search for: antananarivo

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 24 matches for "antananarivo".

2004 Apr 27
R hang-up using lm
Dear R-helpers, I have found a slightly annoying problem when trying to plot lines on graphs. I first created my data using tapply, thus:- y1=as.vector(fit1$coef$random$id) x1=tapply(o1,id,median,na.rm=T) x2=tapply(o2,id,median,na.rm=T) #then I plot the data, thus:- plot(x1[x2==0],y[x2==0]) #if I now try to fit the linear regression, R 'hangs up'
2005 Jun 09
New package aod: Analysis of Overdispersed Data
...ean, Variance and Confidence Interval of a Proportion wald.test Wald Test for Model Coefficients ################# Best regards, Renaud -- Dr Renaud Lancelot, v??t??rinaire Projet FSP r??gional ??pidemio v??t??rinaire C/0 Ambassade de France - SCAC BP 834 Antananarivo 101 - Madagascar e-mail: renaud.lancelot at tel.: +261 32 40 165 53 (cell) +261 20 22 665 36 ext. 225 (work) +261 20 22 494 37 (home) _______________________________________________ R-packages mailing list R-packages at
2005 Jun 09
New package aod: Analysis of Overdispersed Data
...ean, Variance and Confidence Interval of a Proportion wald.test Wald Test for Model Coefficients ################# Best regards, Renaud -- Dr Renaud Lancelot, v??t??rinaire Projet FSP r??gional ??pidemio v??t??rinaire C/0 Ambassade de France - SCAC BP 834 Antananarivo 101 - Madagascar e-mail: renaud.lancelot at tel.: +261 32 40 165 53 (cell) +261 20 22 665 36 ext. 225 (work) +261 20 22 494 37 (home) _______________________________________________ R-packages mailing list R-packages at
2005 Jul 07
About ade4 and overlaying points
Dear R-users, Is there an easy way to avoid points one upon another when ploting rows and columns of 'dudi' objects ? Maybe there is a function in ade4 or in an other package, or maybe someone has his or her own function to do this (for example to automatically modify a little the coordinates of these points to get a readable plot ?). Thanks in advance. Best regards, Jacques VESLOT
2005 Apr 25
residuals in lmer
Does anyone know how to extract residuals in lmer? Here's the error I get: > crop.lme=lmer(response~variety*irrigation*pesticide+(1|rep)+(1|rep: pesticide)+(1|rep:pesticide:irrigation), > qqnorm(crop.lme) Error in qqnorm.default(crop.lme) : y is empty or has only NAs > resid(crop.lme) NULL Thanks! --Jake
2005 Apr 07
newline in lattice axis label
Hi, I have a 3 panel xyplot with different variables in the y axis. I'm trying to insert a newline after "Width (cm)," in the ylab argument as in the example below. My goal is to have the y axis label broken into two lines, split after the string just mentioned. plotfun <- function() { fakedf <- data.frame(A = sample(1:100, 50), B = rnorm(50),
2004 Jan 13
Manova for repeated measures
Hi everyone, I'm posting again, since I haven't got an answer (yet :( ). According to R help, manova does not support the inclusion of the Error() term in the formula call. I have repeated measures data for two dependent variables, so this means I can't account for subject variance in time?. Any lights? Thanks in advance, Rodrigo Abt, Department of Economic Studies, SII, Chile.
2005 May 03
Step wise regression
Dear Fellows, How can I do to proced a step wise regression in R, if it´s possible ? Thanks, Walmir __________________________________________________________________________ Acabe com aquelas janelinhas que pulam na sua tela. AntiPop-up UOL - É grátis! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Mar 01
Reconstructing Datasets
Hi, Is it possible to recreate "smoothed" data sets in R, by performing a PCA and then reconstructing a data set from say the first 2/3 EOFs? I've had a look in the help pages and don't seem to find anything relevant. Thanks in advance, Laura Laura Quinn Institute of Atmospheric Science School of Earth and Environment University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT tel: +44 113 343 1596
2004 Dec 05
String manipulation---mixed case
Hello, Does anyone know of a "slick" way to get R to convert a string which is all upper case to a string where the first letter in each word is upper case and all others are lower case? I suspect the solution is to begin by parsing the string, convert the appropriate letters to upper and lower case using "toupper" and "tolower", and then to paste the pieces back
2005 Aug 08
get the wald chi square in binary logistic regression
hello, I work since a few time on R and i wanted to know how to obtain the Wald chi square value when you make a binary logistic regression. In fact, i have the z value and the signification but is there a script to see what is the value of Wald chi square. You can see my model below, Best regards, S??verine Erhel [Previously saved workspace restored] > m3 = glm(reponse2 ~ form +
2004 Oct 31
Obtaining fitted model information
Dear list, I am brand new to R and using Dalgaard's (2002) book Introductory Statistics with R (thus, some of my terminology may be incorrect). I am fitting regression models and I want to use Hurvich and Tsai's AICC statistic to examine my regression models. This penalty can be expressed as: 2*npar * (n/(n-npar-1)). While you can obtain AIC, BIC, and logLik, I want to impose the AICC
2005 Aug 18
help with unknown function
Hello I am working on radio tracking data, with a short programme someone gave me and ... which should, supposedly, work ... In this programme, there is the function : getareahr(kern, levels = 95). But i cannot find any 'getareahr' in R ... could anyone help me? thanks! Agn??s
2004 Mar 06
problem with install.packages and update.packages
...6 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr-FR; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113 The only thing I recently changed on my computer was to update Mozilla (from 1.5 to 1.6). Any hint will be highly appreciated. Best regards, Renaud -- Dr Renaud Lancelot, v?t?rinaire C/0 Ambassade de France - SCAC BP 834 Antananarivo 101 - Madagascar e-mail: renaud.lancelot at tel.: +261 32 04 824 55 (cell) +261 20 22 665 36 ext. 225 (work) +261 20 22 494 37 (home)
2005 Apr 24
large dataset import, aggregation and reshape
Dear useRs We have a data-set (comma delimited) with 12Millions of rows, and 5 columns (in fact many more, but we need only 4 of them): id, factor 'a' (5 levels), factor 'b' (15 levels), date-stamp, numeric measurement. We run R on suse-linux 9.1 with 2GB RAM, (and a 3.5GB swap file). on average we have 30 obs. per id. We want to aggregate (eg. sum of the measuresments under
2005 Mar 21
Force labelling of x-axis
Hi, I'm trying to do a box-whisker plot of two columns of a data frame, a list of category names in one column vs. some numerical values in the other. The plot itself works fine, but only a few points of the x-axis ( the category names ) are labelled. I think that this is because the category names are too long. Is there any way to force R to label each x-axis value, preferably at a
2005 Jul 08
[OT] "Dispersion" in French
Greetings, I'm posting this OT query here because of out very international membership! In the French sentence "Les taux de tirage sont calcul??s de mani??re ?? ce que la dispersion soit inf??rieure ?? 5 % dans chaque strate." it would seem intended that the "dispersion" is to be calculated in a specific way (unstated) -- otherwise, how to ensure that it shall be
2005 Jun 20
frequency tables
R-masters, I have a problem that I have been working on for a while and it seems that there may be a simple solution that I have yet to figure out, so I thought that I would venture to post to the help list. Let's say there was a data.frame with three vectors, two that are factors identifying the data, and one that holds the frequency of occurrence (the events are binary, yes or no). I
2005 Apr 11
How to change letters after space into capital letters
What is the easiest way to change within vector of strings each letter after a space into a capital letter? E.g.: c( "this is an element of the vector of strings", "second element" ) becomes: c( "This Is An Element Of The Vector Of Strings", "Second Element" ) My reason to try to do this is to get more readable abbreviations. (A suggestion would be to
2005 Jun 13
slow loading with lme4
it takes a long time to load the lme4 package.anyone else encounter this problem? > system.time(library(lme4)) 佋佖伻侂佇佽佉仾伒伳伋佁伡伃伆侟仯伜Matrix 佋佖伻侂佇佽佉仾伒伳伋佁伡伃伆侟仯伜lattice [1] 19.90 0.30 25.56 NA NA > version _ platform i386-pc-mingw32 arch i386 os mingw32 system i386, mingw32 status Patched major 2 minor