search for: ac251404

Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "ac251404".

2007 Mar 29
object-oriented GUI design and event handling
I''m trying to setup a fairly simple GUI with Ruby to perform some SQL queries. There are a few drop-down boxes where users can select different options and then one button that when clicked should get the text from each drop-down in order to perform the query. Once it gets the result it should display it to a text control. The problem is I am not sure how to actually reference each
2007 Jul 10
Seg Fault caused by StatusBar. Am I doing something wrong?
Some odd bug cropped up when I made a bunch of code changes to my app recently. I started getting the following everytime I closed the app: ---------------------------------- [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13) [i386-mswin32] This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application''s support team for more information.
2007 Apr 03
2 not working?
I finally got my CheckListBoxes under control (thanks Alex& Phil) and have moved on to tackling the CalendatCtrl. This one seemed pretty easy when I was reading through the documentation but I cannot retrieve the selected date. I have the following code: def initialize... ... @calendar = panel.add(Wx::CalendarCtrl[]) panel.add(Wx::Button[:label => ''test'']) do
2007 Jun 20
Wx::TaskBarIcon example?
I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a little bit of sample code for TaskBarIcon. I want my app to launch hidden and be able to show/hide it from a taskbaricon menu. I found some C++ examples but they were beyond the scope of what I''m trying to do and confused me more. Thanks, -Alex C.
2007 Apr 09
GridTableBase problem
Trying to setup a GridTableBase to hold some floating point numbers for a Grid. Getting an error with the following: table = Error: C:/ruby/work/wxtest/test.rb:151:in `on_find'': uninitialized constant Wxruby2::Gr idTableBase (NameError) from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/wx_sugar-0.1.14/lib/wx_sugar/event_c onnector.rb:123:in `call''
2008 Jan 16
Question about WxNotebook, threads, and GUI refreshing
I''m running into a problem I''ve had before with wxRuby where the GUI does not update while my App is processing some set of data. The fix for this I know is to put the data processing piece in a new thread and in the Wx::App code make a timer to pass the threads. This has always worked in the past, but now my problem is slightly more complex and I''m at a loss.
2007 Jun 28
Keeping GUI responsive while processing data
To start I will say I have read through the read "Problem with threads" to try and work around this problem, but I do not think I understand what is happening enough to make use of the info I found there. My app is pretty basic and does some text processing on 2 files and uses WIN32OLE to take the data and put it an excel sheet. The processing is really fast, but loading up Excel