search for: clarence

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 25 matches for "clarence".

2005 May 12
* Server
Any reviews/comments out there on this server? Looks solid.. But would like to know if anyone has purchased one of these before. Any other companies out there offer pre-built * servers that someone would like to comment on? terisk_Voice_Server.html -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
2012 Sep 30
err: Signing certificate error
Hi all, When i try to boot an ec2 instance using: *puppet node_aws bootstrap --server --image ami-61ad0108 --keyname test-malcom --login ubuntu --type m1.small --keyfile test-malcom.pem -g puppets --verbose --debug --puppetagent-certname test* I get this error: *notice: Signing certificate ...* *debug: certificate_status supports formats: b64_zlib_yaml pson raw yaml; using
2011 Sep 13
Reading R Code aloud
Dearfolks-- I have been told by an experienced R programmer and teacher whom I trust that it is easier to understand R code if you read it aloud, as the language that it is. However, she was clear that reading it aloud was not simply reading the marks on the screen: you read A.df[5,] as "the fifth row of A.df" (or "the fifth row of data frame A"), not as "A dot df left
2005 May 13
My experience with our VS-1 Asterisk server 321.989.6728 ext. 611 -----Original Message----- From: snacktime [] Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2005 4:04 PM To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] * Server On 5/12/05, Montague, Clarence <> wrote: > > > Any reviews/comments out there on this server? Looks solid.. But would > like to know if anyone has purchased one of these before. Any other > companies out there offer pre-built * servers that someone would like > to comment on?...
2012 Jul 02
[Announce] Samba 3.5.16 Available for Download
=================================================================== "Information's pretty thin stuff unless mixed with experience." Clarence Day ================================================================== Release Announcements ===================== This is the latest stable release of Samba 3.5. Major enhancements in Samba 3.5.16 include: o Fix possible memory leaks in the Samba master process (bug #8970). o Fix uninitiali...
2012 Jul 02
[Announce] Samba 3.5.16 Available for Download
=================================================================== "Information's pretty thin stuff unless mixed with experience." Clarence Day ================================================================== Release Announcements ===================== This is the latest stable release of Samba 3.5. Major enhancements in Samba 3.5.16 include: o Fix possible memory leaks in the Samba master process (bug #8970). o Fix uninitiali...
2012 Oct 01
Passing http_proxy_host option
Hi, I''ve been trying to pass the http_proxy_host option to puppet but it''s not taking. I have tried the following: sudo puppet apply --debug --verbose --http_proxy_host --modulepath ''/tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-0'' /tmp/vagrant-puppet/manifests/default.pp sudo puppet apply --debug --verbose
2005 Sep 15
Can someone point me in the direction of a quick postfix/fetchmail setup example?
I need to start doing some email filtering. Can someone point me in the direction of how to do this if they have a link handy? If not I'll Google anyway, but I thought I'd ask just in case. Preston
2007 Dec 05
Is there a way to ''exec'' last
I''m wondering if there is any easy way to run a command after everything else, something like: exec { when => "last" command => "/usr/local/bin/update", } Or even "run these commands in the following order", as the last step. The bottom line is that I''m trying to trigger certain behaviors after the state of the system has
2007 Mar 08
Bug list for next release (grover)
...oon as I can get the most important of these fixed, but I''ll hopefully have time for most of the rest, although I''m definitely not making any promises. -- Chase after truth like hell and you''ll free yourself, even though you never touch its coat-tails. -- Clarence Darrow --------------------------------------------------------------------- Luke Kanies | |
2007 Feb 21
Facter environment variables being ignored in puppet?
Facter has the feature that it will turn any environment variable named FACTER_* into a fact. I can do this on the commandline no problem, but when I attempt this in puppet it seems to ignore that parts. Is anyone else seeing this? (Is this expected behavior?) I don''t see a ticket or a mail thread on it - though my searching powers have been weak the last couple of weeks... Thanks,
2010 May 25
purge maildir folder after sa-learn
Hello, I am looking for a command-line utility to automatically purge one Maildir folder. I want to periodically run sa-learn from cron, and after the spam learning folder has been added to the Bayes database, its contents should be deleted. I've searched a bit, but only found a few old utilities or some telnet+expect scripts, which both didn't look too reliable. Is there any
2000 Feb 03
Performance Samba 2.0.6 / FreeBSD 3.4 vs NT and NetWare
I'm getting samba setup, and it seems to be working. I have PDC/BackupPDC issues to resolve, and want to change things so the NT PDC authenticates users instead of setting them up using smbpasswd. Right now, I can access the samba box from Win98 and WinNT workstation with "manually setup" smbpasswd's. I have been testing performance and am a little disappointed, I hoped samba
2006 Sep 02
BayLISA Puppet presentation video
Hi all, Jennifer Davis from BayLISA has done us the service of already posting the presentation from this past Wednesday night: It''s about 2 hours total, and I can''t promise it''s any kind of amazing presentation, but I do a
2013 May 17
PF + gif + ipsec + racoon + routing problems results in insecure ipsec vpn
Hi everyone, I wrote up a post on the FreeBSD forums about the issue I am having. It's rather long so I am providing a link to it here: In summary, it seems that when the packets are routed in to the gateway from local network hosts, the src and dst addresses are changed to the public IPs of the tunnel -- at least from the perspective of the
2007 Mar 23
File bucketing changed?
Was file bucketing changed as part of this release or is this a bug? When I look in my bucket folder I see: drwxr-xr-x 2 puppet puppet 4096 Mar 17 00:04 5222e054e7bc6248f2e9b9146f75aff5 drwxr-xr-x 2 puppet puppet 4096 Mar 17 00:04 3255ad7efedebfd3eccbba74845002a1 drwxr-xr-x 2 puppet puppet 4096 Mar 17 00:04 f8569b1c57819072c37b36bd3814e328 drwxr-xr-x 2 puppet puppet 4096 Mar
2008 Feb 01
Aplication slow after migration
...=========================== Felipe Mart?nez Hermo ============================== Servicios Inform?ticos UGT Galicia ============================== New server max. Version 3.0.24-6etch4. Old server clarence. Version 3.0.14a-3sarge2 WARNING: You have some share names that are longer than 12 characters. These may not be accessible to some older clients. (Eg. Windows9x, WindowsMe, and smbclient prior to Samba 3.0.) Server role: ROLE_DOMAIN_PDC Loaded services file OK. # Global parameters [global]...
2007 Jan 10
Definition specialization
There was a discussion a while ago about adding inheritance to definitions. There is a need for a way to specialize parameters while allowing passing other options. This comes up with remotefile where it would be nice to have a default server location but not specify all the parameters (and their defaults) in the definition. Was there a change to the syntax? Is there a way to accomplish this?
2006 Aug 28
Templates and arrays
I''m in the process of documenting templates right now, and I figured I should see what happens when you use them with arrays: $ cat ~/bin/test.pp $values = [this, is, an, array, of, values] $content = template("/tmp/templates/testing.erb") file { "/tmp/temtest": content => $content } $ cat /tmp/templates/testing.erb <% values.each do |val| %> I got
2007 Oct 12
external nodes
I use a simple yaml file and and an external nodes script to express each of my nodes. What I''m trying to do is make sure that all individual data is expressed at the node level and not have anything in classes or modules that isn''t generic and shared. the example below works really well but I can''t express it via my external nodes, I have to bury it in a class (or