search for: amsa36060

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 32 matches for "amsa36060".

2006 Nov 20
Creating a new vector ( another problem)
Dear R Users, Suppose we are interested for generating a new vector ( x ) from a current vector (y) of length 1000 so that x includes the sum of every 5 values in y respectively from the first to the end of length y. The same length of y for x is desired, so that other 4 positions (indices) in x are filled out with NA. For generating such a new vector, I have no idea. I tried in some
2006 Jan 08
Filters in waveslim
Dear R Users, For running wavelet functions using dwt( ), modwt( ), and mra( ), a wavelet filter algorithm is applied. For all these functions, default is "la8" and other possibility is "haar". In related documents, another possibilities like as symlet and coiflet ... are not cited. Besides "la8" and "haar", which wavelet filters can be used? Thank
2006 Mar 10
creating new vector
Hi R Users, I don't know how much is difficult my problem and even it is possible to solve in R or not. Given a vector with 2000 observations. I want to creat a new vector from that vector so that new vector be the sum of every 5 observations sequently. That is , each new observation is sum of every 5 sequent observations, from the first observation of previous vector to the end. So
2005 Dec 13
Fwd: Re: Wavelet reconstruction
...wr from wavethresh. I hope this works and is still useful to you. Elizabeth Lawson Elizabeth Lawson <> wrote: Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 08:04:02 -0700 (PDT) From: Elizabeth Lawson <> Subject: Re: [R] Wavelet reconstruction To: Amir Safari <> Using wavethresh you can recompose a decompose signal using wr. Here is an example of decomposing, thresholding and recomposing a signal. library(wavethresh) brain<-c(0,0,0.5,1,-0.75,-0.25,1.833333333,-3,0.416666667,1.083333333,-1.833333333, -0.583333333,2.1666...
2007 Aug 14
Slack variable in OR
Hi dear R users, Is it basically correct that a problem is ( linearly on nonlinearly ) modeled so that the slack variable is bounded by an upper bound ? If so, how it can be handled and coded practically ? for example: x1+ x2 =< b so ----> x1 + x2 + s=b s=b- x1 - x2 b- x1 - x2 =< upper value But algorithms can not calculate b- x1 - x2 , because
2006 Oct 30
reading only some columns from a table
Dear R users, Sometimes it is needed to read only some columns from a table, in particulare for high frequency data. How it is possible to read just some certain columns using read.table ( ). The reason could be keeping space in R and in particular accelerating in reading data when the number of rows are huge and some of them are not needed. Thank you very much, Amir
2005 Jun 01
How to name variables in a single plot
Dear R Friends , I want to name my variables( more than 2 variables in a single plot) within a plot to distinct them from each other, but I cann't. How it is possible? I don't mean x and y axis using xlab or ylab. At the below , it follows some lines, only as an example that you could try please, if it is possible. I really thanks for your attention. Amir library(graphics) y<-
2005 May 30
How to access to sum of dissimilarities in CLARA
Dear All , Since dissimilarity is one of quality measures in clustering , I'm trying to access to the sum of dissimilarity as a whole measure. But after running my data using CLARA I obtain : 1128 dissimilarities, summarized : Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 0.033155 0.934630 2.257000 2.941600 4.876600 8.943700 But I can not find the sum of dissimilarity.How can i
2006 Nov 20
Creating a new vector
Dear R Users, Suppose we want to creat a new vector ( x ) from a current vector (y) of length 1000. The current vector y includes negative, zero and positive values. We want our new vector x includes the negative values in y, otherwise NA with the same length as y. For this, we have x=y[y<0] . Now x includes a subset of y with shorter length than y. With x=match(y,x) we would
2005 May 19
tune.svm in {e1071}
Dear All , 1- I'm trying to access the values of fitted(model) after model<- tune.svm( ) but seemingly it is not poosible. How can I access to values of fitted ? However ,it is possible only after model<- svm( ) 2- How can I access to the other values such as the number of Support Vectors , gamma, cost , nu , epsilon , after model<- tune.svm( ) ? these are not possible? I
2005 May 28
Lag selection
Dear All , Is it possible to find and select the best lags for time series in R? ( Lag Selection Problem ) Could you please introduce a package or function for this ? Thanks a lot __________________________________________________ [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 May 31
How to access to Data within a cluster
Dear All , For more process on data resulting clustering, one needs to access data within any cluster. How it is possible in CLARA? $clustering :gives us clustering vector as mixed, so it isn't as separate $clusinfo : gives us dissimilarities, Thanks a lot Amir --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Jun 09
Error to install library( fSeries)
Dear @ll Friends, After trying to install some libraries such as fSeries, I receive this error: Fehler: unable to create temp directory 'C:/Programme/R/rw2010pat/library\file12763' Also after trying to install other packages ,I receive similar errors, for example, installation of tseries: Fehler: unable to create temp directory 'C:/Programme/R/rw2010pat/library\file30539' ...
2005 Jun 17
How to get the values of a vector having the indices?
Hi I want to get the values of a vector which I have its indices. How it is possible? For example after clustering , I can access to the indices of the first cluster using: first<- which(clusters$clustering==1) first give me the indices, but how can I access to the values? Thanks a lot and have a fun. Amir __________________________________________________ [[alternative HTML version
2005 Aug 11
How to insert a certain model in SVM regarding to fixed kernels
Dear David, Dear R Users , Suppose that we want to regress for example a certain autoregressive model using SVM. We have our data and also some fixed kernels in libSVM behinde e1071 in front. The question: Where can we insert our certain autoregressive model ? During creating data frame ? Or perhaps we can make a relationship between our variables ended to desired autoregressive model ?
2005 Nov 29
Calculating the 2th power of a vector
Hi every body , I simply want to calculate the 2th power of a vector without changing the sign of values. How it is possible in R ? Thanks a lot for any idea. Amir --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Dec 02
NA as the output of ksmooth
Dear R user, My input data, positive and negative, is complete without missing data. After running ksmooth( ) , I receive for $y , many NAs. What could be the reasons and how can I receive complete output? So many thanks for any help. Amir Safari --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Feb 23
calculation problem
Dear R users, I hope this mailing list be the right place for my question. Usaully performance criterion of curve fitting like as Directinal Symmetry (DS) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) are correctly used with absolute time series which includes only positive values. But how it is possible to use DS and MAPE with other time series like as return series (for example return of a
2006 Feb 23
Dear R Users, When using locpoly function, number of output values is smaller than the number of input values. How is it possible to get number of output component $y equal to the number of inputs. Thanks a lot, Amir --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Apr 05
Combination of Bias and MSE ?
Dear R Users, My question is overall and not necessarily related to R. Suppose we face to a situation in which MSE( Mean Squared Error) shows desired results but Bias shows undesired ones, Or in advers. How can we evaluate the results. And suppose, Both MSE and Bias are important for us. The ecact question is that, whether there is any combined measure of two above metrics. Thank you so