2: normal R exit 3: exit R without saving workspace 4: exit R saving...
2007 Oct 24
Rotated viewports in Grid
Hi all, I'm trying to generate a plot containing a scatterplot, with marginal densityplots for x and y. However, when I try to generate a vertical densityplot, I get the message "warning: can't clip to rotated viewport", and nothing shows up. I'm probably misunderstanding how viewports are meant to be used, so if someone could give me a hint, I'd be most grateful. my
2008 Oct 17
Using key.opts in Ecdf/labcurve (Hmisc package)
I'm presumably missing something very obvious, but how does one use the key.opts argument in labcurve (via Ecdf)? In this example, I want the key to be big and have a blue background, but it isn't and doesn't. ch <- rnorm(1000, 200, 40) sex <- factor(sample(c('female','male'), 1000, TRUE)) Ecdf(~ch, group=sex, label.curves=list(keys=c("f",
2018 May 21
draw borders of bars inside of the rectangles in a barplot
I recommend instead of no border, that you use a border with the same color as the fill. I do this in the likert functions in the HH package. Rich On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 10:59 AM, Martin Batholdy via R-help <r-help at> wrote: > Dear R-users, > > I want to draw a barplot with beside=TRUE. > One halve of the bars are drawn with a border, while the other halve are
2018 May 21
draw borders of bars inside of the rectangles in a barplot
Dear R-users, I want to draw a barplot with beside=TRUE. One halve of the bars are drawn with a border, while the other halve are drawn without a border (i.e. filled bars vs. non-filled bars next to each other). Because borders are drawn around the bars, doing this leads to one halve of the bars being wider than the other halve, expanding across the 0-point of the y-axis. This problem emerges
2005 Oct 15
grid.edit problem
I am having a problem in editing a grob. It works ok if I try to shift the grob using npc coordinates but if I do the same thing using native coordinates the grob disappears. What is wrong? library(grid) grid.newpage() # create viewport pushViewport(viewport(xscale = c(100,200), name = "X")) # draw vertical line grid.lines(150, 0:1, default.units = "native", name =
2007 Aug 28
Limiting size of pairs plots
Dear R-users, I would like to add a legend at the bottom of pairs plots (it's my first use of this function). With the plot function, I usually add some additional space at the bottom when I define the size of the graphical device (using mar); grid functions then allows me to draw my legend as I want. Unfortunatley, this technique does not seem to work with the pairs function as the