search for: block1

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 36 matches for "block1".

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2007 Oct 03
R 'function' as "subroutine"
...s entered. So it would be convenient to refer to such a sequence of commands as a "named block" -- just give its name, and they are executed. In my experiments, wrapping the first occurrence of such a sequence in a function definition seems to work, e.g. the first time they are needed: block1 <- function(){ sequence of commands that you would have enetered for execution at this point } block1() This first call to block1() seems to work OK, in my tests, PROVIDED, of course, a) The variables it uses and assigns to exist already; b) all internal "<-" assignments are wr...
2013 Jun 17
[PATCH] Btrfs: optimize reada_for_balance
...root, - struct btrfs_path *path, int level) +static noinline void reada_for_balance(struct btrfs_root *root, + struct btrfs_path *path, int level) { int slot; int nritems; @@ -2192,12 +2188,11 @@ static noinline int reada_for_balance(struct btrfs_root *root, u64 gen; u64 block1 = 0; u64 block2 = 0; - int ret = 0; int blocksize; parent = path->nodes[level + 1]; if (!parent) - return 0; + return; nritems = btrfs_header_nritems(parent); slot = path->slots[level + 1]; @@ -2224,28 +2219,11 @@ static noinline int reada_for_balance(struct btrfs_root *root...
2009 Feb 23
Interleave or not
Lets say you had 4 servers and you wanted to setup replicate and distribute. What methoid would be better: server sdb1 xen0 brick0 xen1 mirror0 xen2 brick1 xen3 mirror1 replicate block0 - brick0 mirror0 replicate block1 - brick1 mirror1 distribute unify - block0 block1 or server sdb1 sdb2 xen0 brick0 mirror3 xen1 brick1 mirror0 xen2 brick2 mirror1 xen3 brick3 mirror2 replicate block0 - brick0 mirror0 replicate block1 - brick1 mirror1 replicate block2 - brick2 mirror2 replicate block3 - brick3 mirror3 distribute...
2016 Jun 11
[RFC] LLVM Coroutines the global could be > mutated > >> between the first return and the resume. > > Hmmm... I don't see the problem. I think hoisting the store is perfectly > legal > transformation with all semantics preserved. > > Let's look at your example: > > >> block1: > >> suspend > >> switch (resume, destroy, return) > >> > >> resume: > >> store zero to global @g > >> doA() > >> [...] > >> > >> destroy: > >> store zero to global @g > >> doB() >...
2016 Jun 09
[RFC] LLVM Coroutines
On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 1:49 PM, Eli Friedman <eli.friedman at> wrote: >> Right... but that doesn't mean the call to the suspend intrinsic has to be >> the last non-terminator instruction in the basic block before you run >> CoroSplit. You can split the basic block in CoroSplit so any instructions >> after the suspend call are part of a different basic
2016 Jun 12
[RFC] LLVM Coroutines
...alloca, so the barrier doesn't actually block code movement. Got it. I am new to this and learning a lot over the course of this thread. Thank you for being patient with me. Two questions and one clarification: Q1: Do we have to have a load here? =================================== >> block1: >> %first_time = load... <--- What are we loading here? >> br i1 %first_time, label return, label suspend1 >> >> supend1: >> %0 = coro.suspend() >> switch %0 (resume1, destroy1) Can we use three way coro.suspend instead? Block1: %0 = call...
2016 Jun 10
[RFC] LLVM Coroutines
...fork intrinsic... thinking about it a bit more, I think > you're going to run into problems with trying to keep around a return block > through optimizations: > > [...] > %first.return = call i1 @llvm.experimental.coro.fork() > %cmp = icmp eq i32 %x, 0 > br i1 %cmp, label %block1, label %block2 > > block1: > [...] > br i1 %first.return, label %coro.return, label %coro.start > > block2: > [...] > br i1 %first.return, label %coro.return, label %coro.start > > coro.return: > %xxx = phi i32 [ %a, %block1 ], [ %b, %block2 ] > call void @f(i32...
2016 Jun 10
[RFC] LLVM Coroutines destroy clone > (in destroy clone none of the suspends points should be reachable, > if they are it is a front end bug) > > Much prettier than before :-) > > > I'm not sure this quite works the way you want it to in terms of the optimizer. For example: block1: suspend switch (resume, destroy, return) resume: store zero to global @g [...] destroy: store zero to global @g [...] return: store zero to global @g [...] Naively, you would expect that it would be legal to hoist the store... but that breaks your coroutine semantics because the global could b...
2010 Apr 21
How to obtain the coefficients from a summary of aov ?
...rking environment utils::data(npk, package="MASS") # get data model <- yield ~ block + N*P*K ## Using lm npk.lm <- lm(model, npk) ( s.npk.lm <- summary(npk.lm) ) ... Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 54.8750 0.8021 68.415 < 2e-16 *** block1 1.7125 1.3893 1.233 0.24131 block2 1.6792 0.8021 2.093 0.05822 . block3 -1.8229 0.5672 -3.214 0.00744 ** ... s.npk.lm$coef["block1","Pr(>|t|)"] # this works [1] 0.2413061 ## Using aov npk.aov <- aov(model, npk) ( s.npk.aov...
2017 Jul 07
Uncovering non-determinism in LLVM - The Next Steps
...ed block layout optimizations). > Again, any ordering changes that cause optimization differences are clear bugs in the pass. Yes, i know that this means we have a lot of bugs :) I consider any case where, due to a limit, identical [1] code optimizes differently, to be a bug. You should too! block1: foo block2: bar should optimize the same as block2: bar block1: foo Let me try to put this another way: My argument is precisely that code that is literally identical (but subject to expression in multiple textual forms) should be optimized the same way, and that's the avoidance of non-dete...
2013 Jul 25
[LLVMdev] Steps to addDestination
Hi Rasha, > for(rit=Result.begin();rit!=Result.end();++rit) > { > Value* Address= BlockAddress::get (*rit); > > IndirectBrInst *IBI = IndirectBrInst::Create(Address, Result.size(),i->getTerminator() ); > IBI->addDestination((*rit)); > } This would be creating a block looking something like: [ Do stuff ] indirectbr i8*
2009 Jul 29
Xen - Backend or Frontend or Both?
I have 6 boxes with a client config (see below) across 6 boxes. I am using distribute across 3 replicate pairs. Since I am running xen I need to disable-direct-io and that slows things down quite a bit. My thought was to move the replicate / distribute to the backend server config so that self heal can happen on faster backend rather then frontend client with disable-direct-io. Does this
2006 Oct 15
how can i compute the average of three blocks for each column ?
...ition identifiers, include a column with block layout=new[,1:5] layout[1:30,] #9th columns which give the median foreground =values of x-variables fg1=as.matrix(new[,9]) length(fg1) mean(fg1) # calculate the mean of x1 #### I try to do something like :########## block1=fg1[layout$Block==1,] block2=fg1[layout$Block==1,] block2=fg1[layout$Block==1,] average=(block1+block2+block3)/3 but it did not work. ################## How can i calculate the means of remaining x_variables? ######### Read data for the remaining slides =x2,x3,x4,x5 #########...
2013 Jul 24
[LLVMdev] Steps to addDestination
Hi 1- for(rit=Result.begin();rit!=Result.end();++rit) { Value* Address= BlockAddress::get (*rit); IndirectBrInst *IBI = IndirectBrInst::Create(Address, Result.size(),i->getTerminator() ); IBI->addDestination((*rit)); } I tried this code , but the needed destination wasn't added. 2- About LLVM backend $ llc -march=cpp example_file.ll -o I think it
2006 Oct 10
Haplo.Stats: error (recursive default argument reference)
...quot; [7] "OUTCOME5" "SNP1X" "SNP1Y" "SNP2X" "SNP2Y" "SNP3X" [13] "SNP3Y" "SNP4X" "SNP4Y" "SNP5X" "SNP5Y" "SNP6X" [19] "SNP6Y" "SNP7X" "SNP7Y" > block1<-datafile.dat[,c(8:21)] > loci<-c("1","2","3","4","5","6","7") > em<-haplo.em(geno=block1,locus.label=loci,miss.val=c(0,NA)) Error in .Call("R_lazyLoadDBfetch", key, file, compressed, hook, PACKAGE = &...
2009 Mar 19
How do I add a variable to a text file?
Hello all, I have a 2.0 GB dataset that I can't load into R, due to memory issues. The dataset itself is in a tab-delimited .txt file with 25 variables. I have a variable I'd like to add to the dataset. How do I do this? Best, Guillaume
2017 Nov 29
2^3 confounded factorial experiment
The following R commands were written: >"factorial") >data(npk) >npk >coef(npk.aov) In the output of coef command, please explain me the interpretation of coefficients of block1 to block 6 in this 2^3 confounded factorial experiment. Thanks. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Apr 24
help with execution of 'embarrassingly parallel' problem using foreach, doParallel on a windows system
...akeCluster(detectCores()-1) registerDoParallel(cl) # foreach(i=1:100) %dopar% sqrt(i) d <- sort(rep(letters[1:24], 5)) e <- rep(1:24, 5) <- rnorm(n=length(e),mean=e, sd=4) f <- 3+ (e*^2 g <- sort(rep(1:6, 20)) one <- data.frame(d,e,f,g) names(one) <- c('block1', 'ind', 'res','block2') one[1:50,] two <- expand.grid(one[,1], one[,4]) #actually is expand.grid(unique(one[,1]), unique(one[,4])) str(two) names(two) <- c('block1', 'block2') fitting <- function(ndx.grd=two,dt.grd=one,ind.vr='ind',r...
2000 Apr 05
My first R-program
...the wrong file in earlier... this is the correct one: pValCalculator(b, n=20, m=20) { ind <- 1:min(c(n,m)) prob <- (1-pnorm(b,sd=std*sqrt(ind))) prob1 <- sum((n-ind+1)*(m-ind+1)*prob) prob1 } inputData <- scan("/users/lvssso/projects/LAMA/output/pValLamaScore.tmp", list(block1 = "",block2 = "",width1 = 0,width2 = 0,alignment = 0,score = 0)); pVal <- vector(mode = "numeric", length(inputData$score)); for(i in 1:length(inputData$score)) pVal[i] <- pValCalculator(inputData$score, inputData$width1, inputData$width2); inputData$pValue...
2012 Aug 21
Error: ReadItem: unknown type 98, perhaps written by later version of R
Hi, I am running a large number of jobs (thousands) in parallel (linux OS 64bit), R version 2.14.1 (2011-12-22), Platform: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu (64-bit). Up to yesterday everything ran fine with jobs in several blocks (block1, block2 etc) of submission. They are sent to an LSF platform to handle the parallel submission. Today I see that only one of the blocks (the 19) has not finished correct: It reports in the out file: Error: ReadItem: unknown type 98, perhaps written by later version of R Execution halted Checkin...