search for: cheque

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 89 matches for "cheque".

2007 Jun 30
Same Day Cash Loan ? Access the Cash You Need Within 24 hours budget before pay cheque
Same Day Cash Loan ? Access the Cash You Need Within 24 hours budget before pay cheque Uncertainty is the key factor that rules human being''s life. Demands are unlimited while resources are limited. It is impossible if one wish to fulfill all the desires with the scarce resources i.e. limited monthly income and savings. Quick Cash Loan: The Inst...
2006 Mar 30
Fundraising for FreeBSD security development
...eBSD Update. That said, if I don't reach my target for donations, I'll get as much work done within the time I have funds for before returning to other paying work (most likely at the university again). Donations can be sent by paypal to; if you would prefer to send a cheque (which is probably only worthwhile for cheques in Canadian or US dollars), please contact me by email to obtain my mailing address. In either case, please let me know if you wish to remain anonymous. For more details, see . Colin Percival
2010 Jul 13
MyFuel Express FO - Shortcomings
...managed to get hold >> of Lovena and briefly deliberated the critical items in the ensuing email. >> In principle, we agreed to address these drawbacks in the following manner: >> >> 1) Expand Technologies to resolve items 1a (card printing) and 1c (bank >> card & cheque payment currency) without further deliberations.. >> 2) Refer to the final signed TOR for items 1b (card transfer) and 1d (FO >> direct topup). I shall get the final TOR from Easther Wanjoga of Kenya Shell >> Ltd. >> 3) Lastly, Expand Technologies to check if the chip card h...
2002 Jul 23
Aggregate: assembling the "by" part on the fly
...emble the "by" argument inside when I wish aggregate() to use all the columns in my data frame. Thank you very much for your help. Regards, Andrew C. Ward CAPE Centre Department of Chemical Engineering The University of Queensland Brisbane Qld 4072 Australia andreww at -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To: r-help-r...
2010 Jul 15
The perils of GMAX
gmax won't start up after the initial time. The messages I am getting indicate that it has become case sensitive with respect to names. The installer put in a directory named 'stdplugs' but the program wanted it to be 'StdPlugs'. So I renamed it. It still says these libraries fail to initialize. I must be missing a windows module but I did put in the recommended winetricks
2007 Apr 18
...e receiving payment from our customers. I mean someone that will stand as our company cashier and you will be paid $400 per any payment you cash and you will send the remaining balance to our company accountant Via Western Union or Money Gram!! But, the Payment will come inform of Wire transaction, Cheque and Money Order. This is not a a offer that require you to pay setup fees or sign up to a mailing list. This is a offer requiring part time only and it will not affect your current job. You will earn money even without going out of your house or office. The job is regular the wages are solid. Space...
2006 Mar 04
Canada on Rails announces location, and a site redesign
BCIT Downtown Campus[1] has been chosen, with a maximum capacity of 300 people. With already over 50% of the seats filled, be sure to register soon or you might miss out on one of the most exciting technical events to come to Vancouver. YVR06 will be twice the size of the last conference by Open Source Events[2] held last June, and with 4 times the amount of speakers, during the two days. All for
2007 Apr 18
...e receiving payment from our customers. I mean someone that will stand as our company cashier and you will be paid $400 per any payment you cash and you will send the remaining balance to our company accountant Via Western Union or Money Gram!! But, the Payment will come inform of Wire transaction, Cheque and Money Order. This is not a a offer that require you to pay setup fees or sign up to a mailing list. This is a offer requiring part time only and it will not affect your current job. You will earn money even without going out of your house or office. The job is regular the wages are solid. Space...
2011 Mar 22
lm ~ v1 + log(v1) + ... improve adj Rsq ¿any sense?
Dear all, I want to improve my adj - R sq. I 've chequed some established models and they introduce two times the same variable, one transformed, and the other not. It also improves my adj - R sq. But, isn't this bad for the collinearity? Do I interpret coefficients as usual? Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Inter...
2006 Apr 01
freebsd-security Digest, Vol 154, Issue 1
...t; I don't reach my target for donations, I'll get as much work done within > the time I have funds for before returning to other paying work (most > likely at the university again). > > Donations can be sent by paypal to; if you would > prefer to send a cheque (which is probably only worthwhile for cheques > in Canadian or US dollars), please contact me by email to obtain my > mailing address. In either case, please let me know if you wish to > remain anonymous. > > For more details, see ....
2003 Sep 04
laplace transform
Dear users, is anybody of you aware of a R command to perform laplace transform or even its inversion? Thank you very much. Luca
2003 Jul 22
R and C++ compared with only C++
My computer is a pentium 4 running at 2.4 GHz. My R is 1.7.1 I have written a program in R that calls C++. The program spends most of the time in C++ ( > 90% ). R basically deals with output and input. How slower can this be compared with the program I would get from rewriting everything in C++? Thank you.
2003 Aug 21
graphic widow overwrite
Hi, I am running a loop to plot multiple plots. In s-plus, it shows multiple pages in the graphic window to allow checking on each plot. but in R, the next plot always overwrite the previous one, so i can only have the last plot produced, is there a way to have multiple pages in the graphic window just like S-plus does? Thanks
2003 Apr 24
Fast R implementation of Gini mean difference
...1:n) { for (j in 1:n) { tmp <- tmp + w[i]*abs(x[i]-x[j]) } } retval <- 0.5*sqrt(pi)*tmp/((n-1)*sum(w)) } gmd(rnorm(100)) Regards, Andrew C. Ward CAPE Centre Department of Chemical Engineering The University of Queensland Brisbane Qld 4072 Australia andreww at
2004 Dec 12
ANNOUNCE: Release of GnuCash stable version 1.8.10 the current report. o Add function for saving one particular report to the ~/.gnucash/saved-reports-1.8 file. Add extra menu only for customized reports. o Remove the previous function for saving all reports since it is no longer necessary. o Apply David Reiser's patch for Quicken(tm) cheques with stub. o Apply David Grant's patch to add TD Efunds. o make the desktop file HIG compliant. o change the gtkhtml order to search for >= 1.1 before < 1.1, in order to try to fix #84707 on systems with multiple versions of gtkhtml. o Perry Smith's Null Account Patch. Make su...
2004 Jul 26
[fdo] Re: On translation regressions due to dependencies
...nd giving all translators global access. This may change, but it would require the consent of all projects: no offence meant to any translators, of course, but this access is important - there are a lot of projects hosted on fd.o, and giving a few people commit access to all of them is like a blank cheque. So, IMO, giving all translators CVS access isn't really a solution. What is? (I don't know.) One possibility is having a i18n module with a structure such that it can be overlaid over member projects, and performing the necessary CVS-fu to make this happen (e.g. you check out dbus, and...
2010 Aug 18
error_messages_for doesn't work
...teger => true, :allow_blank => false, :message => "must be a number" [/code] And in my "new" view, I put: [code] <%= error_messages_for :oi, :header_message => "Erro ao cadastrar usuário." , :message => "Cheque o(s) seguinte(s) campo(s):"%> [/code] Rails notice the error, because I can''t save a Hi object with phone not being a number; but it doesn''t show me the errors that was find. What it should be? Thanks for any help. -- Posted via -- You rec...
2003 Jul 30
reverse array indexing
Hi, Suppose I have a multidimensional array: tmp <- array(1:8, c(2,2,2)) is there a function out there that, given a one-dimensional array index, will return the separate indices for each array dimension? for instance, tmp[8] is equivalent to tmp[2,2,2]. I'd like to derive the vector (2,2,2) from the index 8. thanks, Brad Buchsbaum
2024 May 08
Using intervals() function for nlme model - Statistics Lab ETHZ, lme, and lmList classes. Although nlme is not > mentioned, we still receive intervals without any errors or warnings. You're right to question this. Programming-language-level inheritance ends up being backwards for statistical methods: <>. Linear mixed-effect models are a subset of the more general mixed-effect models, but in R, "nlme" objects inherit from "lme", not the other way around. > * Do you have any other recommendations/ ideas on how should we > procee...
2001 Aug 03
update.packages: Resolution
...the documentation. Thank you again. As already stated (by me and by others) this feature is very useful and the contributors deserve much congratulations. Regards, Andrew C. Ward CAPE Centre Department of Chemical Engineering The University of Queensland Brisbane Qld 4072 Australia andreww at -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To: r-help-reques...