search for: add_valu

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 23 matches for "add_valu".

Did you mean: add_value
2011 Sep 21
Xapian-discuss Digest, Vol 88, Issue 9
Thanks that helped :). I am still trying to cover add_value some more though since I seem to not understand it totally. I guess it is because I am used to Lucene and Sphinx and Solr and it appears that Xapian seems to attach the type of value stored more on add_value. Like for example I am still a bit confused on how slotno actually works and what it actu...
2011 Sep 20
Understanding API Documentation for PHP
...ryone, I am brand new to Xapian so forgive me if I am just being noob. I looked over the sparse documentation for the Xapian library and its PHP hooks and I am really confused how to complete my index. I understand how to add documents etc etc etc and how to build queries but how I do specify in add_value what field type xapian should take (i.e. tokenized, unindexed, indexed)? Is there a list of slotno's anywhere that I can reference to? In a general sense is there any more programmer orientated documentation/tutorials rather than researcher orientated document than th...
2015 Jan 20
Question on "single writer, multiple reader"
On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 04:25:29PM +0000, James Aylett wrote: > That?s exactly how it?s supposed to work. ?Eventually? (once the > writer gets sufficiently far ahead of the reader), the reader will get > a DatabaseModifiedError and will have to re-open the database, but > until then it?s up to it when it does so. You may wish to do it every > N requests, or every K seconds, or only
2012 Jan 20
Perl version of sortable_serialize missing?
I attempted to use the sortable_serialize function from perl, however doesn't seem to exist. The only occurrence of the string "sortable" in the /usr/local/perl/5.10.1/Search/ tree is in the pod in What am I doing wrong? use Search::Xapian; ... $doc->add_value(4,sortable_serialize($recdate)); Undefined subroutine &main::sortable_serialize called at newgenstaticindex line 444 Thanks, Jim.
2008 Jan 15
PHP indexing, what's the PHP method for indexscript
...indexing using PHP? With this, I can get an searchable index, but I have no idea how to set the fields, so that I can actually GET something back (with the underneath code, I just get a bunch of pid's back). $doc = new XapianDocument(); $doc->set_data($postrow['pid']); $doc->add_value(1,date('Ymd',$postrow['postdate'])); $doc->add_value(2,$postrow['author_id']); $doc->add_term("XAUTHORID".$postrow["author_id"]); $doc->add_term("XAUTHORNAME".$postrow["forum_id"]); $indexer->set_document($doc); $i...
2008 Sep 09
sort by value fails
hi all, i want use sort_by_value to sort by "username". so in the indexing process i add the value i want sort by as value (lang is php) $document->add_value(0, 'value'); when i sort i got all specialchars at the beginning ? ? ? alf the values be indexed as utf8. what do i wrong? any suggestions? regards, sven _______________________________________________________________________ Jetzt neu! Sch?tzen Sie Ihren PC mit McAfee und WEB.DE. 30...
2011 Aug 09
what is the fastest way to fetch results which are sorted by timestamp ?
what is the fastest way to fetch results which are sorted by timestamp ? i want to use xapian as my search engine , use add_boolean_term(something) and add_value(0,sortable_serialise(get_timestamp())) to a doc. search through enquire.set_weighting_scheme(xapian.BoolWeight()) and enquire.set_sort_by_value(0,True) to ensure that the results are sorted by the timestamp. This method is ok , but is there a faster way to do that ? Since i have millions of r...
2008 Sep 16
Some Questions From the beginner of Xapian
Dear, guys: I am a beginner of Xapian, when reading the documents, I encountered follow questions. (1) I see the Xapian::Document has a method void add_value (Xapian::valueno valueno, const std::string &value) What's the purpose of this method? Document will related to the terms, but what's the purpose of this? (2) add_posting method will add term to a documents. void add_posting (const std::string &tname, Xapian::termpos tpos,...
2007 Nov 19
find document by doc path
...a document. The document is identified by the document path e.g. /home/user/file.txt. To find the doc id by the path I need to assign the path to the document. In the FAQ is supposed to add the doc id (the path) as a term to the document. My idea is to at the path as a value by #define PATH_ID 0 add_value(PATH_ID, "/home/user/file.txt") and then do a query: Query (Query::op op_, PATH_ID, "/home/user/file.txt", "/home/user/file.txt") Is there a drawback to do such a query on a value? Or is a query on a value even faster? thank you Clemens -- Using Opera's rev...
2010 Jan 01
Document values vs data
In a recent post, someone asked about storing "metadata" in a document. My guess would have been to use add_value. Olly's recommendation was to use set_data. What are the general guidelines for deciding whether to use values or data in a document? Garrett
2010 May 22
How to search documents with certain values
Hi all, I am creating Xapian documents and adding a unix timestamp to each document as a value using the doc.add_value method. When I search my Xapian database, I want the option to only search documents with a timestamp within the last year. Is there a way to search across documents with a value greater than a specified value string? Or is there a better way of doing something like this? Any help would be appr...
2011 Jan 11
chert-update creates a db with some errors
...cid() 490 document id 745 in value chunk is larger than get_last_docid() 490 document id 746 in value chunk is larger than get_last_docid() 490 postlist table errors found: 255 I've re-created the 1.1.3 database WITHOUT the values that I add to documents during the indexing (with the document.add_value) and in this case the conversion creates a database without errors. Can someone help me? -- --------------------- Luca Barbieri
2013 Feb 20
Sticky results
Hi there, I have a xapian index whose results are being sorted by a value, with (PHP bindings): $enquire->set_sort_by_value($sort_data_value); This is because I want the results returned in chronological order of publication date. However, I now have a need to have certain results be 'sticky' at the top of the resultset, regardless of their publication date. Obviously there are
2006 Sep 18
Dynamic fields and AAF
Hi, I have a model which has properties, these are your standard name/value pairs, but also have attributes that affect how I want to store them in ferret. I was using 0.9.5 with 0.2 of aaf, which seemed fine, I just copied and pasted (yes, I know, ick) the to_doc method and added code to iterate though the properties that that model had, and add relavent fields to the document. It seems
2018 Mar 30
sorting large msets
...B_CREATE_OR_OPEN; my $xdb = Search::Xapian::WritableDatabase->new($tmp, $flag); my $n = shift || 100; for my $i (0..$n) { $xdb->begin_transaction; for my $j (0..2000) { my $doc = Search::Xapian::Document->new; my $num = Search::Xapian::sortable_serialise(($i * 1000) + $j); $doc->add_value(0, $num); $doc->set_data("$i $j"); $doc->add_boolean_term('T' . 'mail'); $xdb->add_document($doc); $doc = Search::Xapian::Document->new; $doc->add_value(0, $num); $doc->set_data("$i $j"); $doc->add_boolean_term('T' . &...
2007 Nov 14
BackgrounDRb version 1.0RC1 available now
...uot;send_response" to send the result back to client ( rails in our case ). It should be noted that, you must pass original data as an parameter with send_response method because original data contains client address. Following code snippet, would ask bdrb to execute method ''add_values'' in ''foo_worker'' with arguments ''10+10'' and return the result. MiddleMan.send_request(:worker => :foo_worker, :method => :add_values,:data => "10+10") You can also use register_status as described in following snippet to...
2009 Jun 18
delete and update
Hi All, I need to update or delete some documents from a Xapian database. and I haven't been able to find anything in the API , Is there a way to do it ? What would be the easiest way to do it ? Thanks.
2012 Jun 04
Search not finding queries with stop words.
...$indexer->set_stemmer($stemmer); $indexer->set_stopper($stopper); $indexer->set_document($doc); $indexer->index_text($docBody); $indexer->increase_termpos(); $indexer->index_text($subject); ... (other index_text and add_value calls) $xdb->add_document($doc); If I look for something like index of elements, I get no results even though that phrase exists (no, I don't do a phrase search, just those three words separated by spaces). However if I leave off the "of" I get the expected numbe...
2012 Nov 03
get the title from the document
...///////////// code? for building the index file ??????? # Load content ??????? content = open(filePath).read() ??????? # Prepare document ??????? document = xapian.Document() ??????? document.set_data(content) ??????? # Store fileName ??????? fileName = os.path.basename(filePath) ??????? document.add_value(xapian_file_name, fileName) ??????? # Index document ??????? indexer.set_document(document) ??????? indexer.index_text(content)?????????????????? ??????? ??????? #Store indexed content in database ??????? database.add_document(document) ///////////// code? for searching? ??? query = queryPars...
2013 Mar 05
Sorting by value - direction
Hi, I'm trying to sort a list of results alphabetically, but it's coming out in the wrong direction. Indexing is done like this (PHP bindings): // Tag name as a value (for sorting) $doc->add_value(2, strtolower($obj->tag)); And searching like this: $enquire->set_sort_by_value(2); But for some reason, the results are coming out Z-A, not A-Z. I've tried setting true as the second argument to set_sort_by_value, even though we shouldn't need to reverse the direction because a...