search for: active_merchant

Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches for "active_merchant".

2009 Sep 16
Active Merchant Error
Hello friends, I m using Active Merchant(version = 1.4.2) gem. in billing calculator i m require ''active_merchant'' and when i m open the page it is throw error such "no such file to load -- active_merchant". Can you guyz tell me how can i resolve this problem ... Waiting for every possible answer -- Posted via
2006 Nov 20
Getting started with ActiveMerchant & new Ecommerce book
...he following error: ''uninitialized constant COUNTRIES'' and reference to the above validation. Any clues on whether I''m actually including ActiveMerchant the correct way and why it is clashing with my Address model? I thought I only needed to ''require ''active_merchant'' in my environment.rb file? All my gateway tests, including the remote ones, pass out of the box, but I just have to integrate into my app. Any clues would be appreciated. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the...
2008 Apr 25
Can't start script/console, but can start webrick
...her computers and it works fine. On my laptop I was running instant rails, but have scrapped it. My error is: C:\data\0315_FitWitWeb>ruby script/console Loading development environment (Rails 2.0.2) C:/data/0315_FitWitWeb/config/environment.rb:11:in `require'': no such file to lo ad -- active_merchant (LoadError) from C:/data/0315_FitWitWeb/config/environment.rb:11 from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/init.rb:252:in `require'' from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/init.rb:252:in `load_modules'' from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/init.rb:250:in `each''...
2006 Jul 17
payment or active merchant
Anyone used both? Im looking into the pros and cons of there two Payment of course supports more than just credit cards One query that comes to mind is why doesn''t active_merchant just use payment Would keep things nice and dry -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Jun 21
expects with returns that returns the return value of the actual method
I''m trying to test some code that''s using active_merchant using the following test. What I''d like to be able to do is verify that purchase is called, however, rather than specifying the return value for purchase with returns, I''d like it to return the actual return value provided if you called the non mocked purchase method. Is this po...
2009 Apr 24
plugin loading
I just updated from Rails 1.2.0 to Rails 2.3.2 and none of the app plugins seem to load. The server starts without any problems, but none of the plugin code is available. Help! -- Posted via
2009 Aug 28
2 CIM(Customer Information Manager)
Hi all, Please help me out for CIM(customer information manager) implementation. thanks -- Posted via
2011 Feb 19
undefined method `map' for nil:NilClass for rails 2.3.2
...; '''', :lib => ''redcloth'' config.gem ''isbn-tools'', :lib=>"isbn/tools", :version => "~>0.1.0" config.gem "authlogic" config.gem "activemerchant", :lib => "active_merchant", :version => "1.5.1" config.gem ''bullet'', :source => '''' config.gem ''campaign_monitor_party'', :source => '''' config.gem ''whenever'', :l...
2007 Oct 13
Chapter 9
...ation_value, :in => 3..4, :on => :create has_many :order_items has_many :books, :through => :order_items def total order_items.inject(0) {|sum, n| n.price * n.amount + sum} end always def process if closed? raise "Order is closed" begin process_with_active_merchant rescue => e logger.error("Order #{id} failed with error message #{e}") self.error_message = ''Error while processing order'' self.status = ''failed'' end save! self.status == ''processed'' end end d...
2006 Nov 30
Strange send_file problem
Or perhaps I am stumbling in newbie fashion (tho I have active_merchant and a store site basically up and running in development mode - still I don''t feel I always understand what is going on.) So, when I have send_file(filename, :type => ''application/x-zip'') redirect :action => index the send_file seems to hang, rather than compl...
2008 Feb 28
random exception driving me crazy: SecurityError (Insecure: can't modify array) `<<'' [RAILS_ROOT]/vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/buffered_logger.rb:68:in `add'' [RAILS_ROOT]/vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/buffered_logger.rb:75:in `warn'' [RAILS_ROOT]/app/models/order.rb:244:in `process_with_active_merchant'' [RAILS_ROOT]/vendor/plugins/acts_as_state_machine/lib/acts_as_state_machine.rb:162:in `call'' The line in my model class, order.rb, that causes the exception is the following: logger.warn("Processing order with payment gateway") Now, I could probably just remo...