search for: bets

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3957 matches for "bets".

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2012 Feb 06
I bet apply has a solution
Hi all For the data below, I would like to return a logical value indicating differences in the data. #Create data Data..<-data.frame(a=rep(1,10),b=c(rep(1,9),2),c=c(rep(1,8),2,2)) a b c 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 9 1 1 2 10 1 2 2 So what I want is to return logical value telling me if all the values are the same. So the result would be a b
2005 Dec 02
Enlightenment sought and a possible buglet in vector.Rd
Dear all, First, I recently had reasons to read the help page of as.vector() and noticed in the example section the following example: x <- c(a = 1, b = 2) is.vector(x) as.vector(x) all.equal(x, as.vector(x)) ## FALSE However, in all versions of R in which I executed this example, the all.equal command returned TRUE which suggest that either the comment in the help file
2003 Aug 21
R is mentioned on Linux Today
Hi all, people who don't follow Linux Today regularly may want to check out: My apologies if this is considered spam. Cheers, Berwin ========================== Full address ============================ Berwin A Turlach Tel.: +61 (8) 9380 3338 (secr) School of Mathematics and Statistics +61
2004 Jul 12
No voice bet/ ext with Polycom
Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: smime.p7s Type: application/x-pkcs7-signature Size: 3097 bytes Desc: not available Url :
2004 Mar 08
Bug in points.formula (PR#6652)
Dear all, I noticed the following bug in points.formula > library(DAAG) > data(roller) > fm <- lm(depression ~ weight, data=roller) > plot( depression ~ weight, data=roller, type="n") > abline(fm) > attach(roller) > points( depression~weight, subset=1:7) > points( depression~weight, subset=8:10, col="blue") Error in if (length(x) == l) x[s] else x :
2018 Jan 18
Xen 4.4 Immediate EOL
Hi, I am very sorry to do this on short notice, but obviously Meltdown and Spectre are a lot more than anyone was really expecting to come down the pipeline. Xen 4.4 has been EOL upstream for about a year now and I have personally been reviewing and backporting patches based on the 4.5 versions made available upstream. Given that 4.5 is now also reaching EOL, backporting to 4.4 will become
2015 Feb 09
Domain users can't browse or access shares
> From: Rowland Penny <rowlandpenny at> > To: samba at > Date: 09.02.2015 16:09 > OK, Does 'getent passwd sktest' show anything ? > > I am willing to bet it doesn't. You're bet is correct, wbinfo -u and wbinfo -g give expected results though.
2011 May 19
update_attributes updates data from second instance of nested form but not the first
...SELECT `players_rosters`.* FROM `players_rosters` WHERE `players_rosters`.`id` IN (65, 66, 67, 68) AND (`players_rosters`.roster_id = 17) CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `matchups`.* FROM `fantasy_matchups` WHERE `fantasy_matchups`.`id` = 9 LIMIT 1 * SQL (0.7ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `rosters` INNER JOIN `bets` ON `bets`.`roster_id` = `rosters`.`id` WHERE (`rosters`.matchup_id = 9) CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `matchups`.* FROM `fantasy_matchups` WHERE `fantasy_matchups`.`id` = 9 LIMIT 1 CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `rosters` INNER JOIN `bets` ON `bets`.`roster_id` = `rosters`.`id` WHERE (`rosters`.m...
2018 Nov 05
Antw: Re: Antw: Re: Possible bug in Opus 1.3
...uot;same" low level noise even in a wav file, even on frequencies a bit higher, when playing on shitty enough speakers. I don't think it is a relict of the compression (it cannot be, here). Every speaker (or headphones) is designed for a certain frequency range. Outside of that range, all bets are off. I wouldn't bother with what you "hear" outside of the audible spectrum. My current bet is that the very low frequencies are correctly represented in the Opus file, but your speaker/headphones are not capable to play them properly (which is no wonder). Jan > > Yes....
2011 Apr 26
Public Apology to Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore
I was misconstrued as having insulted Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew. My words were twisted and misinterpreted and I feel that there is a need to explain myself and set the record straight. [b]What really happened[/b] It was sometime in Aug/Sep in the year 2009. The setting was in the Tampines Central office of Asiasoft Online Pte Ltd. I was having a ***verbal*** conversation with Melvin Lee,
2009 Dec 07
igraph plot - vertex colors
Hi everyone, I have successfully created and analyzed my network data. I am new to R, and Network Analysis too, but I want to color my vertex based on some of the centrality measures calculated. Can someone point me in the right direction? Again, I am new to R, but given how powerful R appears to be, I figure this is probably pretty easy to do, I just wish I could figure it out. Many thanks
2002 Sep 22
i bet ...
... that this is a bug. :) btw, the argument to the -R option should be documented better (err, at all ;). it took me a while to guess it, especially considering the circumstances ... :} and are you sure, that the contents match the url? the developer docs are generally a bit ... useless. they tell me hardly more than the headers by
2009 Jan 07
bet way to debug a plug-in?
Hi, Yesterday I had to walk through the code of a plug-in and perform a minor fix. I confess that I didn''t like the experience. Because the plug-in is in the vendor directory, I had to restart the web server whenever the code changed. How can I debug a plug-in without having to restart the web server whenever the code changes? Thanks, Tiago Franco
2013 Sep 16
Sportbook - Open Source Football Betting Pool Ready for Champions League 2013/14 in Rails
Hello, I''ve reconfigured the Sportbook app with new match fixtures for more fun for the upcoming Champions League 2013/14 [1]. You''re welcome to add your own fixtures. More tournament example include - Deutsche Bundesliga 2013/14, - English Premier League 2013/14, - Spanish La Liga 2013/14, - Italian Serie A 2013/14 - and others [2]. More info at the
2011 Feb 26
A problem about realized garch model
Hi, I am trying to write the Realized GARCH model with order (1,1) The model can be describe bellow: r_t = sqrt( h_t) * z_t logh_t = w + b*logh_(t-1) + r*logx_(t-1) logx_t = c + q*logh_t + t1*z_t +t2*(z_t ^2 -1) + u_t and z follow N(0,1) , u follow N(0, sigma.u^2) But I'm troubled with the simulation check for my code. After I simulate data from the model and estimate the data, I
2004 Jun 29
gambling problem
Hi all i have an interesting project that i have been working on. i intended to set this as a first year programming problem but then changed my mind since i thought that it might be too difficult for them to program. the problem is as follows: You have been approached by a local casino in order to investigate the performance of one of their slot machines. The slot machine
2004 Jan 29
please help me!
hello there, I'm a new user to R and I am having difficulty reading a file into the program. Here's the error I keep getting, I bet there's a simple solution, but I cant find any... Error in file(file, "r") : unable to open connection In addition: Warning message: cannot open file `c:MikeWeather2.txt' I have made sure that my working directory is the same as
2011 Oct 11
SLOW split() function
dear R experts: ?apologies for all my speed and memory questions. ?I have a bet with my coauthors that I can make R reasonably efficient through R-appropriate programming techniques. this is not just for kicks, but for work. for benchmarking, my [3 year old] Mac Pro has 2.8GHz Xeons, 16GB of RAM, and R 2.13.1. right now, it seems that 'split()' is why I am losing my bet. ?(split is an
2015 Dec 02
Undestructible DNS entry
...I can't delete this entry from RSAT DNS tool, the error is: The record cannot be deleted. The record does not exist. The question is simple: how to get rid of that entry? If I was gambler I would bet on some data, possibly base64 encrypted, remaining on some other LDAP entry. I mostly lose my bets. Thank you for your time, best regards, mathias
2007 Aug 30
Capture of loopback interface messages
Hi, I am new to DTrace. Want to capture (for specific port #s) the loopback interface (lo0) tcp message flow with the complete message body. Is this possible with DTrace? Are any examples available? Thanks, Joe ____________________________________________________________________________________ Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with Yahoo! FareChase.