search for: cobs

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 43 matches for "cobs".

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2006 Nov 04
Error when using cobs library
Dear R-Users, I have problems with the cobs library. When doing the cobs example, I get the folling error message: example(cobs) cobs> x <- seq(-1, 3, , 150) cobs> y <- (f.true <- pnorm(2 * x)) + rnorm(150)/10 cobs> con <- rbind(c(1, min(x), 0), c(-1, max(x), 1), c(0, 0, 0.5)) cobs> Rbs <- cobs(x, y, cons...
2012 May 04
sem error message
Hello, I tried to do a 'sem' analysis for data of how blueberry consumption by birds is influenced by a pollution gradient, using distance and vegetation structural and composition variables, but I got the following error message: Error in sem.default(ram = ram, S = S, N = N, param.names = pars, var.names = vars, : S must be a square triangular or symmetric matrix This may be very
2009 Jul 26
MeetMe time doesn't show up in CDRs?
Hello, I'm working on some dialplan rules to pull multiple users into a conference call. I have some fairly straightforward rules which start up a new MeetMe conference, allow escape with the * key to invite more users, then use a features.conf sequence to bring the new user into the conference with ChannelRedirect. The problem I'm running into is the time in the MeetMe conference
2007 Dec 11
EL5.1 client problems
Hi all, I attempted to add an EL5.1 client to our puppet server (EL5), and after signing the client cert, got the error "Certificates were not trusted: hostname not match with the server certificate" I found the mailing list discussion and the relevant page: As far as I can tell, my puppermaster''s cert CN matches
2005 Jul 19
Taking the derivative of a quadratic B-spline
Hello, I have been trying to take the derivative of a quadratic B-spline obtained by using the COBS library. What I would like to do is similar to what one can do by using fit<-smooth.spline(cdf) xx<-seq(-10,10,.1) predict(fit, xx, deriv = 1) The goal is to fit the spline to data that is approximating a cumulative distribution function (e.g. in my example, cdf is a 2-column matrix with x...
2023 Nov 30
back tick names with predict function
I am having trouble using back ticks with the R extractor function 'predict' and an lm() model.? I'm trying too construct some nice vectors that can be used for plotting the two types of regression intervals.? I think it works with normal column heading names but it fails when I have "special" back-tick names.? Can anyone help with how I would reference these?? Short of
2023 Nov 30
back tick names with predict function
?s 17:38 de 30/11/2023, Robert Baer escreveu: > I am having trouble using back ticks with the R extractor function > 'predict' and an lm() model.? I'm trying too construct some nice vectors > that can be used for plotting the two types of regression intervals.? I > think it works with normal column heading names but it fails when I have > "special"
2013 Mar 06
print justify
Hi everyone, I'm trying to print a table justified to the left, but it doesn't work. Any hints? KennArt <- data.frame(NR=c(171,172,174,175,176,177,181,411,980), TYP=c("K?rnermais", ?"Corn Cob Mix", "Zuckermais", "Mischanbau (Silo)Mais/Sonnenblumen", ?"Mais mit Bejagungsschneise in gutem landwirtschaftlichen und ?kologischen Zustand",
2004 Jul 12
Smooth monotone estimation on R
Hi all, I'm looking for smooth monotone estimation packages, preferably using splines. I downloaded the 'cobs' package and intend to use it, but since it offers only quadratic splines based on L1 minimization, I'd like to compare its performance to that of a more 'mainstream' cubic-spline, L2-norm minimizing spline. Preferably a smoothing spline. Does anyone know of such code existing anyw...
2010 Jul 19
problem with using tm
I have R installed on my computer and want to use the tm module. I selected a CRAN mirror then selected tm on the install package menu. This is the response I got: also installing the dependency ?slam? trying URL '' Content type 'application/zip' length 41992 bytes (41 Kb) opened URL downloaded 41 Kb trying
2007 Jan 02
package dependency tree
Is there a painless way to find the names of all packages on CRAN that "Depend" on a specified package? url: Roger Koenker email rkoenker at Department of Economics vox: 217-333-4558 University of Illinois fax: 217-244-6678 Champaign, IL 61820
2011 Oct 16
Which function to use: grep, replace, substr etc.?
Hello, I have a simple question but I don't know which method is best to use for my problem. I have the following strings: str1 <- "My_name_is_peter" str2 <- "what_is_your_surname_peter" I would like to apply predefined abbreviations for peter=p and name=n to both strings so that the new strings look like the followings: str1: "My_n_is_p" str2:
2005 Sep 22
multidimensional (smoothing) splines
Hi, I am approximation a value function (in dynamic programming) V: R^n->R. In different versions of the problem, n is between 2 and 5. I would like to use splines to use this, I checked the mailing list and CRAN but couldn't find anything that would help me (Tps in fields is too slow, cobs would be really nice but seems to be one-dimensional). Is there any package that would at least give me the basis for multidimensional b-splines? Or even one that would do the fitting, perhaps even with constaints on derivatives at the edges (which I can specify from theory)? Thank you, Tamas...
2008 Dec 01
How to refer to a list member by variable
Dear All, I'm hoping one of you can help me with the following R problem. I'm trying to refer to a member of a list by variable. However, this seems not to work: foo=list(first=c(1:10),second=c(11:20)) > foo$first [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > foo$"first" [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > goo=c("first") > foo$goo NULL > foo$goo[1] NULL
2013 Mar 06
Constrained cubic smoothing spline
Hello everone,            Anyone who knows how to force a cubic smoothing spline to pass through a particular point?            I found on website  someone said that we can use "cobs package" to force the spline pass through certain points or impose shape           constraints (increasing, decreasing). However,  this package is using  B-spline and can only do linear and quadratic B-spline.            In my research, I need to force a cubic smoothing spline to pass a point....
2011 May 24
How to resolve Centos Linux Version 5.5 x86_32 C​allgrind Version 3.6.1 cg_annotat​​​e : Line 1 Missing command line error?
Good afternoon, We are running callgrind and cg_annotate version 3.6.1 on Centos Linux Version 5.5 x86_32. One month ago Mr. Josef Weidenorfer issued a special patch that fixed callgrind on Centos Linux Version 5.5 x86_32. We can now profile complex C++ programs which use our own shared library However, when we use version 3.6.1 cg_annotate callgrind.out.22533 --auto = yes
2015 Dec 28
Tablas de contingencia en latex
? Buenas tardes, os pido ayuda sobre el siguiente tema. Tengo interes en mostrar informes con Sweave/Latex y para ello genero tablas con xtable. Sin embargo muestra la tabla al completo cuando lo que deseo es agrupar las celdas con el mismo dato para dar claridad a la tabla. La salida de xtable me genera: [image: Imágenes integradas 3] Para dar claridad lo he intentado con latex(tabular())
2003 Jun 09
stable + squid 2.5_3
I seem to be having a problem, but I'm not sure if it's -stable, Squid, or neither. I've been running -stable+Squid on a Dell 4600 for a couple years now. All has been well, but after upgrading to Squid 2.5_3 (which was also done on a couple other, less-loaded, -stable machines without this issue to date), I occasionally get errors in my cache.log and this AM Squid died and required
2006 Sep 19
-Need help with function
...ince it should be calculating all of the necessary inputs prior to calculating Bt[i+2]. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks #Model parameters B0<-75000000 m<-0.3 R0<-B0*m z<-0.8 a<-B0/R0*(1-(z-0.2)/(0.8*z)) b<-(z-0.2)/(0.8*z*R0) dat<-data.frame(years=seq(1983,2004),cobs=c(19032324,19032324,17531618,2 0533029,20298099,20793744,23519369,23131780,19922247,17274513,17034419,1 2448318,4551585,4226451,7183688,7407924,7538366,7336039,8869193,7902341, 6369089,6211886)) stdr<-runif(100,0,0.5) stdc<-runif(100,0,0.5) BC<-runif(1000,0,100) #model calibration calib...
2006 Sep 20
help with function
...ince it should be calculating all of the necessary inputs prior to calculating Bt[i+2]. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks #Model parameters B0<-75000000 m<-0.3 R0<-B0*m z<-0.8 a<-B0/R0*(1-(z-0.2)/(0.8*z)) b<-(z-0.2)/(0.8*z*R0) dat<-data.frame(years=seq(1983,2004),cobs=c(19032324,19032324,17531618,2 0533029,20298099,20793744,23519369,23131780,19922247,17274513,17034419,1 2448318,4551585,4226451,7183688,7407924,7538366,7336039,8869193,7902341, 6369089,6211886)) stdr<-runif(100,0,0.5) stdc<-runif(100,0,0.5) BC<-runif(1000,0,100) #model calibration calib...