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2006 Apr 18
3D pie
...using pie(something)... I know it isn't the best way to represent data, but people are sometimes more interested by the look and feel than by the accuracy of the results... If there is no way, have you another suggestion ? (i already use dotchart instead of pie) Thks to all of you. COMTE Guillaume [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Nov 23
converting from numeric to Date
...nds since year 1970, how do i convert it to a date ? Example : >Limite_x<-c(1131408000,1163548800) >is(limite_x) [1] "numeric" "vector" But these numbers are dates, did R provide something that give you the date from this numeric vector ? Thks all. COMTE Guillaume. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Jul 13
colors on graph
Hy all, I need to draw something in 2 dimension that has 3 dimension, the choice has been made to use colors to display the third dimension into the graph. Has someone done something like that, i can't figure out how to parametize the colors. Thks for all ideas, COMTE Guillaume [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 May 17
variable colnames another idea on how to do that (without using colnames has described in the answers), but i'm still interested if it exist a way to access colnames values by assigning to a var a colname name then using the var (the var contain the name of the column) to retieve the values... Thks all. COMTE Guillaume -----Message d'origine----- De?: Christoph Buser [mailto:buser at] Envoy??: mardi 16 mai 2006 18:32 ??: r-help at Cc?: COMTE Guillaume Objet?: Re: [R] variable row names Hi I was confused by your example, too and still am a little bit confuse...
2006 May 16
variable row names
...toto tutu [1,] 1 2 > nom [1] "toto" > I wish to call the rowname by the variable name, in this case it would be < nom > or < prenom > , but if i do that it gives me the name of the row not the values of it. Is this possible or not? Thks all. COMTE Guillaume [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Jun 20
Hello, I've got 2 dates like these : "2006-02-08 17:12:55" "2006-02-08 17:15:26" I wish to get the middle of these two date : "2006-02-08 17 :14 :10" Is there is a function in R to do that ? Thks all guillaume [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Aug 30
...uot; ctDate isn't a numeric vector, it is a POSIXct... none of the clues inside the docs has given me the answer, i can't cast it, i can't converti t to POSIXlt because it is wrong class (as.POSIX** don't want to work...) What is the trick ?? Any ideas would be great thks COMTE Guillaume [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Jul 20
hist or barplot
...overlap with the first drawn, how to tell R to put in front of the graph the min value of the two graph in order for it to be seen and don't hide each other. I've been looking at help for barplot or hist but didn't find anything... (or my english is too poor to understand) thks COMTE Guillaume [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Mar 02
Samba as PDC and BDC on the same network.
I have recently configured two servers to be controlers of my domain. The first one is the PDC and is configured like : domain master = yes prefered master = yes local master = yes domain logons = yes security = user os level = 99 And the second, the BDC like : domain master = no prefered master = no local master = no domain logons = yes security = user
2007 Jan 04
problem with plot() and POSIXt dates
Hy all, I'm plotting graphs using plot() function, they are on X axes POSIX dates: "POSIXt" "oldClass" "POSIXct" "POSIXlt" I can't figure out why sometimes it prints the month and days and sometimes it prints the unix timestamp. It appens usually when the xlim is short like only some days. xlim is settled as a POSIXt like this "2006-12-30
2012 Oct 18
legend of maps generated by function symbols
...nd to this kind of maps, is it possible? Regards, Marion. -- Marion Jacquot Laboratoire de Chrono-environnement UMR UFC/CNRS 6249 USC INRA Universit? de Franche-Comt? Place Leclerc F-25030 Besan?on cedex FRANCE Tel. : +33 (0)381 665 829 Fax : +33 (0)381 665 797
2012 Nov 07
pseudo R-squared with likfit (geoR)
...0)#Maddala (1983) [1] 0.0001510074 Thanks, Regards, Marion -- Marion Jacquot Laboratoire de Chrono-environnement UMR UFC/CNRS 6249 USC INRA Université de Franche-Comté Place Leclerc F-25030 Besançon cedex FRANCE Tel. : +33 (0)381 665 829 Fax : +33 (0)381 665 797 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Oct 26
linux-xp x509 ipsec connection
...*************************************************************** ipsec on the XP side ************************************************************************************* my ipsec.conf: conn Chivas rightsubnet= rightca="C=BE, ST=Hainaut, L=Braine-le-Comte, O=N Consulting, CN=chivas," left=%any network=auto authmode=MD5 auto=start pfs=yes _____________________________________________________________________________________ C:\IPSEC>ipsec -delete IPSec Version 2.2.0 (c) 2001-2003 Marcus Mueller Getting runnin...
2004 Jul 18
bootstrap and nls
...bootstraping. Data can be sent offline to whom wanted to try on the dataset. Any hint welcome! Best regards, Patrick Giraudoux University of Franche-Comt?? Department of Environmental Biology EA3184 af. INRA F-25030 Besan??on Cedex tel.: +33 381 665 745 fax.: +33 381 665 797
2006 Jan 05
Memory limitation in GeoR - Windows or R?
...on, but has much more limited possibilities than geoR considering other issues (variogram analysis, etc...). library(gstat) ?krige see argument 'maxdist' Hope this can help, Kind regards Patrick Giraudoux -- Department of Environmental Biology EA3184 usc INRA University of Franche-Comte 25030 Besancon Cedex (France) tel. +33 381 665 745 fax +33 381 665 797 Aaron Swoboda a 侀crit : > Dear Sir: > > > I ran across your post to the R-help archive from February 9it is > attached below since it was nearly two years ago!). I am beginning to &...
2006 Feb 08
SwitchTower deployment hangs after HTTP Auth
I moved my Dreamhost respository to the web accessible one yesterday and tried to deploy to the production server after updating the relevant config parameters in deploy.rb. However, the deploy process just hangs after suppying auth credentials. I''ve attached the output below: loading configuration c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/switchtower-0.10.0 /lib/swit chtower/recipes/standard.rb
2004 Jan 15
Multiple comparisons in R; multicomp
...tests (similar to "multicomp" in Splus) in a package of R? Thanks in advance for any hint... Cheers, Patrick Giraudoux University of Franche-Comté Department of Environmental Biology EA3184 af. INRA F-25030 Besançon Cedex tel.: +33 381 665 745 fax.: +33 381 665 797 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Aug 16
Strange behavior with "hist" function filled with breaks and freq attribute
...have the real percent. So i'm wondering why it doesn't show the sum of the probability instead of the average for each values grouped. Did someone see where i'm wrong? I'll have a look to barplot, to see if it can handle it, but i still find that strange for hist... Thks all COMTE Guillaume [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Mar 13
hierarchical partitioning
Dear all, I am trying to model variation of distribution of species assemblages according to environmental variables. For that I use a log linear multinomial regression. In order to select variables that mostly discriminate the assemblages, I tried to apply a hierarchical partitioning protocol to my data set. For that I have adapted the all.regs() for multinomial model. The problem is that I
2007 Aug 15
mda and kmeans
Hello, I am using the function mda of the mda library in order to discriminate 4 groups with 8 explanatory variables. I only have 66 observations. I tested all possible combinations of those variable and run for each the Mixture Discriminant Analysis. For some iterations, I got an error message: "error in kmeans(xx, start): initial centers are not distinct". I understood that the