search for: ascit

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "ascit".

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2006 Sep 03
Running cox models
...set from: (Primary Biliary Cirrhosis data link at top of the page), I'm using the following code: --------------- start of code library(survival) liver <- scan("liver2.txt",list(age=0,albumin=0,alkphos=0,ascites=0,bili=0, cholest=0,edema=0,edmadj=0,hepmeg=0,obstime=0,platelet=0,protime=0, sex=0,sgot=0,spiders=0,stage=0,status=0,treatmnt=0, triglyc=0,urinecu=0)) fit<-coxph(Surv(obstime,status)~bili+edmadj+albumin+protime+age,data=liver) summary(fit) ----------------- End of code...
2011 Jan 06
Hmisc, summary.formula and catTest
...ver I?m also required to specify stat & df. However this doesnt apply to the fisher test. I?ve tried specifying them as NA and "" without success-throws either a blank or an error msg trying to round a non-numeric value respectively. reproducible example: ex<-pbc summary(trt~sex+ascites,data=ex,test=T,method="reverse") summary(trt~sex+ascites,data=ex,test=T,method="reverse",catTest=u) The closest I get is u<-function(a,b){ j<-fisher.test(a) p<-list(P=j$p.value,stat=1,df=1,testname=j$method,statname="") return(p) } However the...
2007 Nov 24
Hmisc: can not reproduce figure 4 of Statistical Tables and Plots using S and LATEX
...ili)) # You can give new column names that are not legal S names # by enclosing them in quotes, e.g. 'Chol (mg/dl)'=chol vars <- with(pbc, c(label(chol), label(bili))) label(y) <- paste(vars, collapse=' and ') # Will make nice caption in table s3 <- summary(y ~ age.groups + ascites, fun=g, data=pbc) s3 windows(width=10.67, height=6.60) par(mfrow=c(1,2), oma=c(3,0,3,0)) for(ivar in 1:2) { isub <- (1:3)+(ivar-1)*3 print(isub) plot(s3, which=isub, main='', xlab=vars[ivar], pch=c(91,16,93)) } mtitle(paste('Quartiles of', label(y)), cex.m=1.5)...
2008 Nov 24
Discrepancy in the PBC data set
...t;- " at" pbc <- read.table(pbcurl, header=F, col.names=c('id', 'time', 'status', 'trt', 'age', 'sex', 'ascites', 'hepato', 'spiders', 'edema', 'bili', 'chol', 'albumin', 'copper', 'alk.phos', 'ast', 'trig', 'platelet',...
2008 Mar 02
new to latex to pdf
..., ss, xout=times, method='constant', f=0)$y } describe.survival <- function(y) { km <- kmsurv(y, c(2,5)) c('2 Year'=km[1], '5 Year'=km[2], 'Mean, y'=sum(y[,1])/sum(y[,2])) } S <- with(pbc, Surv(fu.days/365.25, status)) s1 <- summary(S ~ age + albumin + ascites + bili + drug + edema + chol, fun=describe.survival, data=pbc) for(w in 1:2) { if(w==1) setpdf(f1a,sublines=1,h=5.25) else setpdf(f1b,sublines=1,h=5) plot(s1, which=if(w==1)1:2 else 3, cex.labels=.7,*1.15, subtitles=T, main='', pch=if(w==2) 16 else c('2','...
2009 Aug 13
randomForest question--problem with ntree problem on both a Windows machine and our linux system running 2.8 and 2.9. Sample code follws. Thanks in advance for help. Mary > m1<-as.formula(paste("as.factor(EAD)~", paste(names(clin_b)[c(5,7,10:36 )], collapse="+"))) > m1 as.factor(EAD) ~ R_AGE + R_BMI + ASCITES...1L. + EOTAXIN + GM.CSF + IFNa + IL.10 + IL.12.p40.p70 + IL.13 + IL.15 + IL.17 + IL.2 + IL.4 + IL.5 + IL.6 + IL.7 + IL.8 + IL1.RA + IL2.R + IP.10 + MCP.1 + MIG + MIP.1a + MIP.1b + RANTES + TNFa + Male + diagnosis + race > > > > > set.seed(12345) > rF.bsl...