search for: alias_method_chaining

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 63 matches for "alias_method_chaining".

2009 Oct 21
alias_method_chain and ActiveSupport::TestCase
I''m trying to add some functionality to the setup method of all my tests. I added a method called setup_with_ts in the test_helper and chained it using alias_method_chain :setup, :ts and that works great for every test that does not define setup in the test. So for my unit tests i tried also defining the same method setup_with_ts in a class ActiveSupport::TestCase def setup_with_ts
2009 Jan 20
alias_method_chain in Facebooker Causing Stack Level Too Deep
I installed the Facebooker plugin and upon placing it on a staging server, I keep running into stack level too deep errors. It seems to stem from Facebooker using alias_method_chain to override some of the ActionController methods. I believe it''s getting loaded twice causing confusion. I''ve tried various methods include wrapping a unless respond_to?(:method) around the
2006 Dec 26
alias_method_chain vs. redefined method with super
I''m trying to fully understand the subtleties of using alias_method_chain to refine method behavior versus redefining a method and calling super. I have a simple data model (a music collection) that I often use to evaluate web frameworks, and I''m trying to get it working on Rails 1.2.0RC1. Specifically, I have three classes which subclass a common Artist class: - Band
2006 Aug 16
acts_as_paranoid and alias_method_chain
when i require acts_as_paranoid I''m getting: undefined method `alias_method_chain'' for #<Class:ActiveRecord::Base> (NoMethodError) It happens in acts_as_paranoid''s init.rb. here''s the whole file. the alias_method_chain is near the bottom. please advise. class << ActiveRecord::Base def belongs_to_with_deleted(association_id, options = {})
2007 Apr 12
Does Ferret have problems with #alias_method_chain ?
Hi all, I have this in my class: class Party < AR::B acts_as_ferret :store_class_name => true, :remote => true, :fields => ( rescue []) + %w(main_identifier) class << self # #count is also defined, omitted for clarity def find_with_destroyed_scope(*args) with_destroyed_scope do
2007 Mar 22
`alias_method_chain': undefined method `find' for class `ActiveRecord::Base' (NameError)
I can''t seem to be able to override the :find method in the model base class, for example, in /lib/usermonitor.rb: module ActiveRecord module UserMonitor def self.included(base) base.class_eval do alias_method_chain :find, :user def current_site Thread.current[:user] end end end def find_with_user(*args) ... end end
2007 Jun 12
alias_method_chain and Class methods (a Ruby question)
Hello list, I am trying to override the post_form method of Net::HTTP so that it does something before actually doing the post. I tried the following in environments/development.rb module Net class HTTP alias_method_chain :post_form, :intercept def post_form_with_intercept(url, params) # Do something before post''About to post at
2008 Mar 28
undefined method ''alias_method_chain''
Running Rails 2.0.2, I get this error: ./script/../config/../vendor/plugins/facebooker/lib/facebooker/rails/facebook_url_rewriting.rb:29: undefined method `alias_method_chain'' for ActionController::UrlRewriter:Class (NoMethodError) from /usr/local/rubygems/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:27:in `gem_original_require'' from
2009 Dec 29
undefined method `alias_method_chain' for I18n::Backend::Simple:Class
Hi, We are running RE: ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-12 patchlevel 174) [sparc-solaris2.10], MBARI 0x8770, Ruby Enterprise Edition 2009.10 I tried a simple web app with a controller rendering a text and is working in my PC but on the server I get: Error message: undefined method `alias_method_chain'' for I18n::Backend::Simple:Class Exception class: NoMethodError Application root:
2010 Jul 23
alias_method_chain with i18n
Hello, I was investigating solutions for i18n with will_paginate and I found a possible solution at The author adds to application_helper.rb the following code: ############################################# include WillPaginate::ViewHelpers def will_paginate_with_i18n(collection, options = {})
2008 Nov 23
Strange behavior of alias_method_chains
Greetings. I''ve got very strange behavior of alias_method_chains, and I hope someone will advise me. I have a rails 2.2.2 app created with #rails aliasApp , a class XYZ residing in app/helpers/xyz.rb: <code> class XYZ attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :value def initialize (a, b) puts "in XYZ constructor" = a self.value = b end def a
2007 Aug 30
alias_method_chain stack level too deep in Rake test only
I have an odd error. I have the following module: module ActionController module SslSupport def self.included(base) raise "#{base} does not define url_for" unless base.method_defined?(:url_for) unless base.respond_to?(:url_for_without_ssl_supprt) base.send :include, InstanceMethods base.send :alias_method_chain, :url_for, :ssl_support end
2007 Oct 04
Is stubbing a call to super possible?
Hi Is stubbing a call to super possible? I am testing a protected method called authorized in a Rails controller ... part of the logic flow calls super which calls the method authorized in the application controller. As I am focused on the logic of the method in the controller I am testing I just wish to stub the value returned in the super. Is this at all possible? Cheers Shane
2011 Apr 08
How to extend a helper using plugin?
Hello, I''m facing this problem while trying to extend the parse_redmine_links helper method in Redmine-1.1.0 (Rails-2.3.5) from my plugin. My idea is to use alias_method_chain so the extended version could call the original version and adjust the result to it''s liking. Anything I''ve tried so far exposes this behavior: the first render of a page uses the extended
2009 Nov 10
Un-recognised routes that do exist, using namespaces & subdomain checking
I''m getting really cheesed off with RSpec not matching some of my routes when controller testing when I have subdomain checking (courtesy of subdomain-fu) on namespaces. These routes appear in the rake routes output, and work fine via HTTP requests . The really annoying thing is it''s working fine for routes that aren''t at the root of the namespace. E.g. say I have
2006 Jun 01
more questions: human_name
One more question: Is there some way to set the human_name of a column? e.g.: human_name for column address1 shouldn''t be Address1 but "Address, line 1". If not, should I make a hash with my custom names? Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Yannick Majoros Informaticien UCL/INMA-MEMA
2009 Sep 23
Overriding AR read/write_attribute - Overridden write_attribute Is Never Called
Could someone explain this? #config/initializers/ar_attributes.rb module ActiveRecord module AttributeMethods alias_method :ar_read_attribute, :read_attribute def read_attribute(attr_name) p "read_override" ar_read_attribute(attr_name) end alias_method :ar_write_attribute, :write_attribute def write_attribute(attr_name, value)
2009 Aug 17
Problem with setter override on ActiveRecord
(This message was originally written on StackOverflow -- the formatting is much prettier there -- This is not exactly a question, it''s rather a report on how I solved an issue with write_attribute when the attribute is an object, on Rails'' Active Record. I hope this can be useful to others
2007 Aug 21
Eager Loading
is there a way to always eagerly load an associated object so that you don''t have to put :include into every finder? class Product <ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user #always load user when product is loaded end Product.find(1).user.login #1 query since user was loaded with the product, same as if i used :include but I don''t want to have to specify it everywhere.
2006 Jun 15
Unicode hacks - problem
I have updated to latest Unicode hacks plugin and now it fails when rails are started .... C:\ruby_projects\radrails\workspace\auth_template>mongrel_rails start ** Starting Mongrel in development mode at ** Starting Rails in environment development ... C:/ruby_projects/radrails/workspace/auth_template/config/../vendor/plugins/scoped_access/init.rb:17:in