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2005 Nov 24
Survreg Weibull lambda and p
Hi All, I have conducted the following survival analysis which appears to be OK (thanks BRipley for solving my earlier problem). > surv.mod1 <- survreg( Surv(timep1, relall6)~randgrpc, data=Dataset, dist="weibull", scale = 1) > summary(surv.mod1) Call: survreg(formula = Surv(timep1, relall6) ~ randgrpc, data = Dataset, dist = "weibull", scale = 1)
2006 Jan 11
Regular expressions
Matching regular expressions Dear useRs! I have the following problem. I would like to find objects in my environment that have two strings in it. For example, I might want to find objects that have in their names "MY" and "TARGET". I do not care about the ordering of these two substrings in the name, neither what is in front, behind or between them, the only thing important
2005 Dec 22
Problems with passing ... to a function
Dear useRs! I have written a function that should pass argument "m" to the next function, however it does not! Please have a look at the function below that shows a problem and tell me what I am missing. As you can see, the "blocks" argument is passed corectly, while "m" is not. Best, Ales Ziberna<-function( #function for optimizig
2006 Jan 04
Putting an object in to a function that calls the current function
Hello! I would like to put an object in to a function that calls the current function. I thought the answer will be clear to me after reading the help files: ?assign ?sys.parent However it is not. Here is an example I thought should work, however it dose not exactly: f<-function(){s();print(a)} s<-function()assign(x="a",value="ok",pos=sys.parent()) f() #I want to get
2006 Jan 13
Taking code from packages
Hello! I am currently in the process of creating (my first) package, which (when ready) I intend to publish to CRAN. In the process of creating this package I have taken some code form existing packages. I have actually copied parts of functions in to new functions. This code is usually something very basic such as Rand index. What is the proper procedure for this? Since most of R (and also the
2005 Dec 08
Finding all possible partitions of N units into k classes
Dear useRs! I would like to generate a list of all possible (unique) partitions of N units into k classes. For example, all possible partitions of 4 units into 2 classes are (I hope I have not missed anyone): 1,1,1,2 (this can be read as {1,2,3},{4}) 1,1,2,1 1,2,1,1 2,1,1,1 1,1,2,2 1,2,1,2 1,2,2,1 The partitions 1,1,2,2 and 2,2,1,1 are the same and are therefore not two unique
2005 Dec 14
The fastest way to select and execute a few selected functions inside a function
Dear useRs? I have the following problem! I have a function that calls one or more functions, depending on the input parameters. I am searching for the fastest way to select and execute the selected functions and return their results in a list. The number of possible functions is 10, however usually only 2 are selected (although sometimes more, even all). For examples, if I have function
2005 Aug 23
TCITex and R
Several times my packages have fallen foul of the latex check at the uploading-to-CRAN stage, creating extra work for Kurt Hornik. I've never bothered trying to get latex working on my own packages (happy with vanilla help) but am told that "latex is the closest thing to a syntax checker for Rd files" and that I should set it up. Now, there is already a latex on my (Windows XP)
2005 Dec 08
Listing all possible samples of size n form a population of size N
Dear useRs! I would like to list all possible samples of size n form a population of size N. Obviously, N must be small (up to 20??) for this to be possible. For example, let say that N = 3 and n = 2. Therefore, we can say we have units 1, 2 and 3. I believe all possible samples are : {1,2},{2,3} and {1,3}. I would like to emphasize that I am not looking for the number of different
2005 Nov 25
Buliding a package (on Windows) does not produce libs directory
Dear expeRts! I have produced a package and I would like to compile it on windows to build a binary package. The package also includes Fortran code. This is where I have problems. The package compiles fine, however the Fortran code seams to be ignored. I have the Fortran code in src subdirectory. I have all the compilers installed. Actually, if I compile the Fortran subroutines manually