search for: approbri

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "approbri".

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2002 May 28
Intended change from version$os=='Win32' to 'mingw32' ?
Is it intended that version$os no longer is 'Win32' for the Windows-Compile? What is the approbriate way to check for Windows? Best Jens Oehlschl?gel In 1.4.1 we had > version _ platform i386-pc-mingw32 arch x86 os Win32 system x86, Win32 status major 1 minor 4.1 year 20...
1999 Oct 18
Solving problems with read.fwf(), perl under WinNT (was: Re: Using metric scaling)
...and instead created registry entries pointing to the CD So the solution that worked for me is - copy RecourceKitCD:\source\gnu\perl\*.* and it's subdirectories to my HD (e.g. C:\NTRESKIT\perl), - change to this directory (e.g. C:\NTRESKIT\perl) - and run INSTALL.BAT (which updates the registry approbriately) Well, besides having some files twice in C:\NTRESKIT\perl and C:\NTRESKIT\perl\bin (e.g. perl.exe) (check your path) it works now. Best -- Dr. Jens Oehlschl?gel-Akiyoshi MD FACTORY GmbH Bayerstrasse 21 80335 M?nchen Tel.: 089 545 28-27 Fax.: 089 545 28-10 -.-.-...
2010 Jul 25
Redefine NROW and NCOL to be compatible with nrow and ncol for S3 classes with own dim function?
...fine these functions in the base package. As example consider a class that shall behave like a matrix but will be copied by reference rather than by value (may be speed efficient, if a lot of functions manipulate the matrix). This can be done by wrapping the matrix in an environment and writing approbriate methods for dim, "[", etc. Here an example of some of its code # An example class that wraps a Matrix in an environment to allow pass by reference MatrixRef = function(mat) { m = new.env(parent=emptyenv()) assign("mat",mat,envir=m) class(m) = c("MatrixRef&qu...
2000 Mar 08
RODBC: follow up
...writing/reading data rowwise. I expect this to be rather slow. Is it possible to have this done in C instead of R? If in R, might it be that the sequence of multiple rbind() leads to memory segmentation (growing lists)?? May be one should ask on R-Help, if it is better to first create an object of approbriate size and then replacing single rows. (6.2) block read/write Reading all rows at a time with sqlgetresults() could run into memory trouble. Fetching single rows using odbcFetchRow() probably creates slow looping problems in R. I think the interface would become more suitable for big datasets if...
1999 Dec 03
R as Unix-Filter and Streams for DataMining
Hi, i want to use R as a filter in a Unix-like way. So i want to start it with producerTool | R --no-save --no-restore --slave < Rscript | anotherConsumerUnixTool inside the Script i put the results to stdout, works fine, but how to read in from stdin? Its obvious that i have to source the Rscript in a different way. Any Hints? My second question is, if there is a possibility to use
1999 Nov 12
some related problems
I just tried to batch-start rgui.exe (not rterm.exe) in a way, that it read.table()s data from a file with changing filename. As I understand no command line parameters are available for that, so instead I tried to pass the filename to an approbriate .RProfile, which works roughly, BUT ## this is my %R_USER%\.RProfile im <- read.table("d:/temp/im/temp.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",") nam <- names(im) nnam <- nchar(nam) newnam <- substr(nam, 2, nnam-1) # change names from e.g. <"x"> to <x> nam...