search for: 18_nonptl

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "18_nonptl".

2006 Oct 10
Python/sqlite date time problems.
...tell, python, sqlite and python-sqlite are all identical. [root at willspc python]# rpm -qa | grep -Ei '(sqlite)|(python)' | sort libxml2-python-2.6.16-6 mod_python-3.1.3-5.1 python-2.3.4-14.2 python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1 python-sqlite-1.1.7-1.2 python-urlgrabber-2.9.8-2 rpm-python-4.3.3-18_nonptl sqlite-3.3.3-1.2 On the upgraded system... [root at devmon1 python]# rpm -qa | grep -Ei '(sqlite)|(python)' | sort libxml2-python-2.6.16-6 mod_python-3.1.3-5.1 MySQL-python-1.0.0-1.RHEL4.1 python-2.3.4-14.2 python-clearsilver-0.10.1-1.2.el4.rf python-elementtree-1.2.6-7.el4.rf python-sqli...
2006 Dec 01
YUM conflict with RHEL 4_X86_64
....4.3-1.c4.noarch.rpm wget wget thon-2.6.16-6.i386.rpm wget -4.3.3-18_nonptl.i386.rpm wget <> rpm -ivh --nodeps --force *rpm Any one knows any thing wrong with it? I am new to linux and thanks in advance for any help. Best Regards Johnny...
2007 Apr 11
building rpms
Hello, I've got a centos 4.4 box and i'd like to make some rpms for it. My first task is to recompile an srpm removing some options to customize it. I tried rpmbuild, which worked on a fedora install, but that command wasn't available. What rpm do i have to install to make rpms? I've got rpmdb, rpm, and rpm-libs already installed. I thought the missing one was rpm-utils,
2007 Feb 15
How do I create a clean build environment?
...7.1.i386 zlib- dbus-0.22-12.EL.7.i386 libpng-1.2.7-1.el4.2.i386 libxml2-2.6.16-6.i386 gnome-vfs2-2.8.2-8.2.i386 dmraid-devel-1.0.0.rc11-3_RHEL4_U4.i386 xorg-x11-libs-6.8.2-1.EL.13.37.5.i386 device-mapper-1.02.07-4.0.RHEL4.i386 popt-1.9.1-18_nonptl.i386 hal-0.4.2-4.EL4.i386 fontconfig-2.2.3-7.centos4.i386 atk-1.8.0-2.i386 libIDL-0.8.4-1.i386 ORBit2-2.12.0-3.i386 libbonobo-2.8.0-2.i386 pango-1.6.0-9.i386 GConf2-2.8.1-1.i386 redhat-artwork-0.120.1-1.2E.centos4.4.i386 HelixPlayer-1.0.6-0.EL4.1.i386 emacspeak-17.0-7.i386 VMwareWorksta...
2007 Feb 15
yum does not update x86_64
...ur help. For information: =============== centos-release-4-4.2.x86_64 kernel-smp-2.6.9-42.0.8.EL.x86_64 yum-2.4.3-1.noarch python-2.3.4-14.3.x86_64 sqlite-3.3.3-1.2.x86_64 up2date-4.4.69-25.centos4.7.x86_64 rhn-applet-2.1.25-22.centos4.x86_64 glibc-2.3.4-2.25.x86_64 glibc-2.3.4-2.25.i686 rpm-4.3.3-18_nonptl.x86_64 ------------- /etc/yum.conf ------------- [main] cachedir=/var/cache/yum debuglevel=2 logfile=/var/log/yum.log pkgpolicy=newest distroverpkg=centos-release tolerant=1 exactarch=1 retries=20 obsoletes=1 gpgcheck=1 # PUT YOUR REPOS HERE OR IN separate files named file.repo # in /etc/yum.repo...