search for: caliculating

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "caliculating".

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2009 Jun 08
problem with bulk insert into a *.csv file
Hi all, I am trying to create a "index.csv" with caliculating different types of caliculations . In that i have to caliculate on 10,000 studies and have to insert many no of rows more than 500,000 for that right now I am inserting every row after caliculating and doing data.frame but its taking much time to create that index.csv is there any thing like bulk...
2010 Mar 09
Problem with mean
Hi all, I got one intresting problem with caliculating mean that is while i am taking mean of values *0.6, -0.8, 4, -3.8* using *val<-c(0.6, -0.8, 4, -3.8)* *mean(val)* it given result as *2.775558e-17* but the actual result is *"0"* can any one suggest how can I get correct mean result in this case can any one suggest how I can far...
2009 Jan 20
problem with writing data to *.xls file
Hi all, I read data from *.xls file and i did some caliculations on that data and now i have to create a column in the same .xls file and i have to insert the data in to the consicutive rows related to the previous data i tried it with *write.xls() *but the thing is it deleted all the columns previously presented in that file and it created a column and inserted data can any one suggest what to do
2009 Feb 02
parsing problem
Hi all, I am trying to parse a vector for caliculating minimum in that vector the vector having values like 1 Kontrolle 2 Placebo 3 125mg/kg 4 250mg/kg 5 500mg/kg 6 1000mg/kg hear i tries for comverting it into numeric with using "as.numaric()" function but i got values like 5 6 2 3 4 1 it gi...
2009 Jun 22
problem with checking wether file is present or not
Hi all, I have a problem with checking File is present in the directory or not like I have a sequence of files in one folder I have to take each file in order and have to caliculate on those files data but in order some files are missing for that I have to check and load those files for that I am using condition like if(file.exists(findings)==TRUE){} its giving results for files which are
2009 Jan 23
problem in appending data into*.csv file
Hi all, I got a problem with appending data into the *.csv file like abc<-read.csv("bbb.csv") # reading data from one csv file abc1<-mean(subset(abc,Group=="A")) hear i have to creat a .csv file and in that i have to create column's with names *group, mean* and farther i have to caliculate for Groups:-A, B, C, D, F and i have to append data to consicutive rows of
2009 Mar 19
problem with Dates
Hi all, I am strugling with date formates and caliculating diferent operations like different between 2 dates and getting minimum in vector of dates that is i m working with dates in formate "6/22/1992 12:00:00 AM" and the vector is [1] 6/4/1992 12:00:00 AM 2/13/1992 12:00:00 AM 6/19/1992 12:00:00 AM [4] 2/11/1992 12:00:00 AM...
2010 Jan 12
Problem with toString
Hi all, I got a problem with * "toString()"* function its behaving odd in some times most of the times its giving correct results but in peculier cases its giving results like *"愭]"* especially while i am working with c# +R-project thats also after getting some error like after trying to caliculate "*mean("NA")" * can any one help me why its