search for: 14m

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 75 matches for "14m".

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2005 Apr 22
samba load
...PID USERNAME THR PRI NICE SIZE RES STATE TIME CPU COMMAND 27633 root 4 58 0 1483M 13M sleep 0:16 9.66% smbd 27609 root 4 58 0 1484M 13M sleep 0:19 5.85% smbd 27647 root 4 58 0 1484M 13M sleep 0:06 4.02% smbd 19359 root 4 58 0 1484M 14M sleep 2:16 3.20% smbd 26694 root 4 55 0 1484M 14M sleep 0:26 3.05% smbd 27499 root 4 58 0 1484M 13M sleep 0:09 2.43% smbd 24974 root 4 58 0 1484M 14M sleep 0:16 1.96% smbd 25975 root 4 58 0 1484M 14M sleep 0:52 1.55% smbd When I first...
2001 Jul 24
Memory/data -last time I promise
...he past 2-3 weeks about memory issues. I've tried to carefully follow the suggestions, but remain baffled as to why I can't load data into R. I hope that in revisiting this issue that I don't exasperate the list. The setting: 1 gig RAM , Linux machine 10 Stata files of approximately 14megs each File contents appear at the end of this boorishly long email. Purpose: load and combine in R for further analysis Question: 1) I've placed memory queries in the command file to see what is going on. It appears that loading a 14meg file consumes approx 5 times this amount of memory...
2001 Jul 24
Memory/data -last time I promise
...he past 2-3 weeks about memory issues. I've tried to carefully follow the suggestions, but remain baffled as to why I can't load data into R. I hope that in revisiting this issue that I don't exasperate the list. The setting: 1 gig RAM , Linux machine 10 Stata files of approximately 14megs each File contents appear at the end of this boorishly long email. Purpose: load and combine in R for further analysis Question: 1) I've placed memory queries in the command file to see what is going on. It appears that loading a 14meg file consumes approx 5 times this amount of memory...
2017 Jun 20
guest A from virbr0 can talk to guest B in virbr1 but not vice versa
...Here is the output of the 'FORWARD' iptables chain rules on my host (still using firewall-cmd): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination 8967 14M ACCEPT all -- * virbr2 ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED 5262 279K ACCEPT all -- virbr2 * 0 0 ACCEPT all -- virbr2 virbr2 70 5832 REJECT all -- * virbr2
2011 Nov 22
1.2.15 can't get zlib working The mbox file is an existing TBird IMAP folder in my UNIX user mail directory. It is an archive of a defunct mailing list. It was a regular IMAP folder prior to attempting this. I was able to access all emails in the folder. It worked fine. I gzipped the original mbox file down to 14MB and removed the write flag with chmod. I launched TBird and received the following error in Activity Manager when accessing this IMAP folder: The current operation on '1-Spam-l' did not succeed. The mail server for account stan at responded: Mailbox doesn't exist:...
2017 Jun 20
Re: guest A from virbr0 can talk to guest B in virbr1 but not vice versa
...e 'FORWARD' iptables chain rules on my host (still >using firewall-cmd): >------------------------------------------------------------------------ >Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes) > pkts bytes target prot opt in out source >destination > 8967 14M ACCEPT all -- * virbr2 > ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED > 5262 279K ACCEPT all -- virbr2 * > > 0 0 ACCEPT all -- virbr2 virbr2 > > 70 5832 REJECT all -- * v...
2010 Jul 21
[Fwd: XCP - extreme high load on pool master]
...ed, 1 zombie Cpu(s):19.4%us,42.1%sy,0.0%ni,35.8%id, 1.3%wa, 0.0%hi, 1.0%si, 0.3%st Mem: 746496k total, 731256k used, 15240k free, 31372k buffers Swap: 524280k total, 128k used, 524152k free, 498872k cached PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 17 -3 315m 14m 5844 S 52.3 2.0 5370:41 xapi 17 -3 22524 15m 1192 S 8.3 2.2 875:16.18 stunnel 15 -5 0 0 0 S 0.7 0.0 54:28.78 netback 10 -10 6384 1868 892 S 0.3 0.3 22:03.14 ovs-vswitchd dom0 on non-master hosts are loaded about 25-30% each. ____________________________________________...
2002 Oct 11
growing process size in simulation
I came across this in a simulation I ran under 1.6.0: If I do something like R> x <- rnorm(10) R> rval <- NULL R> for(i in 1:100000) rval <- t.test(x)$p.value then the process size remains at about 14M under 1.5.1, but it seems to be almost linearly growing up to more than 100M under 1.6.0. I know that the above simulation is nonsense, but it was the simplest I could come up with to reproduce the behaviour. It doesn't depend on t.test, if I use wilcox.test(x)$p.value the same happens... I c...
2010 Aug 10
maildirsize having incorrect content, how to recreate/correct?
...afts/tmp 4.0K 495827A6-7AF5-4017-9F07-67C0B04546EE/.Drafts 20M 495827A6-7AF5-4017-9F07-67C0B04546EE/.Sent Messages/cur 0B 495827A6-7AF5-4017-9F07-67C0B04546EE/.Sent Messages/new 0B 495827A6-7AF5-4017-9F07-67C0B04546EE/.Sent Messages/tmp 20M 495827A6-7AF5-4017-9F07-67C0B04546EE/.Sent Messages 14M 495827A6-7AF5-4017-9F07-67C0B04546EE/.U&APg-nsket e-mail/cur 0B 495827A6-7AF5-4017-9F07-67C0B04546EE/.U&APg-nsket e-mail/new 0B 495827A6-7AF5-4017-9F07-67C0B04546EE/.U&APg-nsket e-mail/tmp 14M 495827A6-7AF5-4017-9F07-67C0B04546EE/.U&APg-nsket e-mail 747M 495827A6-7AF5-4017-9F07...
2013 Jan 04
gigantic memory leak in Clock Applet...
...t;11m" in the "RES" column, and the unused RAM was suddenly like a gig and 3/4, or so, and the swap used slowly started dropping while the free ram began being used up, as it normally should. as I continue to watch it run (10-15 mins later) I can see that clock applet is now showing 14m in the RES column, so it's still growing. Is anyone else seeing the clock applet hogging (tons of tiny leaks, I assume) RAM needlessly? -- ---- Fred Smith -- fredex at ----------------------------- I can do all things through Christ...
2003 Feb 27
Unknown commments in shorewall status.
...LOG flags 0 level 6 prefix `Shorewall:INPUT:REJECT:'' 0 0 reject all -- * * Chain FORWARD (policy DROP 0 packets, 0 bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination 14786 14M eth0_fwd all -- eth0 * 11823 1055K eth1_fwd all -- eth1 * 0 0 tunl_fwd all -- tunl+ * 0 0 common all -- * *...
2006 Oct 11
Indexing problem 10.9/10.10
...97 Oct 10 16:49 fields -rw------- 1 blee blee 78 Oct 10 16:49 segments -rw------- 1 blee blee 11M Oct 10 16:23 _t.cfs -rw------- 1 blee blee 11M Oct 10 15:56 _s.cfs -rw------- 1 blee blee 15M Oct 10 15:11 _r.cfs -rw------- 1 blee blee 13M Oct 10 14:48 _q.cfs -rw------- 1 blee blee 14M Oct 10 14:37 _p.cfs -rw------- 1 blee blee 13M Oct 10 14:28 _o.cfs -rw------- 1 blee blee 12M Oct 10 14:19 _n.cfs -rw------- 1 blee blee 12M Oct 10 14:16 _m.cfs -rw------- 1 blee blee 118M Oct 10 14:10 _l.cfs -rw------- 1 blee blee 129M Oct 10 13:24 _a.cfs -rw------- 1 blee blee 0 Oct...
2010 May 10
Samba memoeur usage and IPC$
...ut memory usage and IPC$ share. I'am auditing the swap usage of my server because I already have a problem with a full swap. I see that the smbd process take < 200Mo on swap : Example : PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 24429 lge 15 0 197m 39m 14m S 0.3 1.0 0:15.17 smbd but some process use more than 200Mo 4923 ipcsrv 15 0 282m 121m 16m S 10.3 3.1 6:27.57 smbd and I see that use user is ipcsrv, the "guest user". If I do a smbstatus | grep 4923, I can see that the IPC$ is used : [root at coradm01-node1 ~]# smbstat...
2016 Apr 18
Suddenly increased my hard disk
...lders having below result. du -hs /* 8.0K /backup 7.5M /bin *382G /bkhdd* 89M /boot 4.0K /cgroup 4.0K /command 208K /dev 79M /etc *386G /home* 4.0K / 322M /lib 20K /lost+found 4.0K /media 0 /misc 4.0K /mnt 0 /net 64M /root 14M /sbin 4.0K /selinux 4.0K /service 4.0K /srv 680K /tmp 4.3G /usr 1.9G /var Here /bkhdd is mount in /dev/sdb / is mount in /dev/sda But the size is not match in /dev/sda I am running Centos 6.5 32 bit with CLI Mode. How do i check the cache size in this mode. On Mon, Apr 1...
2010 May 10
Sieve problem. Timo, is this mbox file size limitation hard coded? If so, why?
...e/stan/mail/ total 301M drwx------ 5 stan stan 4.0K May 7 04:33 . drwxr-xr-x 10 stan stan 4.0K May 10 16:18 .. drwx------ 37 stan stan 4.0K May 7 04:33 .imap -rw------- 1 stan stan 463 May 7 04:33 .subscriptions -rw------- 1 stan stan 66M May 10 17:45 1-Debian-Users -rw------- 1 stan stan 14M May 10 17:16 1-Dovecot -rw------- 1 stan stan 3.6M May 10 16:05 1-Linux-IDE -rw------- 1 stan stan 30M May 10 17:48 1-Postfix-Users -rw------- 1 stan stan 1.4M May 10 12:33 1-Roundcube -rw------- 1 stan stan 17M May 10 15:55 1-Samba -rw------- 1 stan stan 56M May 10 17:47 1-Spam-l -rw------...
2015 Mar 15
how to get disk snapshot size
Hi,guys I wanna to get the disk snapshot size, but found nothing libvirt commands related,except qemu-img. I create two disk snapshots, but nothing return its' size [root@cskvm01 qcow2]# qemu-img info /mnt/e6758700-af68-3c06-ade3-53f5f9b93507/e2cf6551-0d2c-4382-a86c-8ba633954ff2 image: /mnt/e6758700-af68-3c06-ade3-53f5f9b93507/e2cf6551-0d2c-4382-a86c-8ba633954ff2 file format: qcow2 virtual
2008 Feb 26
[LLVMdev] Slight troubles following "Getting Started" instructions
...the list: LLVM, then LLVM-GCC 4.2, then LLVM-GCC 4.0. LLVM starts with sources, LLVM-GCC (inconsistently) starts with binaries and gives sources later. Suggestion 1: Strukture the download list, like so: * LLVM * LLVM source code (5.4M) * LLVM Test Suite (53M) * LLVM Binaries for Minw32/x86 (14M) * LLVM-GCC 4.2 Front End * Binaries for MacOS X/x86 (50M) * Binaries for Red Hat Enterprise Linux4/x86 (42M) ... * Source Code (49M) * LLVM-GCC 4.0 Front End * ... Oh, and possibly a note why one would want LLVM, LLVM-GCC 4.2, and LLVM-GCC 4.0, respectively. People usually know what OS t...
2006 Jun 05
Swap memory: I can't reconcile this stuff.
...752k used, 10956k free, 60780k buffers Swap: 1572856k total, 160k used, 1572696k free, 377324k cached PID VIRT RES SHR %MEM SWAP COMMAND 24729 127m 32m 15m 4.3 94m evolution 3409 97220 5268 4304 0.7 89m evolution-data- 2851 115m 36m 7120 4.8 79m X 10937 109m 45m 14m 6.0 63m firefox-bin 3417 63076 7876 6756 1.0 53m evolution-alarm 3363 40332 7284 6228 0.9 32m eggcups 24745 37480 8176 6876 1.1 28m evolution-excha 3736 53272 29m 8660 3.9 22m gnome-terminal 3361 44404 21m 10m 2.9 21m nautilus 3357 39868 21m 10m 2.8 17m gnome-panel 4096 254...
2015 Jun 27
Anyone else think the latest Xorg fix is hogging stuff?
...4152 hardtolo 20 0 915m 28m 20m S 1.7 0.4 182:27.00 knotify4 27 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 1.0 0.0 28:58.96 events/0 12581 wild-bil 20 0 302m 14m 9.9m S 1.0 0.2 0:02.43 gnome-terminal 26741 hardtolo 20 0 15300 1420 892 S 1.0 0.0 0:02.47 top Anyone else pound the crap out of a desktop with FF and see Xorg getting "fat"? TIA for any clues or response. Bill
2015 Jun 28
Anyone else think the latest Xorg fix is hogging stuff?
...> 4152 hardtolo 20 0 915m 28m 20m S 1.7 0.4 182:27.00 > knotify4 > 27 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 1.0 0.0 28:58.96 > events/0 > 12581 wild-bil 20 0 302m 14m 9.9m S 1.0 0.2 0:02.43 > gnome-terminal > 26741 hardtolo 20 0 15300 1420 892 S 1.0 0.0 0:02.47 top > > Anyone else pound the crap out of a desktop with FF and see Xorg getting > "fat"? > > TIA for any clues or res...