search for: application_helper_spec

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "application_helper_spec".

2007 Jul 24
spec''ing helpers that use controller
...def page_name @page_name || "Define @page_name in #{controller.controller_name}::#{controller.action_name}" end The rspec is simply: it "should something" do page_name end Running ./script/spec spec/helpers/application_helper_spec.rb produces: F 1) NameError in ''ApplicationHelper hmmmm'' undefined local variable or method `controller'' for [RSpec example]:#<Class:0xb70de334> /path/trunk/config/../app/helpers/application_helper.rb:21:in...
2008 Jan 24
Help to spec a rails helper method that uses content_for
Hi guys, I am a Rspec newbie and am having problems creating a spec for a RoR helper method. I have in fact already implemented the helper method and am trying to create retrospective specs. I know its the wrong way to do it but I am still learning Rspec. In my view I have a call to a helper method. <% body_class "users" %> which sets a CSS class declaration in the content_for
2007 Jul 31
helper spec not finding rails core helpers the spec test. I boiled my question down to a simple (not too useful) example. I''m not sure what I''m missing. # application_helper.rb module ApplicationHelper def app_foo t = distance_of_time_in_words( t, t + 50.minutes) return true end end # application_helper_spec.rb require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../spec_helper'' describe ApplicationHelper do it "should find app_foo in application_helpers.rb" do app_foo.should be_true end end # error output NoMethodError in ''ApplicationHelper should find app_foo in appl...
2007 Aug 27
issue with edge rails and urls
...#39;'ApplicationHelper home_link should generate a valid home link when User.current and Profile.current is not set'' You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occurred while evaluating nil.<< ./spec/helpers/application_helper_spec.rb:17 Here''s the relevant spec: describe ApplicationHelper, "home_link" do before(:each) do User.current = nil Profile.current = nil end it "should generate a valid home link when User.current and Profile.current is not set" do home_link.should =~ /#{new_p...
2008 Jul 03
Testing HAML in helper rspec
Thought I''d post this under its own heading so others can find it. Thanks to David for the pointers to solve this. Here is the incantation needed to use HAML 2.0 under RSpec 1.1.5 (Needs the .5 for a fix) # application_helper_spec.rb under spec/helpers ... before :each do helper.extend Haml helper.extend Haml::Helpers helper.send :init_haml_helpers end it "should display flash" do for name in [:notice, :warning, :error] flash[name]= "flash #{name.to_s} message"...
2007 Oct 02
Rails 2.0 & rspec edge - not protected_against_forgery?
...?'' for #<#<Class:0x3219118>: 0x34e1f94> /Users/jcf/dev/work/sim/vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails/lib/spec/rails/ dsl/behaviour/rails_example.rb:41:in `method_missing'' /Users/jcf/dev/work/sim/app/helpers/application_helper.rb:8:in `login_logout'' ./spec/helpers/application_helper_spec.rb:28: I have looked into patching rspec to include the "protect_against_forgery?" helper, but it''s included dynamically via a "helper_method :protect_against_forgery?" call in request_forgery_protection.rb I have forged the forgery_protection by adding this to...
2010 Nov 29
[TDD] [Rails] - Rspec test for application_helper.rb fails when trying to access application_controller method.
...ionHelper#logo image tag should point to logo.png Failure/Error: helper.logo.should =~ /logo.png/i undefined local variable or method `current_account'' for #<ActionView::Base:0x105645108> # ./app/helpers/application_helper.rb:13:in `logo'' # ./spec/helpers/application_helper_spec.rb:21 Current Versions: Rspec Version 2.1.0 Rails Version 3.0.1 I''ve created a gist that shows how my code is setup, and how the helper is calling the controller method: Does anyone know why this setup works fine outside of rspec (when I test in the brows...
2007 May 29
questions rspec on rails test named routes? - Could I get an example how to test an ajax request (link_to_remote)? would that go in view? and/or in controller spec? - Can you assert which layout template is rendered in a controller spec? - How to test application_helper.rb helpers? (creating a file spec/helpers/application_helper_spec.rb like other helper_spec files gives an error no such file to load -- ./spec/helpers/../application_helper (LoadError) - How to write a test (uh, i mean spec) for helpers that take blocks? for example: def link_block_to_remote( options = {}, html_options = {}, &block) concat(link_t...