search for: centerlin

Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "centerlin".

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2009 Jun 14
Centering graphics by default in Sweave
Is there an elegant way to get Sweave to center graphics by default? I'd like to use \centerline{\includegraphics{}} etc. to save some vertical space that \begin{center} ... \end{center} uses, and I'd like to avoid centering with each <<fig=T>>= Thanks Frank -- Frank E Harrell Jr Professor and Chair School of Medicine Department of Biostat...
2008 Nov 03
Sweave: side by side dynamic graphs
...ple bellow: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{color,cite,graphicx}% to put in axodraw \usepackage{latexsym,amssymb,epsf} \begin{document} %Import two figures side by side. Please Replace the 'bar' picture with any % jpeg picture to make this example reproducible. \begin{figure}[h] \centerline{\mbox{\includegraphics[width=3.00in]{bar}} \mbox{\includegraphics[width=3.00in]{bar}}} \end{figure} % I would like to create two dynamic graphics here side by side %but isn't working. \begin{figure}[h] \centering <<fig.R,echo=F,fig=T,width=2.5,height=2.5>>= plot(1:10} @ \caption{T...
1999 Apr 25
...residuals to my LaTex document, and seems as I need some help. I first tried the example from the help file, e.g. pictex(file="model1.tex", width=5, height=4) plot(1:11,(-5:5)^2, type='b', main="Simple Example Plot") this worked fine in LaTex when I did : \centerline{\input{Rplots.tex}} However, with my residuals plot, which looks like : pictex(file="model1.tex") plot(fitted(model1),resid(model1),xlab="Fitted values", ylab="Residuals", main="Residuals vs Fitted") I can see OK the generated plot in my Xwindow, but LaT...
2002 Nov 08
pdf() and pdflatex
...ight=4, pointsize=10,family='Helvetica',onefile=FALSE) par(lwd = lwd, mgp = c(2.5, .6, 0), mar = c(3.5, 3.5, 1, 1) + 1.e-10, bty='l') par(smo=0) plot( . . .) Here is how I include the graphics file in LaTeX: \usepackage{graphics} ... \begin{figure}[hb]\leavevmode\centerline{\includegraphics{mygraph.pdf}} \caption{A caption} \label{fig:mygraph} \end{figure} I need onefile=FALSE because some of the high-level graphics commands I use produce more than one page of output. I am using pdflatex rather than including postscript files with latex so that I can use the hyperr...
1999 Sep 03
pictex device driver
I can't get LaTeX to recognize the output from the pictex device driver. Are these commands for some special latex package which I don't know about? ************************************************ * I.White * * ICAPB, University of Edinburgh * * Ashworth Laboratories, West Mains Road * * Edinburgh EH9 3JT
2001 Feb 11
Bug in pictex output. (PR#845)
...e Plot") Now, saving the plot with the following command: pictex("plot.tex") plot(1:11,(-5:5)^2,type="b",main="Simple Example Plot") and then latex the file using the example in the help page as \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \begin{figure}[h] \centerline{\input{plots.tex}} \end{figure} \end{document} produces a plot with an additional line (a diagonal line going all the way through the plot from bottom left to top right). The error occurs on line 78 (out of 87) produced by pictex. Removing that latex command from the file (or commenting it out) co...
2002 May 20
how does one apply Western Electric / AT&T rules to R plots?
I have searched for info on how to apply the Western Electric rules for process control, to data and plots I have in R, but I have not been able to learn how. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, sjcrauhut at 05/20/02 -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read
2012 May 08
There must be a better way to do this
I made this rather cool plot which I am quite pleased with: However, I feel there must be a better way to do it than what I did. I'm attaching the code to create it, which downloads the data by http so it should run for you if you have the current version of beeswarm installed (which was just updated today,
2009 Jun 15
books on Time serie
...The patches are against the > current SVN main trunk. > > The patches include a new Sweave option called 'center.fig', which > defaults to FALSE to preserve existing behavior. When this option is > set to TRUE, the \includegraphics command will be wrapped with a > \centerline command. This will allow for space preserving centering, > whether in a 'figure' environment or not, as compared to using > \begin{center}...\end{center}. > > Frank, this option can be set on a per chunk basis: > > <<fig=TRUE,center.fig=TRUE>>= > >...